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The Icon: Baphomet


Jun 8, 2021
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Hello everyone! I would like to share with you all, about one of the most amazing Demons of all time. His name is Baphomet. Maybe almost no one, has had any encounters with Baphomet. I may be wrong, I don't know, but I myself had few encounters with this wonderful Demon. He is the least, that many of you have not seen yet. On the other hand, I guess I was blessed to have encounters with Him. In regards, Baphomet is the Demon I admire, and respect the most. I know that He is such a powerful Demon, that no one can't fuck with. Now, I am going to share one of my encounters with Baphomet.

Baphomet's first appearance....

This happened while I was incarcerated, I was in a cell by myself, and I happened to be seated either in a chair or in a bed I'm not to sure. It was very dark and no light inside this cell. All of a sudden, a Dark and very pist off demonic voice spoke from within me. At the time, I thought that I was possessed, but later I learned that I was not. Of course, I was still in control of myself, but this Demon somehow managed to take some control over me. Meanwhile, I was forced to stand up from wherever I was sitting at, and stood facing a window that would face the lobby of that prison. But, I was not looking outside the lobby, I was staring at a reflection that was not my own. I saw a giant Goat with very bright glowing red eyes, and It's fur was golden brown, and thick almost like the fur was actual skin. And, that's when I knew that it was Baphomet. However, this Baphomet had no breast, as it was shown in the descriptions. At least, when I first saw Him. This Baphomet was furious at the time. He also had hooves. During my first encounter with Baphomet, there was a moment that I saw a drop of tear made of fire, coming out on the left side of His red glowing eye. All of a sudden, my right arm rised up pointing upwards towards the ceiling, and then Baphomet said one word. "Burn!!!" And as soon as He said that, flames were surrounding me, and even the whole lobby of the prison was burning. Like if there was a heatwave. Yes, I felt the warmth but I was not sweating or anything. I was more calmed than afraid. Then, I fell to the concrete floor in my cell, and closed my eyes. Nope, I was not dead but an


Jun 8, 2021
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Baphomet, one of my most beloved Demons that I adore, admire, and Love. Out of all the Demons, Baphomet is the most I respect, and honor. In fact, He has tremendous amount of compassion, knowledge, and amazing wisdom. Also, I've had few encounters with the Beast Himself, and they all amazed me. In all regards, I send my biggest, and deepest gratitude, and Love to Baphomet. I am deeply blessed, that I had the pleasure of interacting with Him. I know that Baphomet lives in my heart always, and maybe one day I will see Him again. Now, I am going to share with you all one of my encounters with Baphomet.

When I met Baphomet

Before I begin, let me just say that during this time, I was incarcerated due to my past behavior. Therefore, let us begin, One Dark night, I was in a single cell alone, sitting down on a chair or in a bed. All of a sudden, a Dark demonic voice spoke from within me. In the beginning, I thought that I was possessed. However, later I learned that I was not. I was still in control of myself a bit, but the Demon inside me had full control. Then, I was forced to stand up, and I stood and faced a window facing the lobby of the prison I was in. Although, I was on the window, I was not looking at the hallway, I was staring at a reflection that was not my own. I saw a giant Goat with big red glowing eyes. I was like "What the fuck?" This Demon Goat's fur was golden brown. In addition, the fur looked like it was the Demon's actual skin. And, that's when I knew it was Baphomet, and He looked very furious. This Beast, looked like He would rip me apart. However that did not happened. But, what happened next had me convinced He was hurt, in a way that He kind of felt sad. I saw a drop of tears made of fire, dripping down from His left eye. All of a sudden, my right arm raised up on it's own beneath my face, at the same time Baphomet raised His. I realized, that while I was looking at Baphomets' reflection, He took full control over me. As both our lips were moving, Baphomet in a voice Dark, and load like thunder said only one word "Burn!!!" And as soon as He said that, we snapped our fingers at the same time. I knew this because, I was just staring, and going with the flow. In an instance, flames surrounded me, and the cell. In addition, even the lobby looked like if it was boiling. Even though it looked like it was burning, I was not sweating, and nothing happened to me. The flames were not harmful, but yet soothing. I laid down on the floor, like I was exhausted, and my eyes closed by themselves. The next day, everything was back to normal, as if nothing ever happened. Yes I know, it was insane, but it was an amazing experience, and thinking about it now, I loved it. Has any of you had an experience with Baphomet? If so, how did He looked like in your view? Thank you all for letting me share. I hope all of you enjoyed this post. Many blessings!! And, as for Baphomet, I love you man, and thank you for coming into my life. I really miss you, where ever you are.


