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The Archangel of Geburah

Sep 9, 2021
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When did it get changed from Kamael/Chamael or Samuel, to Samael?
The reason I ask is that in Qlippoth, Golochab is run by King Asmodeus, and where Hod would be, is Samael and Adremalek.
Many modern grimoires and some prayers I see as Samael.
One common explanation is that Samael would be one of the most critical, tough, and impartial enough to work both Geburah and Golochab, and then there is the question about what about Asmodaei?
I recall older books such as the Magus or Agrippa naming the angle as Chamael or Kamael.


Aug 29, 2021
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I believe It’s the same Angel...different spelling

In Jewish myth he was the Satan in the book of Job, he told Sarah Abrahams wife that he had killed Isaac so she died of grief. He is the Guardian Angel of Edom (Rome, Christianity), he was the Angel who wrestled Jacob


Aug 29, 2021
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From my limited knowledge Asmodeus is a title

he is called the son is Samael and Lil (Eves first wife)


Staff member
Sep 27, 2021
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Thinking about things and coming to your own conclusions can be very helpful and (in some cases) might have more value than a "correct" answer.
In the thread where you were asking about Shem Angels I gave the example of Sitel and wrote how the Samech can be an S or a K just like our C.
Kamael is spelled with a Samech, so depending on the transcriber it is Kamael or Samael.
I have written somewhere on here how i think that a different spelling of Samael (ShMAL) translates to Left Hand.
So if you place yourself opposite the Tree of Life instead of backing into it, then Geburah is at your left - Samael.
A new rabbit hole: ShM is "name" and AL of course is god.
But there are other spellings for Samael beside these and it really comes down to the person transcribing the Hebrew into western letters and the ideology / scheme of that person.
Sep 9, 2021
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It just occurred to me Ive been doing the Qabalistic Cross (not backing into the tree) this entire time.
Okay, will try backing into the tree and doing that. Thank you for the explanation (again :)


Aug 29, 2021
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It just occurred to me Ive been doing the Qabalistic Cross (not backing into the tree) this entire time.
Okay, will try backing into the tree and doing that. Thank you for the explanation (again :)
The Chesed energy...the Big Bang, outpouring of life...was stopped and limited and given shape by Gevurah death


Mar 20, 2022
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I'm also interested in the attributions and having them make sense. I think Mider and Yazata are correct about the different spellings. Some sounrces go even further and say: He is known as Kamael, Camel, Camiel, Camniel, Kamuel, Kemuel, Khamael, Samael, and Shamael.

That's a lot of different Hebrew letters and transliterations. And some sources have Camael (with the "C") as the arch angel of love. A bit of a different aspect to our normal conception of Gevurah as the warrior king and Severity of God.

Contrast that with Samael or the Poison of God, often called the accuser. As far as Samael goes, it seems that he/they/it has different aspects. I'll find and post some of my notes that compare the regular and averse attributions for Geburah/Gevurah and Hod and some bits on Asmodeus.


Mar 20, 2022
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In case you didn't see it, my tree of life site has a lot of this information (though condensed and placed right on the tree). See
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Notice (you can see on the site) that the colour of Geburah in the world of Atziluth is orange, which is how we usually think of Hod because most trees we see use the Queen scale colours for Briah for all the Sephiroth. So there is a connection here, as we move down one world the colour of Geburah transfers to Hod below it on the pillar. However note that Hod is not considered Geburah on a lower arc, that connection goes to Netzach (notably also an orangy colour "amber" in Atziluth) though of course transformed through Tiphareth.

Some attributes will go down the pillar with the polarity or connections intact but many reverse and become the opposite or complementary.

You are talking about the averse tree also, the Qlippoth. Back to my site again, there is a button at the bottom marked with a sort of "Q", that gives you the averse tree. I sometimes think of the averse version being/starting one world, or one level down from the regular Tree of Life. So we do not get a real name of God here, but names or words of power instead.

