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Journal The Conjuring Group 🤘

A record of a users' progress or achievements in their particular practice.


Apr 16, 2024
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"Tell me Commander, is Time to Party?" :cool:

The Conjuring Group's Journal: I intend this journal as a place to present a Wide Variety of my interests, and get things rolling!
I plan to post here "Kind of" regularly, as time permits. I have a LOT of Time, but strangely, since joining this Forum, I've had an incredible desire to "Practice", which I've never let anything interfere with, Ever, for Years! I have a "Rolling" practice, one Major multi-part operation in the morning, then any others that I need or want to engage in for the remainder of that day, works for me! But, so many things to do and accomplish for one Sorcerer!

Standby for some Content... Soon?
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"Tell me Commander, is Time to Party?" :cool:

The Conjuring Group's Journal: I intend this journal as a place to present a Wide Variety of my interests, and get things rolling!
I plan to post here "Kind of" regularly, as time permits. I have a LOT of Time, but strangely, since joining this Forum, I've had an incredible desire to "Practice", which I've never let anything interfere with, Ever, for Years! I have a "Rolling" practice, one Major multi-part operation in the morning, then any others that I need or want to engage in for the remainder of that day, works for me! But, so many things to do and accomplish for one Sorcerer!

Standby for some Content... Soon?
And When there Is Some Content... Check It Out! ;)
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WHAT IS a Conjuring Group?:

Good question, the general consensus may be a small group of magical practioners, consisting of a Magister / Magistra, the leading Operator,
usually with a Skryrer, one or more attendants, et al, and possibly, some passive participants within a magical circle gathered together to perform a Rite of Evocation of some random non-physical entity. There are various reasons to convene such a group, not the least of which is that it's a
Lot of Work for One Operator to go alone!
(And.. the Egregore that forms is "More than the Sum of it's Parts!) We Shall Understand WHY That IS, too!

But..., it doesn't Have to be Limited to just Evocation! The Group can perform Many Different Types Magical Operations!

Dion Fortunes"s entire Order acted in Concert to Oppose the Nazi invasion of Britain!
(Though they were constrained by Wartime travel, and other restrictions.) They acted in Concert!
Other examples might be operations of some type of Activism: Political, etc.
I Won't be Advocating any Specifics on Anything, but the Concepts Involved will be Studied in Depth!

So.., We will be discussing some Many Other Interesting Concepts as well, some may even be of Help in an Increasingly Fucked Up time
looming ahead?

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The Conjuring Group has an "Egregore"!

Many folks will already have an understanding of this as second nature, to those folks I apologize for the repetition!
For those who haven't though, I hope this will give basic insight into what a group like this is all about, even if it's a bit "Stenographic" in it's brevity.

First of all, Egregores are Everywhere in our modern world! The most prominent may well be those created by Multi-National, (Read) Global Corporations? They use "Jingles and Images", plus other cute stuff to try to Hypnotize us into believing they're our Friends! But, sometimes those tactics fail to be effective on some of us "Magical Beings" that have learned to $ee? These things want to affect the "Mass Market".
Point of fact: it's not just Magical Groups that can have an Egregore! Clubs, Schools, et al, have egregores too.

Our Conjuring Group egregore though is designed on Purpose, with specific "Names and Images", and more often than not, a "physical basis", such as a statue, icon, et al, that act as "keys" for the benefit of the Members of the Group! A fairly well known example might be the "GOTOS" of the "Fraternitas Saturni".

We don't share these keys with just any other old "Non-Magical Beings", because it's arguably the Chief source of our "Magical Power"!
Each member has multiple inputs to the egregore, with their "deep" selves all cresting upon a "collective" level that's real handy! There's also the
matter of the Higher level "Agathodaemonic" level too, as well as the normal everyday level of consciousnesses, all contributing to this Powerful
Thought form comprising the Group's egregore! Each member can "Draw" upon the egregore's energy in private workings too.

So, it really Grows to be More than the Sum of it Parts! The real reason Magical Groups are convened in the first place. This is the Collective Life Force of the Group, the Magical Power we shall use to make our Mojo, Juju, Magic/k, and hopefully Not Mayhem! Most groups that I have experienced vary in size between 2-3, to as many as 6-9, there are No obligatory parameters, 3-6 is about optimal, IMO. The Chief difficulty in convening a group like this is one of Sympathetic, Empathetic, Compatibility, it's Damned Difficult to get a group that can Work Together, without "hissy fits", and Silly Ego Bull$hit. I Know it's possible as well though. I will add here that a Well Trained Couple can work some Impressive Magic/k too!