Aug 31, 2021
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There is a case that the Templars obscured their patrons/gods using codes.

"Dr. Hugh Schonfield, one of the scholars who worked on the Dead Sea Scrolls believed the Word Baphomet was applied with the Knowledge of the Atbash Cipher. The Atbash Cipher is a Hebrew code which substitutes the first letter of the alphabet for the last and the second letter for the second last and so on. When Baphomet is applied to this code, it generates the Greek word Sophia that is translated in English as “Wisdom.”"

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Perhaps demons claim whatever name suits. I certainly do that on forums.


Jun 8, 2021
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There is a case that the Templars obscured their patrons/gods using codes.

"Dr. Hugh Schonfield, one of the scholars who worked on the Dead Sea Scrolls believed the Word Baphomet was applied with the Knowledge of the Atbash Cipher. The Atbash Cipher is a Hebrew code which substitutes the first letter of the alphabet for the last and the second letter for the second last and so on. When Baphomet is applied to this code, it generates the Greek word Sophia that is translated in English as “Wisdom.”"

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Perhaps demons claim whatever name suits. I certainly do that on forums.
I did not know, that the name Baphomet is actually a code. Thank you for pointing that out. Many blessings!!


Staff member
Sep 27, 2021
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I think in a way Baphomet is very much present in today's society (in the Western world) with the merging of genders. So far I only called Baphomet once and he spoke about sex.

What do you think of my version of him

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Sep 29, 2021
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From what I know of Baphomet, it is a symbol, not an entity/deity. It is a union of opposites, such as male/female, human/beast, above/below. The tattoos on its arms refer to the alchemical process. Solve et coagula means, "dissolve and coagulate". You will also notice the twin serpents, rising up from the erect phallus; this is kundalini. The symbol was supposedly venerated by The Knights Templar. However, sources state that the name was likely the result of the word Mohammed "Mohamut", being misunderstood as "Baphomut". Éliphas Lévi was the first to have originated the drawing of Baphomet, depicted with the head and lower body of the “Sabbatic Goat". This being said, I completely reject EVERYTHING Konscienci has stated above, especially the part about Baphomet being a "demon".


Sep 29, 2021
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However, this being said, it is possible a spirit went to Konscienci and appeared to them in a form which was convenient. I challenge Konscienci to dwell on the image for a day or two and come up with what each aspect of the vision means to them. For example, what does fire mean to them? What do red eyes mean to them? What were they feeling at different points in the experience? I challenge them to explore this experience, rather than take assumptions and run with them, forming an emotional bond which ends with "I love you man". Furthermore, I challenge Konscienci to dig deep and take a week or more to genuinely discern who that spirit was as well as what they were trying to express.


Jun 8, 2021
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I think in a way Baphomet is very much present in today's society (in the Western world) with the merging of genders. So far I only called Baphomet once and he spoke about sex.

What do you think of my version of him

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Yes, one of Baphomets' things was mainly about sex. However, my own Baphomet was more humorous, than what I expected
I think in a way Baphomet is very much present in today's society (in the Western world) with the merging of genders. So far I only called Baphomet once and he spoke about sex.

What do you think of my version of him

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Yes, one of the most profound things Baphomet used to talk about with me was sex, and my own Baphomet was very humorous. Of course, not in the beginning. Many blessings! Yazata.


Jun 8, 2021
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However, this being said, it is possible a spirit went to Konscienci and appeared to them in a form which was convenient. I challenge Konscienci to dwell on the image for a day or two and come up with what each aspect of the vision means to them. For example, what does fire mean to them? What do red eyes mean to them? What were they feeling at different points in the experience? I challenge them to explore this experience, rather than take assumptions and run with them, forming an emotional bond which ends with "I love you man". Furthermore, I challenge Konscienci to dig deep and take a week or more to genuinely discern who that spirit was as well as what they were trying to express.
I understand that Baphomet is also a symbol, I don't discern that. However, what I experienced, was what I experienced, and you can reject all of what I've said above, but only I know what happened that night. And to tell you the truth, what I saw was not Baphomet alone, I was seeing myself. The drop of the tear of fire represented my depression, and the way I was struggling with myself. The red eyes, were representations of rage, and the flames represented, how I wanted everything about me to end. Does that answer your questions?


