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[Help] Some Key Questions About Souls

Someone's asking for help!


Sep 6, 2024
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I asked this on another forum, but I would really like as wide a variety of answers here as possible. ^^

First off, the biggest question I’d like to ask by far is if souls can be completely corrupted (changed forcibly from what they were before) by an external force? Beyond that, in the same vein, can a soul be destroyed utterly? Can a soul be 100%-guaranteed imprisoned and held forever, no matter what?

By the way, I should define a soul in this case as any spirit with some kind of intelligence, emotion, and self-awareness. For now though, let’s just keep things simple and say the spirits of regular earth human beings like you and me.

Robert Ramsay

Oct 1, 2023
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I'll kick off by saying that I, personally, do not believe in the existence of souls as separate objects. I believe a person to be a kind of software that runs on a kind of hardware (even though we have no idea how). So destroying a soul is pretty easy. You just destroy the brain.


Staff member
Jul 3, 2023
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I like the view that we all carry some divine spark in us that’s not personal and in no sense unique to our being as individuals, i.e. not a soul in the conventional sense, more like an inextinguishable light that is part of the Source (or God, in many paradigms) but it‘s not us. Us, that’s various accretions around it that make us unique individuals, our predilections and dislikes, memories, traumas and so on but also our knowledge and our know-how we’ve acquired over time, e.g. a foreign language or how to drive a car. It’s not the ‚evil ego‘ that many NewAgers so dearly wish to eradicate, it’s your genes, your anatomy (like Freud famously said: „Anatomy is destiny“ – life is different for tall people than for short ones, after all!), your idiosyncrasies, your tempers, imprinting and mentality, in short: your individuality. The divine spark, however, is divine, ineffable, not yours to sell to demons or some other spirits, incorruptible, indestructible, ineffable and unknowable, and after death this impersonal spark (NOT what you call you) merges with the Source, the Father or whatever you call it (or dissolves without a trace instead, that’s another possibility I personally find even more probable – and like).

What can be imprisoned, enslaved, destroyed, etc., however, is our individuality, us as persons, and that’s bad enough, which is why I don’t want to worry about potential damage to, or annihilation of, an imaginary personal soul on top of all that.


Organized Chaos
Aug 1, 2024
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I too hold the same idea that we all contain a spark of the divine so I don’t think you can imprison or snuff out that spark but many caught up in the material world don’t always nurture it.
I like to think of all of us as pieces of a giant hologram, all of us has a place that makes up a whole, in order to snuff out a fractal you’d be corrupting the whole. So no I believe the All, or the whole or the absolute is ineffable. You can kill a persons physical spirit but not their internal soul, it can be corrupted (and by extension eternal) one. But not destroyed.
Last edited:


Oct 20, 2023
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Oct 23, 2021
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I asked this on another forum, but I would really like as wide a variety of answers here as possible. ^^

First off, the biggest question I’d like to ask by far is if souls can be completely corrupted (changed forcibly from what they were before) by an external force? Beyond that, in the same vein, can a soul be destroyed utterly? Can a soul be 100%-guaranteed imprisoned and held forever, no matter what?

By the way, I should define a soul in this case as any spirit with some kind of intelligence, emotion, and self-awareness. For now though, let’s just keep things simple and say the spirits of regular earth human beings like you and me.
You can see it as a frequency range or a spectrum
It can be seen that way too...
But soul cannot be destroyed or removed because of its divine quality and it's essence

As I understood the whole trapment or coming back to this realm or let's say human or earth being is rooted in the frequency of the soul during it's last existence that might be un-fit to the source or the spiritual realm that's why it get ejected from the source to say on material realm or to reincarnate as a individual being

There was a terms for souls that cannot ascend or change frequency to a higher pitch
Earthbound souls
Unhappysouls something of that metaphor aka souls that stay forever in the material universe
But at some point since you are part of the source , source itself will give you secondchances to be saved if you don't it's your own freewill as if you choose to be saved and return to the source or unity consciousness


Jan 26, 2024
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I asked this on another forum, but I would really like as wide a variety of answers here as possible. ^^

First off, the biggest question I’d like to ask by far is if souls can be completely corrupted (changed forcibly from what they were before) by an external force? Beyond that, in the same vein, can a soul be destroyed utterly? Can a soul be 100%-guaranteed imprisoned and held forever, no matter what?

By the way, I should define a soul in this case as any spirit with some kind of intelligence, emotion, and self-awareness. For now though, let’s just keep things simple and say the spirits of regular earth human beings like you and me.

"The soul is neither born, nor does it ever die.
Nor having once existed, does it ever cease to be. The soul is without birth, eternal, ever existing and undying"

"As you let go of worn out clothing, likewise at the time of death, your soul lets go of its worn out body and enters a new one"

The soul can never be disrupted or disturbed. Only your spirit and or body can. Recently a lot of spirits and bodies have been corrupted through egregores and leviathans. Through Transgenderism and similar.

3 components of the human aggregate: Body, Spirit, Soul.

The body is the lowest, spirit is the middle and soul is the hughest.

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