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Fulfilled Request The Future of Magick

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Jan 24, 2022
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The Future of Magick: Ideas, Secrets, and Methods of Modern Occultism​

Chapter One - Discovering The Gallery of Magick
Magick for Your Future
Adventures in Practical Magick
The Beginner's (and Experts) Guide to Magick
Chapter Two - Opening to Magick
Five Ways to Get Magick Working
How to Find an Angel
A Rush of Occult Power
The Pathways of Magick
The Power of Magickal Decision
The Skills of Magick
Chapter Three - Stories and Lessons
Making Space for Magick
An Angel Before Me
Three Stories of Magick
Chapter Four - Inspired Magick
Performing Magick for Others
Doing Magick for Others
The Power of the Possible
The Magick of Creativity
The Art of Indirect Magick
The Abundance of Magick
The Perception of Magick
The Underlying Dream
How to Experience Magickal Results
The Reality Pact
You Don't Need to Believe in Magick
Chapter Five - Expanding Your Magick
How to Lust for Results
The Magick of Change
The Alchemy of Happiness
The Curse of Health Magick
Indulge and Dream with Magick
Targeting Your Magick
The Magickal Shortcut
The Magickal Spectrum
Chapter Six - Strange Solutions
Banish Your Lust for Result
Did Something Magickal Happen?
The Power of Magickal Desire
A Touch of The Supernatural
The Balance of Magick
Does Magick Work for Everybody?
What Magick are you Afraid of?
The Magick of Candles
Chapter Seven - Living with Magick
Precise and Personal Magick
Making Contact with Spirits
Finding Magick that Works for You
The Secret of Instant Magick
Recharge Your Magickal Power
The Charmed Magickal Life
What's the Big Secret?
Chapter Eight - Author Interviews
Dark Magick for The Greater Good
An Interview with Gordon Winterfield
Inner Magick
An Interview with Zanna Blaise
Magick is Your Guide
An Interview with Damon Brand
Enthusiastic Persistence
Adam Blackthorne Interviewed
Chapter Nine - Music for Magick
The Magick of Music and Angels
Part One: Enhance Your Angelic ContactPart Two: The Archangel Process
Part Three: Angel Meditations
Chapter Ten - Working with Angels
Advanced Angel Magick
Magick to Recover Lost Love
Thirty-Six New Angelic Powers
Chapter Eleven - Money Magick
The Spiritual Path to Material Success
The Secrets of Money Magick
Supercharge Your Magickal Cashbook
Chapter Twelve - Advancing Through Magick
The Past Can Empower Your Magick
The Missing Magick
Twelve Ways to Increase Your Magick Power
The Magick of Intuition
The Identity Ritual
The Unfreezing Ritual
The Ritual for Greater Magick Power
Getting Magick to Work Now
The Truth About Magick That Works
Transforming Failure into Magickal Success
Divination, Healing, and EvocationDo You Believe in Magick?
The Magick of Disbelief
The Genius of Magick
The Answers of Magick
What is Magick For?
Chapter Thirteen - The Gallery of Magick FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions
General Magick FAQ
Practical Magick FAQ
About the Authors FAQ
Pronunciation and Spelling FAQ
Archangels of Magick FAQ
The Angels of Alchemy FAQ
The 72 Angels of Magick FAQ
Success Magick FAQ
Chaos Magick FAQ
Magickal Attack FAQ
Demons of Magick FAQ
Angels of Wrath FAQ
Magickal Cashbook FAQ
Magickal Protection FAQ
Magickal Riches FAQ
Magickal Servitors FAQThe 72 Sigils of Power FAQ
Sigils of Power and Transformation FAQ
The Angels of Love FAQ
Words of Power FAQ
Magickal Seduction FAQ
Adventures In Sex Magick FAQ
Wealth Magick FAQ
Fears and Problems FAQ
Magickal Safety FAQ
Magickal Theory FAQ
Chapter Fourteen - Answering Your Questions
A Source of Knowledge
General Magick Questions
How Angels Respond
Dark Magick and Influence
Deeper Into Money Magick
Books from The Gallery of Magick
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.


Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power
Staff member
Apr 12, 2021
Reaction score
Just came out 2 days ago. The ebook isn't even available for sale yet. Tag me (@SkullTraill) here when the Kindle version is released and I'll get it for you.


Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power
Staff member
Apr 12, 2021
Reaction score


Aug 16, 2021
Reaction score
Warned: Off-topic. Make a new thread for every request.

The Future of Magick: Ideas, Secrets, and Methods of Modern Occultism​

Chapter One - Discovering The Gallery of Magick
Magick for Your Future
Adventures in Practical Magick
The Beginner's (and Experts) Guide to Magick
Chapter Two - Opening to Magick
Five Ways to Get Magick Working
How to Find an Angel
A Rush of Occult Power
The Pathways of Magick
The Power of Magickal Decision
The Skills of Magick
Chapter Three - Stories and Lessons
Making Space for Magick
An Angel Before Me
Three Stories of Magick
Chapter Four - Inspired Magick
Performing Magick for Others
Doing Magick for Others
The Power of the Possible
The Magick of Creativity
The Art of Indirect Magick
The Abundance of Magick
The Perception of Magick
The Underlying Dream
How to Experience Magickal Results
The Reality Pact
You Don't Need to Believe in Magick
Chapter Five - Expanding Your Magick
How to Lust for Results
The Magick of Change
The Alchemy of Happiness
The Curse of Health Magick
Indulge and Dream with Magick
Targeting Your Magick
The Magickal Shortcut
The Magickal Spectrum
Chapter Six - Strange Solutions
Banish Your Lust for Result
Did Something Magickal Happen?
The Power of Magickal Desire
A Touch of The Supernatural
The Balance of Magick
Does Magick Work for Everybody?
What Magick are you Afraid of?
The Magick of Candles
Chapter Seven - Living with Magick
Precise and Personal Magick
Making Contact with Spirits
Finding Magick that Works for You
The Secret of Instant Magick
Recharge Your Magickal Power
The Charmed Magickal Life
What's the Big Secret?
Chapter Eight - Author Interviews
Dark Magick for The Greater Good
An Interview with Gordon Winterfield
Inner Magick
An Interview with Zanna Blaise
Magick is Your Guide
An Interview with Damon Brand
Enthusiastic Persistence
Adam Blackthorne Interviewed
Chapter Nine - Music for Magick
The Magick of Music and Angels
Part One: Enhance Your Angelic ContactPart Two: The Archangel Process
Part Three: Angel Meditations
Chapter Ten - Working with Angels
Advanced Angel Magick
Magick to Recover Lost Love
Thirty-Six New Angelic Powers
Chapter Eleven - Money Magick
The Spiritual Path to Material Success
The Secrets of Money Magick
Supercharge Your Magickal Cashbook
Chapter Twelve - Advancing Through Magick
The Past Can Empower Your Magick
The Missing Magick
Twelve Ways to Increase Your Magick Power
The Magick of Intuition
The Identity Ritual
The Unfreezing Ritual
The Ritual for Greater Magick Power
Getting Magick to Work Now
The Truth About Magick That Works
Transforming Failure into Magickal Success
Divination, Healing, and EvocationDo You Believe in Magick?
The Magick of Disbelief
The Genius of Magick
The Answers of Magick
What is Magick For?
Chapter Thirteen - The Gallery of Magick FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions
General Magick FAQ
Practical Magick FAQ
About the Authors FAQ
Pronunciation and Spelling FAQ
Archangels of Magick FAQ
The Angels of Alchemy FAQ
The 72 Angels of Magick FAQ
Success Magick FAQ
Chaos Magick FAQ
Magickal Attack FAQ
Demons of Magick FAQ
Angels of Wrath FAQ
Magickal Cashbook FAQ
Magickal Protection FAQ
Magickal Riches FAQ
Magickal Servitors FAQThe 72 Sigils of Power FAQ
Sigils of Power and Transformation FAQ
The Angels of Love FAQ
Words of Power FAQ
Magickal Seduction FAQ
Adventures In Sex Magick FAQ
Wealth Magick FAQ
Fears and Problems FAQ
Magickal Safety FAQ
Magickal Theory FAQ
Chapter Fourteen - Answering Your Questions
A Source of Knowledge
General Magick Questions
How Angels Respond
Dark Magick and Influence
Deeper Into Money Magick
Books from The Gallery of Magick
Do you happen to have the book: Brand, Damon - Stillness and light (2022)?