Sep 29, 2021
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I understand that Baphomet is also a symbol, I don't discern that. However, what I experienced, was what I experienced, and you can reject all of what I've said above, but only I know what happened that night. And to tell you the truth, what I saw was not Baphomet alone, I was seeing myself. The drop of the tear of fire represented my depression, and the way I was struggling with myself. The red eyes, were representations of rage, and the flames represented, how I wanted everything about me to end. Does that answer your questions?
It answers most of them, thank you.


Aug 27, 2021
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Baphomet is not a demon nor a god. You most likely just contacted an egregore, someone's projection of what they think it is.

You need to read Mass of Baphomet by Nathaniel J. Harris.


Staff member
Sep 27, 2021
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I don't doubt he's an egregore. In my opinion a lot of spirits are. Formed by expectations and projections and wishes.


Oct 4, 2021
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There is a case that the Templars obscured their patrons/gods using codes.

"Dr. Hugh Schonfield, one of the scholars who worked on the Dead Sea Scrolls believed the Word Baphomet was applied with the Knowledge of the Atbash Cipher. The Atbash Cipher is a Hebrew code which substitutes the first letter of the alphabet for the last and the second letter for the second last and so on. When Baphomet is applied to this code, it generates the Greek word Sophia that is translated in English as “Wisdom.”"

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Perhaps demons claim whatever name suits. I certainly do that on forums.
Thanks for the information.
another source:
Baphomet, invented pagan or
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or deity that the
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were accused of worshipping and that was later embraced by various
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Baphomet, drawing by Éliphas Lévi.
From Dogme et Ritual de la Haute Magie by Éliphas Lévi (G. Baillière, Paris, 1861)
The first known mention of Baphomet was in a letter written in 1098 by Anselm of Ribemont describing the
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during the First
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. Anselm stated that the Turks “called loudly upon Baphomet.” Most scholars believe that the word refers to
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, the founder of
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. In 1307
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had every Templar in France arrested, accusing them of such heretical acts as idolatrous worship of a bearded male head called Baphomet. By the 19th century
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had also been (falsely) said to worship Baphomet.
In his book Dogme et ritual de la haute magie (1861; Transcendental Magic: Its Doctrine and Ritual), the influential French occultist Éliphas Lévi created the Baphomet that has become a recognized occult icon. The book’s frontispiece was a drawing of Baphomet imagined as a “Sabbatic Goat”—a hermaphroditic winged human figure with the head and feet of a goat that is adorned with numerous
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symbols. Lévi describes the meaning of each element of the drawing, which is defined by its profound and
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duality. British occultist
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also adopted Baphomet, notably in his “Gnostic Mass.” More recently, the Satanic Temple commissioned a statue of Baphomet, which was unveiled in 2015 and then moved to various places as a protest against displays of
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monuments in public spaces.

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Aug 29, 2021
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Thanks for the information.
another source:
Baphomet, invented pagan or
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or deity that the
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were accused of worshipping and that was later embraced by various
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Baphomet, drawing by Éliphas Lévi.
From Dogme et Ritual de la Haute Magie by Éliphas Lévi (G. Baillière, Paris, 1861)
The first known mention of Baphomet was in a letter written in 1098 by Anselm of Ribemont describing the
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during the First
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. Anselm stated that the Turks “called loudly upon Baphomet.” Most scholars believe that the word refers to
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, the founder of
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. In 1307
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had every Templar in France arrested, accusing them of such heretical acts as idolatrous worship of a bearded male head called Baphomet. By the 19th century
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had also been (falsely) said to worship Baphomet.
In his book Dogme et ritual de la haute magie (1861; Transcendental Magic: Its Doctrine and Ritual), the influential French occultist Éliphas Lévi created the Baphomet that has become a recognized occult icon. The book’s frontispiece was a drawing of Baphomet imagined as a “Sabbatic Goat”—a hermaphroditic winged human figure with the head and feet of a goat that is adorned with numerous
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symbols. Lévi describes the meaning of each element of the drawing, which is defined by its profound and
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duality. British occultist
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also adopted Baphomet, notably in his “Gnostic Mass.” More recently, the Satanic Temple commissioned a statue of Baphomet, which was unveiled in 2015 and then moved to various places as a protest against displays of
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monuments in public spaces.

