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Book – EPUB/MOBI The Star Crossed Serpent (4 volume set on the Clan of Tubal Cain), by Shani Oates

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Jun 4, 2024
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Volume 1: Part Dual-authorship of the Clan of Tubal Cain's Legacy defining 50 years of its organic evolution. Originating from within an unpublished ms written by Evan John Jones, the former Magister of the Clan since Robert Cochrane's death in 1966, it serves Testament to the Will of Fate and Tenacity of Spirit here expressed, from its inception under Robert Cochrane through Evan John Jones' own record of the Clans beliefs and practises to those of the Current bearers of this mantle, depicting the interweaving of Wyrd in the vital process of its existence and continuity in Troth to its Tutelary The Star-Crossed Serpent

Volume 2: Following on from the groundwork of the first volume prepared by Evan John Jones, the thread continues through expansion, evolution, and return to the Weaver Herself. Experiential research bears fruit, en-fleshing the seeds planted by previous workers of the lineage. Guided and inspired by tradition, prompted by oracular observation, intellect and mental detective work. Concepts and core principles of our Mythos and Praxis reveal a shift of awareness and a 'Perennial Philosophy'. This is an ecumenical gnostic current that has revealed a deeper understanding of our work and its obligations, both to ourselves and to our ancestors. Discussed here are subtle treasures unearthed within a rich heritage of folklore, myth and legend. Overarching paradigms that include the Egregore, Clanship, Mysticism and Luciferianism. These essays build upon the former volume, expounding a vibrant dramatic aegis. Here find a new voice to herald the eternal paean, the Song of the Promethean gnosis of the Star Crossed Serpent.

Volume 3: Subject to continual speculation and study, the enigmatic words of this erstwhile poet have touched the Craft, influencing all called to it, irrespective of their path or journeying. Such was his genius, such was his unique gift, ever the barb of fate, he was beyond his era. His legacy has enriched the tone of all seekers and all pilgrims who would cast aside the veil of illusion in favour of the 'Real.' For the first time, his own Clan are able to offer clarification on the mystery of his Faith through his evolving Craft, begun officially at the onset of the decade that witnessed his tragic death. Finally, through the gift of several early letters, now brought together with those already published, their message is consciously revealed. Under a carefully constructed chronology, this is 'his' story, unfurled through his words and works.

Volume 4: “The Devil’s Crown is the accolade of genius, awarded to poets, and leaders of men who would speak in riddles and puns the wisdom of ages. Whether Scop or Skald, the words inspired by the Muse live on in vibrant tradition under the shining aureole of the Holy Fool. It is the arcane mark of the ‘other.’ This book illuminates some of that light, sharing insights to the precious mysteries of the Robert Cochrane Tradition. His letters and works now collated finally into a single volume – The Star Crossed Serpent III: The Taper that Lights the Way, find further expression in this companion volume." (Shani Oates)

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Staff member
Jul 3, 2023
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The OP has apparently deleted his mega account, I was only able to find the first two of his 4 books on the net:

Evan John Jones - The Star Crossed Serpent: Origins

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Evan John Jones - The Star Crossed Serpent: The Legend of Tubal Cain

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