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"Spirit Guide" Meditation

Now mind you, this is not by any accounts a "traditional" spiritual guide meditation, as that is part of a closed practice and I would not dare to claim to know anything about such a practice. However, there are various animals that can help you on your journey and thus "guide" you in your spiritual work. As you do this meditation, it should be alongside other shadow workings, as well as learning about who you are. When you determine your "guide", it is helpful to study the animal they have come to represent, how that animal functions within the web of life, as well as interact with them on a regular basis. This is simply a shorthand meditation that I have found to help awaken this part of people, and you might find it is very similar to other types of meditations.

As usual, prepare the space for your meditation. Keep it free of distractions, and maybe light some incense if you vibe with that sort of thing. This visualization can be done either laying down, sitting, or in the lotus position, whichever is most comforting to you. Imagine roots extending out from your body and sinking deep into the ground, keeping your body still, safe, secure.

As you bring your awareness into that trance-like state, slowing your breathing and drawing awareness to your body, visualize yourself walking out of a forest into an open alcove. This alcove can have caves, bushes, waterfalls, ponds, streams, whatever strikes your fancy as your astral body comes to occupy it. The air is fresh and filled with the scent of pine and earth. The sun filters through the leaves, casting gentle rays of light on the forest floor. You hear the soft rustle of leaves, the distant chirping of birds, and the whisper of a gentle breeze. As you enter the center of this alcove, you find a sense of tranquility and serenity wash over you. All is one with the world and all is right. In the center of the clearing, you find yourself standing and looking up to the sky. Reach out with your awareness and make known your desire to meet your guide. Ask them to reveal themselves to you, to show you who they are.

As you finish making known your desire, return your awareness to the surrounding alcove. Let your mind wander freely, and without expectation. In some cases, you may find yourself wandering back out of the alcove, or into a cave, or back into the woods. Do what feels right until you come across the first animal that finds you. Make note of its coloration, its size, its shape, how it interacts with the surrounding forest, how it interacts with you. Take a moment to connect with your guide. You may feel a sense of recognition, as if this being has always been with you, guiding you from the shadows. If you wish, you can ask your guide any questions that come to mind, or simply spend time in its presence, absorbing its wisdom. Notice any feelings, thoughts, or messages that arise. These may be subtle, so allow yourself to receive them without judgment.

When the time has come for you to depart, be sure to thank your guide for revealing itself to you, and return the way you had come to meet your guide, back to your corporeal form. With each step, feel yourself coming back to the present moment, bringing with you the energy and wisdom of your guide. Begin to bring your awareness back to your physical body. Wiggle your fingers and toes, take a deep breath, and when you’re ready, gently open your eyes. Take a moment to sit quietly, reflecting on your experience. Know that your guide is now a part of your journey, and you can call upon it whenever you need guidance.


Nov 16, 2023
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When you determine your "guide", it is helpful to study the animal they have come to represent, how that animal functions within the web of life, as well as interact with them on a regular basis.

For this, books from Ted Andrews could be helpful:
  • Animal Wise
  • Animal Speak


Organized Chaos
Aug 1, 2024
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For this, books from Ted Andrews could be helpful:
  • Animal Wise
  • Animal Speak
I haven’t read them but pretty sure I’ve come across them. Have you read them and did you find them as helpful as Khor’s meditation?


Practical Philosopher
Mar 25, 2022
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I haven’t read them but pretty sure I’ve come across them. Have you read them and did you find them as helpful as Khor’s meditation?
I actually have a copy of Animal Speak and it's pretty useful.


Organized Chaos
Aug 1, 2024
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I actually have a copy of Animal Speak and it's pretty useful.
I think I saw those books because of you tbh, when I was looking up lesser known spirit guide books. I think that’s why they sounded so familiar. 😂
I still am curious to try out your tutorial though ^-^


Jul 9, 2024
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I recommend Evelyn Rysdyk's Spirit Walking: A Course in Shamanic Power as it utilizes a lot of trance, soul journeying and does delve into pathworking. Though I am not a huge fan of Core Shamanism, Rysdyk takes the majority of the good stuff and has a decent explanation of the Journey.


Sep 3, 2024
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That's a really nice guided visualization. I appreciate that it's long enough to get you fully into that space while not being so long that you can't fit it in among other things. I gave it a go, and had a good experience, so it's effective too. :D

I think it's great that you encourage asking questions during the experience.

After you use this to connect to a spirit guide, this is also a good place to come back and spend time with said guide, and even branch out and explore other internal spaces using this as a stepping stone. I haven't done that yet with this space, but I have with other similar spaces with good success.

Thanks for sharing!