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"Step outside of yourself"

Sep 9, 2021
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What are the mundane and magical meanings of this phrase?

To me, the mundane means to view the context from another pair of shoes.
Magically, to me it means astral travel. In this case, m how does one protect themselves from a takeover (possession), or from hostile attackers?


Apr 16, 2021
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Beforehand, invoke your spiritual guides and protectors. And I forget where I read this from but another technique is to essentially create an egg of psychic protection around yourself before. It might’ve been in Dion Fortunes “Psychic Defense”. The shell of the egg should be visualized to be iridescent, like motor oil in water, and hazy. Also very strong. Things like mental and spiritual fortitude should go without saying. Using those steps, even though I’ve had hostile entities approach and try to attack, they never get passed.

I guess another important factor is the method you use for astral travel. I personally use one where I climb a long set of stairs and when I reach the top, I open a golden door as I say some phrases and bam, I’m in the astral. That door gives me something to close in case things go south.
Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
Beforehand, invoke your spiritual guides and protectors. And I forget where I read this from but another technique is to essentially create an egg of psychic protection around yourself before. It might’ve been in Dion Fortunes “Psychic Defense”. The shell of the egg should be visualized to be iridescent, like motor oil in water, and hazy. Also very strong. Things like mental and spiritual fortitude should go without saying. Using those steps, even though I’ve had hostile entities approach and try to attack, they never get passed.

I guess another important factor is the method you use for astral travel. I personally use one where I climb a long set of stairs and when I reach the top, I open a golden door as I say some phrases and bam, I’m in the astral. That door gives me something to close in case things go south.
Great info, thank you.