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Book – EPUB/MOBI The Creative Act: A Way of Being - Rick Rubin

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Practical Philosopher
Mar 25, 2022
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From the legendary music producer, a master at helping people connect with the wellsprings of their creativity, comes a beautifully crafted book many years in the making that offers that same deep wisdom to all of us.

"A gorgeous and inspiring work of art on creation, creativity, the work of the artist. It will gladden the hearts of writers and artists everywhere, and get them working again with a new sense of meaning and direction. A stunning accomplishment." --Anne Lamott

"I set out to write a book about what to do to make a great work of art. Instead, it revealed itself to be a book on how to be." --Rick Rubin

Many famed music producers are known for a particular sound that has its day. Rick Rubin is known for something else: creating a space where artists of all different genres and traditions can home in on who they really are and what they really offer. He has made a practice of helping people transcend their self-imposed expectations in order to reconnect with a state of innocence from which the surprising becomes inevitable. Over the years, as he has thought deeply about where creativity comes from and where it doesn't, he has learned that being an artist isn't about your specific output, it's about your relationship to the world. Creativity has a place in everyone's life, and everyone can make that place larger. In fact, there are few more important responsibilities.

The Creative Act is a beautiful and generous course of study that illuminates the path of the artist as a road we all can follow. It distills the wisdom gleaned from a lifetime's work into a luminous reading experience that puts the power to create moments--and lifetimes--of exhilaration and transcendence within closer reach for all of us.

Note: This may not seem magic related, but given the philosophy present and the type of thinking that Rick Rubin engages in, it's at least tangential, if not directly related.


Staff member
Jul 3, 2023
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Weeeelll... not an occult book but since you admit it yourself (other posters of totally unrelated books didn't have so much insight)... ok, but don't let in become a habit.


Jul 16, 2022
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Weeeelll... not an occult book but since you admit it yourself (other posters of totally unrelated books didn't have so much insight)... ok, but don't let in become a habit.
With all Due Respect, I would argue that Art is Magick, at first glance this book may seem insignificant, but upon further inspection, its Table of Contents labled "78 Areas of Thought" leads me to beleive its essence parrells a similar concept as a Tarot Deck. I think this is an inspiring book worthy to be put infront of Magicians, and worthy of serious contemplation. The symbol on the Book Cover ⨀ The point within the circle = Kether, the fountain everything springs from. The Magus is the creator of their own world. To feel inspired and want to create, is something extremely relevant to the occult and magick.


Staff member
Jul 3, 2023
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With all Due Respect, I would argue that Art is Magick, at first glance this book may seem insignificant, but upon further inspection, its Table of Contents labled "78 Areas of Thought" leads me to beleive its essence parrells a similar concept as a Tarot Deck. I think this is an inspiring book worthy to be put infront of Magicians, and worthy of serious contemplation. The symbol on the Book Cover ⨀ The point within the circle = Kether, the fountain everything springs from. The Magus is the creator of their own world. To feel inspired and want to create, is something extremely relevant to the occult and magick.
Ok, but please don't discuss the content of books in this section. I admit I started this discussion when I doubted the book's legitimacy but let's not take it further.