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The Stadtpark Case in Hamburg


Aug 17, 2023
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Nine non-Germans were convicted in a pretty awful rape. (This included video sharing and inviting other men on social media.) Of the nine, eight received probation. One was sentenced to a bit under 3 years in prison. The kicker is, a woman who sent that last-mentioned individual insulting messages was sentenced to a few days lock-up. That's right. She does more time for calling a dishonorable pig a "dishonorable pig" than do the pig's eight accomplices. Also, 140 other critics of the assailants are "under investigation" for their social media remarks. (PM me for link to source.)

They say one should not blame conspiracy for stupidity's sins. Very well. Tertiary stupidity like the above goes far far indeed into the territory of criminally culpable. The present German government (in line with the rest of Europe, save for a few enclaves in the continent's east) values foreign thugs over its own citizens. By what madness could anyone in Europe obey such a government? Leon Degrelle, after his adventures on the Eastern Front and his prior misadventures in Belgian politics, said that he had rather have seen Stalin running Europe than the West to return to "normal" in 1945 like it did. Welcome to the latest wrinkle in the new normal. Enjoy.


Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power
Staff member
Apr 12, 2021
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By what madness could anyone in Europe obey such a government?
The madness of being indoctrinated by a liberal, globalist agenda. And to a lesser extent, the madness of the people wielding less power than the government.

It's literally that simple.

All of these immigrant-over-native trends are far less shocking than other conspiracies regarding what they are doing to us with chemicals in what we intake, disinformation campaigns and the systematic programming of common folk (which indeed is connected to the types of incidents this thread is about).

Why are you surprised? We currently live in a world that is liberally extremist. This level of political extremism always has consequences. It would be equally off-putting if the world was as politically conservative as it is currently liberal.

Right-wing extremism leads to:
  • Chattel slavery
  • Religious persecution and control
  • Censorship and thought policing
  • Extreme xenophobia
  • Stagnation
  • Economic austerity
  • Suppression of dissent
  • Militarism and authoritarianism

Left-wing extremism leads to:
  • Enforced globalism
  • Extremely large and intrusive governments
  • Censorship and thought policing
  • Breakdown of cultural and traditional norms
  • Excessive hedonism
  • Progressive dystopia
  • Economic inefficiency
  • Suppression of individual rights

Etc etc, so on and so forth, you get the picture. It just so happens we are currently living in a period of left-wing extremism.


Site Staff
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Jr. Sentinel
Apr 9, 2022
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We currently live in a world that is liberally extremist. This level of political extremism always has consequences.It would be equally off-putting if the world was as politically conservative as it is currently liberal.
Which is pretty much the point of Noah Rothman's The Rise of the New Puritans.

Regarding the policing of social media (per the original post):

“The conspiracy theories, the lies, the distortions, the overwhelming amount of information, the anger encoded in it,” Yale Law School lecturer Emily Bazelon wrote of social media with palpable exasperation, “these all serve to create chaos and confusion and make people, even nonpartisans, exhausted, skeptical and cynical about politics.” She doesn’t dwell on the distinction between that which is outright false and premises that are merely debatable, but blurring that line establishes an urgency that justifies her extreme remedy for the “chaos” that prevails today: curtailing rights to free expression codified in the First Amendment.​
Those rights “are simplistic,” she writes, and “inadequate for our era.” In Europe, for example, such liberties are not afforded the general public. There, you can be prosecuted for saying the wrong thing to the wrong person. Therefore, Bazelon claims, those countries “have created better conditions” for an informed citizenry to determine “what they want their societies to be.”​
Bazelon makes this author’s life that much easier by establishing a connection between her censorious impulse and the censorship sought by the likes of Catharine MacKinnon and Andrea Dworkin, who advocated legal restrictions on pornography, and critical race theory advocates who support reading “racist hate speech” limits into jurisprudence around the First Amendment.​
In the end, though, Bazelon doesn’t rest her argument on the constitutional propriety of restricting certain forms of speech but the more arguable claim that the private firms administering internet-based proprieties should become more active censors. “In the last several years,” she concludes, “some liberals have lost patience with rehashing debates about ideas they find toxic.” If that’s the case, they are no longer “liberals,” according to any commonly understood definition of the word. They have become something else entirely.​
Both extremes are illiberal and will 'burn the books' that don't suit their ideological imperatives to attain their version of a pure and ordered society.


Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power
Staff member
Apr 12, 2021
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If that’s the case, they are no longer “liberals,” according to any commonly understood definition of the word.
Both extremes are illiberal and will 'burn the books' that don't suit their ideological imperatives to attain their version of a pure and ordered society.

Yeah, I understand that from a philosophical/semantic POV. I'm sure you took my meaning, though.

I definitely agree that any type of extremism tends towards facism and taking away liberties and therefore by definition leans away from liberalism.

But, in the context of modern politics there are already established terms, parties and goalposts (moved as they often are) - which is why they literally had to invent new terms/parties like "libertarian".


Staff member
Feb 18, 2023
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It just so happens we are currently living in a period of left-wing extremism.
If social medias(and past and current voting) are anything to go by though, things are starting to become right-wing extremist.
You can see such in movements like "red pill/alpha male" becoming very popular, or even the fake news that have since become a really serious issue that to this day are hard to deal with.

All of this makes me wonder how a world where politics are balanced would look like.No extremisms, just "the best of both worlds".


Aug 17, 2023
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OK, so far this is all like the head on a glass of beer: normal, expected, even mildly aesthetic, but scarcely the sort of froth I'm going to swallow.


Site Staff
Staff member
Jr. Sentinel
Apr 9, 2022
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so far this is all like the head on a glass of beer
Disagreement gets the blood flowing, eh? If the gang of rapists had been blond-haired, blue-eyed Germans, square of jaw and handsome, then social media posts calling them names would have received near universal approval, am I right? So, score another one for the prophet Orwell who said in Animal Farm that all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others. Better buy up some copies of Orwell's books, cause you know they'll be burned as products of the patriarchy. Having 1984 in your possession will be a micro-aggression against some victim group that identifies with Big Brother. ;)


Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power
Staff member
Apr 12, 2021
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If social medias(and past and current voting) are anything to go by though, things are starting to become right-wing extremist.
I agree with you, but not for the reasons in your post. I agree because on social media we can see growing bubbles of strongly right-wing movements such as the “Deutschland den deutschen, auslander raus” type anti-immigrant sentiment as a direct response to the extreme shock, violence, rape etc happening due to recent migrant influx. (more on that below)

But the key thing here is these types of pockets/movements in social media do not directly immediately describe the situation on the ground IRL. Social media is always a precursor or “trend front” to what happens irl. Some bubbles fizzle out, others grow and get adopted into mainstream culture.

You can see such in movements like "red pill/alpha male" becoming very popular, or even the fake news that have since become a really serious issue that to this day are hard to deal with.
I’m sorry to say but if you think a few dudes not treating women the way we only recently have started treating women is “right wing extremist” it’s most likely because you are already strongly left wing yourself and are thereby more comfortable with left wing extremism than non extreme (but strong) right wing sentiments.

Not saying that’s good or bad, just that real right wing extremism will be very ugly and shocking to the core for you if you think redpill is right wing extremism. What would you then say to people who believe we should bring back slavery, or categorize some types of foreigners as subhuman, or prevent women from voting and owning property, or banning other religions? THAT is right wing extremism, not redpill, not some relatively mild xenophobia calling for less immigration. Those things are right wing, yes, but not extremist.

As for fake news, both sides are guilty of this. Not just that, they are both equally guilty. There is so much fake news and misinformation from both sides that if you believe anything that comes out these days you’re relying on faith to some extent. What’s dangerous is that right wing fake news is often easy to debunk, but left wing disinformation is often deep rooted, well crafted and conspired thoroughly (which is a further sign of liberal extremism embedded deep within the current political machine). That’s a major reason why left leaning people often think that all or most of the fake news is right wing.

But there is change coming. Not just from right wing movements (whether you consider them extreme or not) but also from leaks and revelations about systematic government lies, coverups, conspiracies that will certainly cause faith to be lost in the left wing political establishment. Which may lead to disproportionate and overcompensating faith and support for right wing politics which I guess is just part of the political cycle Of humanity.