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Book – PDF The Grimoire of Armadel - S. L. Macgregor Mathers

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Feb 5, 2024
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The Grimoire of Armadel (original title: Liber Armadel seu totius cabalae perfectissima brevissima et infallabilis scientia tam speculativa quam practiqua) is a minor 17th-century French Christian grimoire kept in the Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal in Paris. It was translated into English by S.L. MacGregor Mathers.

It should not be confused with British Library manuscript Lans. 1202 as "The Key of King Solomon by Armadel; Book 4: The Spirits which govern under the Orders of the sovereign Creator" (Clavicules du Roi Salomon, Par Armadel. Livre Quatrieme. Des Esprits qui gouvernent sous les Ordres du Souverain Createur).

Translated from a 17th century manuscript stored in Paris, this is an ancient but still useful book of popularized Christian magic. It is illustrated with intricate sigils.

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PS: for a colored version of seals check out the Magic of Armadel
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