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Journal The Scrolls of Agreia, Elemental Serpent

A record of a users' progress or achievements in their particular practice.


Sep 11, 2023
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I start this new journal exactly one year after "The Druid's Way", which I consider completed. Thanks to everyone who read, followed and encouraged me!

This new journal will follow the meandering trajectory of a magical creature that came to life unexpectedly three days ago. She is not really a servitor, nor a familiar, but... more of a foundling. I call her Agreia, the name that came to me when I first picked her up. As she explores this world anew, I might be able to dillute some of her life experiences into spells, hence the title of the grimoire. The format will be self-explanatory.


Name: Agreia
Genus: Elemental Serpent
Age: 3 days
Features: red skin, forked tongue, scorpion tail
Nest: a small airarium made of mirrors

Epiteths: none yet
Magical properties: none yet discovered
Spells added to the scrolls: none yet


Sept 21th, 2024.
I got stung by two wasps on Wednesday. Both stings (one in each foot, I was wearing sandals) caused a lightning bolt of sweet, nauseating pain that made me cry & laugh and pulled me into an electrifying state of self-remembering. The second sting woke me up for real, like leaving behind a nested dream inside a dream. The state of Gurdjieffian awareness lasted for six hours and culminated in the ritual that birthed Agreia.

I cannot go into particulars yet of how this went, because none of it would make any sense to anyone except myself. The occult experience is very personal and has to be approached in fragments or shards of a fractal whole. I would first have to explain that I keep a "cauldron" which functions as an externalized memory bank or archive, how the items inside are tokens/remnants of things I have learnt or experienced, how those can be dissolved into... but writing it like this makes no sense at all. I will limit myself, for this first journal entry, to a description of how Agreaia appears in this physical realm, and add a photo below.

The red ribbon (body) has been used for numerous rituals by myself and another magician friend. Over the past year it has tasted melting snow, river water, fumes of myrrh, prayers, dripping wax, possibly even tears, blood and certainly also countless other elements. It has become a true palimpsest of experiences. At one occasion I also used the ribbon to bind the light of Sirius, the Dog star, nine times as I held the loop aloft against the night sky under a waning moon.

The forked branch (tongue) is the tip of a small branch I had never consacrated or used before. It was wrapped in the red ribbon for one full moon phase and three additional days. During the ritual, I cut off "the tip of the tongue" with my Finnish hunting knife. After the cut, I place both ends against my feet, where I got stung earlier that day by the wasps. I channeled some ether to draw the pain and its poison into the serpent tongue.

The dried red pepper (scorpion tail) has been grown in our own garden. As soon as I spotted its exquisite curl, I knew this pepper was destined for magical purposes. I let it dry for over 40 days inside a box of mirrors, which forms the current nest and home of Agreia. I will have to read into the use of the Italian cornicello, the famous pepper that protects against the "evil eye".


Photo on the first morning after her birth:
