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Sep 27, 2021
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Summer is about to start, and you know what that means: Citronella tea lights.
These are pretty cool “magickal” candles because their scent repels bugs, they give light and thus banish darkness, and they're yellow – they scream positivity. For most humans the color yellow is linked with joy and fun, it's the reason emoji's (like the techno smilies they're based on) are yellow instead of red. The scent of citrus is also something (most) humans associate with good times so it can't hurt to get a pack of them. And if you do, make it two because you can use them for the following.

This is..

the Charging Spell of Michediah

In this Ritual you will first create an oil. The ingredients are super easy to get if you live in a country that has supermarkets.

You will need
a stick of cinnamon
three cloves
three leafs of basil
olive oil

The reasoning behind these ingredients is that cinnamon has been (and is still) used in a whole bunch of Magickal recipes. It is associated with blessing and prosperity and is one of the components of famous oils like Abramelin and St Cyprian's oil.
The etymology of the word is debated, but it could come from the Hebrew QNM (to make firm)

The clove, from the Latin clavis (Key), is another spice that is used in so many Witchcraft / Magick oils that you almost have to search out a positive recipe that does not include it. Among the ascribed Magickal properties are money-drawing, protection, luck, love and prosperity.

The third one, Basil is known as the Royal Herb. Is we not Kings and Queens brothaz and sizzas? The name comes from the Latin Basilicus (prince). It is also said that the plant enhances the flow of money (apparently the leafs are thought by some to resemble money bills..)

So, with this we can construct a narrative of:
"the Key to Making your Kingdom Firm"

Take then these spices and herbs and make your oil before going on to the next step.

(okay? You made the oil already? Good)

Take 6 citronella tea lights and arrange these in the shape of the Hexagram, and place the container with your BASCICLO oil in the center.
Now pick up the top candle, hold it in both hands, and intently say

(Psalm 21:20)
Tu autem, Domine, ne elongaveris auxilium tuum a me; ad defensionem meam conspice
and then vibrate the Name

Put the candle back and take the next one (counterclockwise), and say

(Psalm 9:10)
Et factus est Dominus refugium pauperi; adjutor in opportunitatibus, in tribulatione
before vibrating the Name

Place the candle back in its position and take the next one and say

(Psalm 118:145)
Clamavi in toto corde meo: exaudi me, Domine, justificationes tuas requiram
and vibrate the Name

Return the candle and pick up the next one and say

(Psalm 90:9)
Quoniam tu es Domine, spes mea: Altissimum posuisti refugium tuum
followed by the vibrating of the Name

Take the next candle and say

(Psalm 102:8)
Miserator et misericors Dominus: longanimis, et multum misericors
after which you vibrate the Name

Now pick up the last candle and say

(Psalm 118:159)
Vide quoniam mandata tua dilexi, Domine: in misericordia tua vivifica me
then vibrate the Name

Among the powers or qualities that these Angels are said to grant are
victory, liberty, jurisprudence, politics and pacts, all treasures of Heaven and earth, business, eloquence, tranquility, and virtue.
Or, the qualities of a king / queen
Together these Angels call up

This is a Name that you probably won't have heard on a podcast before.
The Name is formed by the initials of the 6 Shem Angels.
It translates as “Who is One God”.

(think of it as the Dinobots assembling into the one mega dinosaur Transformer or similar..)

Remember the order in which you picked up (and set down) the candles.

Light the second one you picked up
– because it was dedicated to MEBEHEL and thus is the first letter of MICHEDIAH -
as you light the candle, vibrate MEBEHEL once more.

Then move to the last candle, as it is assigned to IHEHEL and therefore is the second letter.
Vibrate IHEHEL as you light the candle.

Now the 4th candle that you picked up – it is dedicated to CHOMIAH and therefore the third letter.
Vibrate CHOMIAH as you light the wick.

Move to the fifth candle.
This signifies DANIEL and therefore is the fourth letter.
Vibrate DANIEL as you light it.

Go to the first candle.
The one that was presented to ILIEL.
This is the fifth letter.
Vibrate ILIEL as you light it.

Now go to the third candle.
This is the one you held when you called to HAAIAH.
It is the sixth and last letter.
Vibrate HAAIAH as you light it.

Now that all 6 flames are burning, by lighting them in this order, you have traced the sigil of MICHEDIAH over the oil that is sitting in the center of the Hexagram.

With your fingers, trace this sigil 6 more times as you vibrate
Then leave the Angel to empower your oil.
Let the tea lights burn up and afterwards make the sign of the cross as you speak

In Nomine Patris (vertical line)
et Filii (horizontal line)
et Spiritus Sancti (point to the center of the cross – to the oil)


Michediah Sigil.jpg


Final notes:
I was inspired to write out this Ritual after I made the image that I added to Euoi's archived thread to clarify the text.