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Maybe he was discovered or re discovered, maybe he is an older forgotten god who took up a new identity like some have as modern Catholic Saints


Aug 27, 2021
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Copied and pasted from the fb page of Araignee Arcane Services:

"Recently, someone asked us about calling forth (as in evoking) Baphomet. So, in short - we decided to share a bit of info on the subject of Baphomet which you may find interesting if you do not already know this. Here we go again - trying to eliminate another misconception...

Baphomet is not a "god", nor a "demon", nor a "daemon", nor an external sentient intelligence (the latter is a term we use to describe an actual Entity or Spirit that exists separately from the human psyche). Baphomet is a concept, an archetype of spiritual ascension...very much like Abraxas. This means, in short, like any archetype, that Baphomet is internal not external...it is a part of you, your higher self and shadow united to form hexagram, balance, spiritual perfection. It is a part of everyone, if only they seek to become that.

We personally enjoy the symbolism of Baphomet, it is the same symbolism, the same creed and the same goal which we stand for personally - however to try to reach Baphomet would be like talking to your subconscious, which is exactly what would happen - speaking to the more spiritually awakened part of yourself. In other words, Baphomet does not exist separately from you...or rather humanity as a valid intelligence. Aside from what we have mentioned, it also represents cosmic duality and some of the Hermetic Laws...which actually does not make it Infernal, "darker", "demonic" or anything like that - it is very much neutral. Anton LaVey's usage of this symbol, and his interpretation of this symbol was quite incorrect, and is unfortunately one of the main reasons why people think that Baphomet is "satanic" or "demonic".

The depiction and full concept of Baphomet was created by Eliphas Levi - yet, he did not invent the concept of balance, of spiritual power and ascension etc, as this concept is ancient. He simply placed that concept into a pictorial image. This being said, you will likely find sigils and "callings" of Baphomet online or in certain modern Occult books - and it will work, but as mentioned, you will simply speak to yourself - nothing more, nothing less. As a rule, by the way, to prove a point - Baphomet in these rituals is always Invoked and not Evoked - called within, or in this case awakened within...and not to make manifest outside of yourself. Keep this in mind.

Archetypes have their place, as we have written about elsewhere, yet, if you seek to make contact with an external, sentient intelligence...such as of a darker nature, more Infernal - then Baphomet is not the way to go. There are many, many others that you can reach instead.

At the end of the day - we are not here to convince you of anything, and whether you choose to listen to us or not is your business - however, everything we have said here can easily be confirmed and substantiated by many historic instances and references, as well as by noteworthy Occultists through the ages."

Pestifer Mundi

Magic Larper
Aug 12, 2021
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However, this being said, it is possible a spirit went to Konscienci and appeared to them in a form which was convenient.
This is why I don't like the idea of dealing with demons, spirits, angels, etc, because how would you even know if another being isn't just impersonating what you were trying to summon/communicate with?

There's this show called "The Magicians", I can't remember which season of the show but there was this group trying to summon the Goddess Persephone for the sake of blessings (cure cancer, save their dying child, etc). Instead what they summoned was a Trickster God (her son), who specifically persecutes her followers because he hates her for abandoning him.

Long story short everyone in the room got killed horrifically and the woman purposefully left alive to tell the tale was raped.

Even before I saw this scene, I always thought about stuff like this happening when you try to contact a specific being and another one with malicious intent "hijacks the signal" for the fun of it.

When you think about it, contacting these beings is like going in blind and sticking your hand into a jar filled with needles, and hoping you pull out what you intended without getting stabbed.


Sep 29, 2021
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This is why I don't like the idea of dealing with demons, spirits, angels, etc, because how would you even know if another being isn't just impersonating what you were trying to summon/communicate with?

