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Book – PDF The Waters of Mnemosyne: Ancient Greek Religion for Modern Pagans by Gwendolyn Reece

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Jul 21, 2021
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Presenting more than seventy exercises, rites, pathworkings, and prayers, Gwendolyn Reece ingeniously revitalizes fundamental concepts from ancient Greece for today's practitioner. Whether you're a Pagan or simply drawn to the Greek pantheon, Reece helps you build relationships with the Theoi (Olympians, Titans, and other deities) and create a truly vibrant spirituality.

The Waters of Mnemosyne provides conceptual, theological, and philosophical information that enriches your practice and worldview. Discover rites of passage, healing traditions, and sacred spaces both personal and public. Explore Greek civic duty, heroes, magic, and the Mysteries.

With its essential strategies for spiritual development, this book will, as Consorting with Spirits author Jason Miller praises, "be the definitive text for Hellenic-inspired practice for years to come."

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