So.., Now we can "Press On" to some of those Other Interesting Concepts that may well be undertaken by our Conjuring Group, you know, those that may be of Use in an "Increasingly Fucked Up" time looming ahead?

If anyone has some thoughts or ideas, well you know that's what this is all about, feel free to help me out here!

STAY TUNED FOR: "Now that we know What it Is, What's it Good For?"
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The Conjuring Group has an "Egregore"!
Darn, a day late and a dollar short! I meant to put a link to a good graphic example of an egregore back up there in the proper section, but got distracted, so I'll slip it in here!

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This graphic is a pretty good illustration of the concept! (y)
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Apr 16, 2024
Reaction score

Been editing a large amount of research material that I've put off far too long, I Don't forget pet projects, might seem like it though!
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Been editing a large amount of research material that I've put off far too long, I Don't forget pet projects, might seem like it though!
I'm open for questions at this point we're almost ready to discuss some Practical work besides Evocation, though that's Okay.
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Apr 16, 2024
Reaction score
WRAPPING UP the Preliminaries: How do we make all this Work?

There are some points that remain to be covered before we can actually say we've Got This!
We've covered some of the intrinsic mechanics, but we need to focus on a few final touches.
We are illustrating a Conjuring Group that exists in "Meatspace" here and now.
Later we might also ponder how this can be adapted to a "Cyberspace" paradigm, which IMO
has some advantages, but is Much More Difficult, for reasons we shall consider!

Most of the folks that we know and work successful Magic with have their own Sanctum,
Ritual/Temple Space, et al, that serves their private practice. Some in this particular
group have space for 2-4 members in they're private home space, but rarely more than that.

Here's where that diverges from Private Practice to "Conjuring Group" which does admittedly
require a bit more space and accouterments! At this point some of you are going to make the
assumption that this perhaps sounds like some sort of conventional "Coven", or even a "Mini-Order".
Not really. There are some similarities, and some Intrinsic differences. The Conjuring Group is
designed to Work Magic. Any Social amenities occur Subsequent to the Business of Working Magic.
Also the Members of this group are in a rapport that Seldom exists in other types of group, the
Consensus, and level of trust, and ability of Members is pretty pronounced.
Once again it's imperative that this be the case, that's why there are so few successful ones.

Here's how one such group functions in our experience, with 6-8 members:

The Group members usually meet informally at a Pub, Sometimes on random days of "Mercury" (Wednesdays).
For good reason too, the Owner of the Pub is a Member of the Group! If a Member of the Group has an
Idea or a Need, that would be best served by Convening the Group they usually mention that at one of
these meetings.

Four times per year (Solar quarters) a special Egregore Charging rite is performed, any adjustments
to keys, etc. happen now. (This used to be Equinoxes only, inclusion of the Solstices suggested
Itself, with only minor variations in Liturgy). These occasions are also when any Especially meaningful
operations (Lunar Phase permitting) are undertaken. If anyone is to be inducted into the group, it will
be at one of these points.

Any Member can also request a special meeting of the group if for some reason it's urgent.
Once the group decides to "convene" for an operation, whom ever requested the operation acts as
the Magister or Magistra for that operation. All members are capable of performing that Lead
Operator function. Everyone is Capable of Anything that might possibly be Needed, there are NO
prima donnas, or members that feel more / less important than any other, a GROUP!
Sweat and sometimes Blood help make it Work. There is no exaggeration in this description.
It sounds complex, but all can be setup to go in about an hour +/-.
Sometimes (Rarely) there are glitches that must be dealt with just like Life.

The Pub has a "decent" sized "Banquet/Meeting" room that can be used by the Group as well.
Tables must be moved / stored on an outdoor patio/garden, because the space is sometimes
used for banquets, parties, etc. It does require preliminary purification, suffumigation,
asperging, before the groups painted canvas floor cloth, and other accouterments are placed
properly, (Always Done). At some point in this journal we might cover how the set up of the
"temple" and it's particular set of furniture, special triangle, etc., is done.

The Circle (Sphere) is now cast and the rite/s proper proceed.

That's basically how this group functions, it works Well.

N.B. Prior to the Pub Owner allowing the use of the banquet room, the group used a another member's
small business basement for the larger operations. The banquet room is a Lot nicer though, got drapes!
That's the base level mechanics of what a "Conjuring Group" Is and Does in our experience.

STAY TUNED: For Lot's of rambling thoughts on where to go from here?
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So far in 2024 the Entire group has "convened" for these operations:

The Vernal Equinox, an operation requested by a member, and the Summer Solstice, a little bit Slow, but steady!
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