There's this show called "The Magicians", I can't remember which season of the show but there was this group trying to summon the Goddess Persephone for the sake of blessings (cure cancer, save their dying child, etc). Instead what they summoned was a Trickster God (her son), who specifically persecutes her followers because he hates her for abandoning him.

Long story short everyone in the room got killed horrifically and the woman purposefully left alive to tell the tale was raped.

Even before I saw this scene, I always thought about stuff like this happening when you try to contact a specific being and another one with malicious intent "hijacks the signal" for the fun of it.

When you think about it, contacting these beings is like going in blind and sticking your hand into a jar filled with needles, and hoping you pull out what you intended without getting stabbed.
The importance of verifying personal gnosis becomes apparent here, would you agree?


Staff member
Sep 27, 2021
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This is why I don't like the idea of dealing with demons, spirits, angels, etc, because how would you even know if another being isn't just impersonating what you were trying to summon/communicate with?

There's this show called "The Magicians", I can't remember which season of the show but there was this group trying to summon the Goddess Persephone for the sake of blessings (cure cancer, save their dying child, etc). Instead what they summoned was a Trickster God (her son), who specifically persecutes her followers because he hates her for abandoning him.

Long story short everyone in the room got killed horrifically and the woman purposefully left alive to tell the tale was raped.

Even before I saw this scene, I always thought about stuff like this happening when you try to contact a specific being and another one with malicious intent "hijacks the signal" for the fun of it.

When you think about it, contacting these beings is like going in blind and sticking your hand into a jar filled with needles, and hoping you pull out what you intended without getting stabbed.
That's why you banish, use a triangle, know that you are the authority, be respectful but don't get too friendly, don't offer your blood willy nilly etc.

Pestifer Mundi

Magic Larper
Aug 12, 2021
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The importance of verifying personal gnosis becomes apparent here, would you agree?
What I mean is we don't really understand the mechanisms of how "contact is established". So its possible for another being with malicious intent to "hijack" that "signal" before it even reaches the being you attempted to contact, and then impersonate it.

Or maybe the signal does reach who you intended but another being with malicious intent senses it and starts following you around.

We can't really perceive things the same way these beings do so there's a lot going on "behind the scenes" that we don't know or understand, and they can probably observe and/or manipulate these phenomena to an extent.

It reminds me of the whole explanation of how 3D objects would appear to 2D beings. To them a 3D object passing through a 2D plane would look like something popping into existence and then shrinking out of existence, because they can't perceive things from a 3D perspective.

Same with us, we can't perceive everything that's taking place in the 4th dimension and beyond, so when we do a ritual or contact a being that can perceive these higher dimensions, were probably doing something more dangerous than we think.

We may "feel" like we know what were doing, but there's always an aspect of this that we can't perceive.

In that sense, we are always at their mercy when we contact them. Were pretty much blind from their perspective.

That's why you banish, use a triangle, know that you are the authority, be respectful but don't get too friendly, don't offer your blood willy nilly etc.
Why would such a being be at the mercy of a "banishment" or any "symbols" we use, when they probably existed long before humans appeared to even conceive of said "symbols"?

How can an inferior being invoke authority over a superior one?

Sometimes I wonder, are they even at the mercy of these rules & restrictions, or do they merely go along with it for the sake of "playing along" (for the fun of it)?.

I don't think there's much in the realm of entertainment for these beings (not like humans have with our endless troves of entertainment).

For them, observing humans, interacting with humans and meddling in their affairs, is probably their entertainment.

Even if these things work as a form of protection, what if you "catch their eye"?, what if you become their next "primary target" for whatever they deem entertaining?.

On another note.

I don't think the risk is worth the reward anyways.

You might call this arrogant, but I do not revere any of these beings to the extent that merely being in their presence or being able to communicate with them is a "perk" or "benefit".

If there's nothing "tangible" to be gained by interacting with them like power, money, knowledge (which is just power anyways), etc. I don't really care to contact them like some people who just want to "be in awe of them" or "be in their presence".

If someone is contacting a demon to trade their soul for power I wouldn't recommended it but at least they are risking their lives and souls for something tangible and beneficial. But contacting a demon just for the sake of speaking to it, that won't ever make sense to me, its all risk and no reward.