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Tebilgiborit - Evocation of an Obscure and Forgotten Spirit from a 15th century Grimoire


Mar 2, 2024
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Tebilgiborit’s sigil found in Fasciculus Rerum Geomanticarum (1494):

Tebilgiborit is an interesting Spirit indeed whose Only mention is found in Fasciculus Rerum Geomanticarum. This spirit capured my Interest for the appearance of the word Borit in his name. See, that A lot of misspellings happen in the trasncrption of names from Hebrew to Greek to latin and vice versa, I myself think that I captured a lot of cases like that.

The Etymology of Tebilgiborit is simple and it is the following: Tebilgi although it does not appear to have an exact word that looks like it, the best guess for the first syllable of Tebilgiborit is probably the Turkish word for Assembly which is Teblig which itself derives from
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tablīḡ in Arabic. The word ultimately meant To Reach, To Arrive and its definite accusative form it is written as Tebligi. A deeper more profound and clearer definition of what Tebligi means is found at the Wikipedia:

It can be deduced from the linguistic meaning and Quranic usage that Tabligh in Islam is presenting and conveying the divine Islamic teachings and guidance to people. Allah said: “O Messenger, proclaim that which has been revealed to you from your Lord. And if you do not, then you have not conveyed His message. And God will protect you from the people.”* Many Quranic verses and narrations are found that speak about the status of Tabligh and calling and their importance in the lives of nations and peoples throughout history, due to their connection to the various aspects of human society, its levels, and its otherworldly and worldly requirements, and the fact that they represent the direct intermediary between heaven and earth, and the means that Allah chose to guide, teach, and purify His creation. The detailed hadith that was mentioned about the call, communication, guidance, direction, enjoining good and the like in many places in the Book and Sunnah is nothing but the best evidence of the divine keenness to convey the heavenly laws, especially the Islamic law, and to teach its rulings to the people, which is what we call “the process of communication and calling to Allah.” Therefore, informing people about Islamic rulings and divine knowledge, giving believers good tidings of Paradise and divine bliss, warning those who disobey of punishment, and warning them against the consequences of deviating after worldly desires and pleasures and forgetting the Hereafter is the purpose of Islamic preaching. Preaching is the goal of the existence of every prophet. If it were not for the mission of preaching, sending prophets would have been in vain and meaningless. Sending prophets is a manifestation of the attribute of mercy and compassion. They are like the sun in guidance and benefit to humanity. These two attributes were most evident in Muhammad in the words of Allah in Surat Al-Anbiya: “And We have not sent you, [O Muhammad], except as a mercy to the worlds.” If he had not come and renewed the call of the previous prophets, Allah’s mercy would not have been revealed to us, and we would have remained lost and confused in the desert of ignorance, disbelief, and the desolate misguidance.

Evocation of Tebilgiborit.​

It would be a shame of course to not evoke or work with this intersing and obscure spirit, in so doing I had chosen to evoke the spirit, this aspect of berith whilst being on a theurgy accumulated by berith himself. This was around the same that that I had evoked tebilgiborit.

I prepared beforehand, as is my custom, repeated offerings of beef and raw organs, ground into a fine paste known as kibbeh nayeh, accompanied by fruits soaked in a juice blessed by the spirit of Elelogap. Using an ancient Egyptian incantation, I imbued the liquid with magical properties, further sanctifying it as a conduit for the infernal. This ritual, intricate and deliberate, deepened my connection with the infernal empire and consecrated my life in its shadow.

As I completed the preparations, I became enshrouded in the luminous presence of Amaymon, whose radiance resonated with the black diamond within me. This profound vibration both purified and fortified my essence. Overwhelmed with ecstatic reverence, I turned my attention to the sacred sigil upon the wall and began chanting variations of the spirit’s name:


The tunnel of darkness opened before me, and I felt the essence of tebligiborit saturating the space, weaving through me and around me. In this moment of sublime convergence, I proclaimed that the offerings were made in her honor, witnessed by the accompanying spirits.

When Tebligiborit manifests within the sorcerer’s temple, the presence is solid, unyielding, and profound—a weighty reality that emerges from within an abyss of tranquil nothingness. Yet, this stillness is not void but charged with judgment, clarity, and undeniable authority.

Tebilgiborit has very interesting manifestiaons. First the spirit appears as a high contrasted silvery face. Think of a silver mask appearing within the darkness, the reflectinve metal reflects a very brilliant light.

After this physical vision, I obserd momemntary two human eyes that seemed to not look at me neceeralt, in so doing they appeared to be sort of scanning the sarroundings of my temple.

But what remained more than even the siver face manifestation, it is what I would call the second main manifestion of tebligiborit with the silver face being the first. These main manifestaions and appearances are burned idols within my mind, sort of real idols or more powerful sigils that are more unique, more special than a simple sigil that’s why having an autopsy on every new spirit that I evoke is so important to me.

Furthermore, the second autopsy of Tebilgiborit, on the right side of his face he appeared that he had a face with bull charecticits and on the left side of his face he had snake charcetis so he had an eye of a cattle and the eye of a serpent in the same face.

Whats crazy about this appearance is that the final face of Tebilgiboritis that he somehow combined the face of a bull and a serpent together,

In the mean time between those maninfestations of beholdable and recognizable forms such that of eyes and animals, Tebligiborit also took the shape of an coiled flame. The coiled flame appearance is almost like a flame that took upon the colours of yellow, red and blue. He also took the shape of what looked like an silver metallic orb that was orbited by what looked like black sharp shards.

I didn’t transcribed my exact discussing with Tebilgiborit, but I understood by our silent communion that paralused my hand. The spirit of Tebilgiboritcan be invoked in order to expand’s one knowledge and understanding, although tebligiborit is most probably derived from from baal berith thus him being what would be called a ghost or a duplicate of Baal berith, Tebilgiboritputs more emphasis on the witness part of the convenant rathen than being the ruler or god of the convenant who punishes the prepertraor or the one who makes false oaths.

Tebligiborit offered me Gudulah and a deeper and more profound understanding of the divine princle of gudulah which means glory in Hebrew. Gudulah atleast in my practice and in my tradition which I make along the way in this pathworkings means to widen the self, in so doing being glorious means to be a priest in one’s life so you live by laws and commandments. By that, you pave a clear way in your life.

Furthermore Tebilgiborit also offered me also a widen view of myself and he cleared the from obstances and urges. By allowing the self to see self from bird’s eye view, from the witness perceptive of the covenant allows the one to judge the self more accordingly.


May 1, 2021
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Holy shit...this god damm text is huge, man.

But such Spirit can help you with Alchemy, witchcraft, black magic, protection and invisibilty, Secrets on stars


Mar 2, 2024
Reaction score
Holy shit...this god damm text is huge, man.

But such Spirit can help you with Alchemy, witchcraft, black magic, protection and invisibilty, Secrets on stars
Yep! i did got a very astrologically opened sight kind of vibe. the spirits almost urges you to widen your grip.. this aligns with the concept of Gudulah in qabbalah, or at least what I think of when I observe gudulah.