On the site I chose just a single name for the attributions but especially on the averse side there are often two contending or complementing attributions. Here are some short notes:

5. Golachab, Flaming Ones (meaning unclear) or Incendieries
corresp: Bureaucracy
5. Golachab, Burning Bodies (aka Golab)
outer form: Usiel, the ruins of God
Asmodeus: the Destroying God or Samael the Black (demon of the wounding spear)
both names work are for "the one adorned with fire"
DionF: the Sphere of the Burning and Destroying Forces of Hatred (too active)
aka "the Burning and Contending Forces"
Hell from pdf: Tythihoz/Titahion - the Clay of Death

8. Samael, False Accuser (SMM, samam - poison) Jugglers
corresp: Rigid order
8. Samael, the Desolation of God, or The Left Hand (Falsity)
outer form: Theuniel, the Filthy Wailing Ones of God
Adrammelelch: Powerful King
...Sepharvites burnt their children in the fire to Adrammelech and
Anammelech, the gods of Sepharvaim.
Hell from pdf: Sha'arimrath/Shaarimoth - The Gates of Death (transformation)


Mar 20, 2022
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So I take Samael the Black (demon of the wounding spear) to be a different aspect of Samael than the one being used as the name of power for Hod on the averse tree. Note that Gevurah is the powerful king, the right arm which is the sword arm and so holds the Sword of Geburah.

One can think of the averse tree as the reverse (other side of the coins, though we are talking about spheres and arcs), so now we are facing the other way and Geburah and Hod are on the left - Samael -> ShMAL -> "left hand".

Now I want to look up my notes on Asmodeus too, since he is one of the arch demons associated with the sphere and the one that I think makes more modern sense. Thanks for getting me curious about this again.


Mar 20, 2022
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OK a few things on King Asmoday (Asmodeus). He seems to be powerful and will pop up in cultural refs so somehow he has captured the human imagination in some way and/or likes to interact with us even on this plane. You can find most of this on Wikipedia even:

King Asmoday
32. He "is strong, powerful and appears with three heads; the first is like a bull, the second like a man, and the third like a ram; the tail of a serpent, and from his mouth issue flames of fire." He sits upon an infernal dragon, holds a lance with a banner and, amongst the Legions of Amaymon, Asmoday governs seventy-two legions of inferior spirits.
Malleus Maleficarum (1486), Asmodeus was considered the demon of lust
(each of the seven deadly sins given a demon)
- has a gold seal
- other spellings Asmodeus, Asmodai, Ashmodai, Osmodeus, Osmodai
(see: The Story of King Solomon and Ashmedai)
- also he ascribes to him the fifth plane of Heaven and Hell, which is Wrath

Note the fifth plane. Also the numbers involved 32 = 2^5 (powers of two are pretty important these days)

Here are some more notes that were in a work by Alan Moore (who has said that he has met an entity that claimed to be Asmodeus), note the colours again red (Gevurah and fire) and Green (Netzach and nature) which are opposites on the colour wheel as they transform through Tiphareth.

The two-and-thirtieth Spirit is called Asmoday. He is a great King,
strong and powerful. He cometh with three heads...
He giveth the ring of Virtues, and teacheth the arts of Arithmatic,
Geometry, Astronomy and handicraft. He giveth full and true answers
to all questions and can maketh men invisible.
He showeth places where is treasure hidden and he governeth a full
six-dozen Legions of inferior spirits.
Of the devils captured by King Solomon on the symbolic plane, the
fiercest and most difficult to subjugate is Asmoday.
...assumes the form of Solomon and goeth on to complete the building
of Solomon's temple at Jerusalem...
He is husband to the monster Lilith, Queen of Night and
the Mother of Abominations.
...driven out by exocism into antique Egypt, spitefully removing all
his mathematic insights from one kingdom to the other in attrition.
Asmoday, in the arrangement of ten rings or tori by which Hell and Heaven
are composed, is the demonic ruler of the Fifth plane and is thus
associated principally with Wrath.
5 = Wrath.
The flower of this particular domain is the five-petal rose, this being
emblem to the mortal township, making it conductive to the fiend.
Asmoday's colours, are red and green, which signify both his severity
and the the emotive nature of...