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Sup I'm Mr.Redd

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Apr 16, 2023
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Hi i've been looking for a community to discuss things with like minded people outside of the occasional reddit post for years and this place seems like a good fit, i live in one of the more weird parts of Michigan and have experienced my fair share of encounters and now plan on expanding my knowledge to further reaches. if you have stories or theories about shadow people please tell me as that's what my research is mostly about.


Apr 16, 2023
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encounters? like bigfoot?
Nah i've encountered some things like time looping and a few reports of weird things happening in house, along with one time being called to deal with a "ghost" which i'm pretty sure was just a drafty house and stress.

The cool stuff is the weird things happening inside peoples houses cause there was a time somebody kept on losing their stuff and it was always in the basement, in my own home i've heard something walk past my windown in odd ways, reports of shadow people wandering places, one time an old man said he had the devil in his furnace which was nothing but still fun, I stayed overnight in a few haunted houses and heard footsteps coming after me, i once got so scared going out of my house i just decided to stay inside all day, time looping in a specific hallway at my school where i would just end up back where i began when i went straight down it, pretty sure i got chased by something in a forest at night.

and yeah that's all i can think of but unfortunately i've never encountered bigfoot or any of the big name monsters of folk lore.
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