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Thanks/Praise Successful communication and very clear answers from Duke Agares

Giving thanks or praise to a diety, spirit, or any other entity.


Aug 29, 2024
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I recently used a pendulum ritual to communicate with the Shem angels and Goetia demons (found it in the book ref. to at the bottom of this post), specifically connecting with Duke Agares. The results were astounding! As it was my first time using the pendulum for communication, I did a test with questions provided by a friend about people, places, and events only he knew. Duke Agares was able to answer all the questions with precise yes/no responses and even provided additional details, such as exact ages, street numbers, and more.

I highly recommend this method. It was truly awe-inspiring to witness the level of detail in the responses. During the session, you can also ask the spirit—Duke Agares, in my case—if they can assist with specific situations, and they will communicate if they can help, what results to expect, and in how many days the goal/result can be achieved.

I'm writing this to fulfill a promise I made to Duke Agares. I vowed to give him public praise if he answered all my test questions correctly, and today he reminded me to keep my word before we can do another session.

For those who have more experience and can connect directly with Agares or other spirits, this post may not be necessary for you. However, it's intended for beginners who wish to learn more and have a successful experience with this method, keeping the energy positive.

Please feel free to share your comments, thoughts, or suggestions for other methods that have worked for you—especially practical and beginner-friendly techniques.

Praise to Duke Agares:
Duke Agares, I give you my utmost gratitude for your clear and detailed answers. Your guidance was accurate beyond expectation, and I deeply appreciate your presence. Thank you for your assistance and continued support.