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[Help] Telepathy between occultists or just schizophrenia?

Someone's asking for help!


Aug 26, 2024
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So I've had 5 instances of psychosis in my life. Last one happened very recently and throughout it felt like talking with other occultists in the area but it was getting too much for me so I went to a doctor and got meds which silenced their voices (besides friends there were attackers of religious kind). It wasn't just in this last instance but in earlier psychotic episodes the same theme was present, that I was communicating with others that had their telepathy abilities sharpened.

Was all this just a delusion? It throws me off because I can't imagine how my mind was generating those voices that sounded like totally different people with their own mental content and trying to push their magick on me.

Is this like the first step in being psychic? Hearing others' thoughts about you and especially communicating with other occultists?
Will I be able to hone this skill once I come off meds and am better able to keep attackers at bay?