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To the adept/magi of Mysticism and or Magic - Advice for the students

Sep 9, 2021
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What does your daily practice consist of, and what would you recommend to students of Magic or Mysticism?
What authors should they be reading on the daily schedule?
How much time should be spent in meditation, and what type of meditation?
What area of magic do you throw yourself into, and how do you find the passion to do so?
Best authors to read to get a student up to your speed?
Other advice?

I am asking this for ALL students, not myself, as I am currently engaged in work with a teacher, and all other personal magic projects were put on hold, at least for the time being. My desire and point behind the question is for the newbies to get up to speed in a safe and structured manner.

The God-King

The Mystical Rebel
Apr 20, 2021
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My daily practice is quite simple:

1) Upon waking I Salute and venerate my ancestors
2) Ancestral Blessing Ritual
3) Saluting my Ruling Genius/Presiding Angel
4) Set auric shields

The rest of your questions really relies on what you want to study and practice. "Magic & Mysticism" is a broad subject. For magic do you mean African American southern rootwork (hoodoo) or Tao of the Left? Do you mean the magic of Ifa or perhaps the Javanese? For Mysticism are you talking the likes of Jakob Bohme or perhaps the mysticism of Isidore of Seville? Maybe the likes of Arabic devil worshippers known as the Mandeans tickles your fancy. I'd have to get a better understanding of what you're interested in to give accurate recommendations.


In the spirit of helping fellow occultists find their way, here are some recommendations on magic I made TikToks about:

  • Techniques of High Magic: Stephen Skinner and Francis King
  • Stealing the Fire From Heaven: By Stephen Mace
  • Techniques of Modern Shamanism Vol 1-3: Phil Hine (careful with him, he's very crude)
  • Occult Exercises and Practices: Gareth Knight
  • The Un-Spell Book: Mya Om
  • Energy Essential for Witches and Spellcasters: Mya Om
  • Planetary Magick: Melita Dennings & Osbourne Phillips
  • At the Crossroads: Various authors (from Hadean Press)
  • Conjure Codex: Various authors and various editions (Hadean Press)
  • Kabbalistic Cycles & The Mastery of Life: Joseph C Lisiewski

For Mysticism I only study and practice Christian Mysticism (and a bit of spillover into Judaic Mysticism) so my suggestions for those curious about Mystical Christianity:

  • Hidden Wisdom, Esoteric Traditions and the Roots of Christian Mysticism: Guy Stroumsa
  • Late Medieval Mysticism: Ray C Petry
  • Enchanted Chains, Techniques & Rituals in Jewish Mysticism: Moshe Idel
  • Mystery of God, Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament: Christopher Rowland
Sep 9, 2021
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Thank you, yes, there is a very broad area in Magic alone, didn't consider much about the broadness of Mysticism as well, starting with East vs West (Ive always wondered about North and South Mysticism myself, like Eskimo vs Mayan).

That is a fair selection of books listed, thanks :). I will check some of them out, a few I already have.
I have a few that I could possibly stand to upload, Light of the Soul, Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius of Loyola, etc.
Ive not seen any of the ones listed for Mysticism, so will definitely go seek them out.

Actually, for beginners, I would stand to recommend more Low Magick ... unless they were going for High Magick, DuQuettes book on Low Magic as well as Cat Yronwoods book on Hoodoo/Conjure are interesting, I have them on my to-read list. Anna Rivas was pointed to me by someone I worked with, and it was quite an excellent book for Candle and Spell magic. It has extensive information on candles. Phillip Cooper is a close second Id say on candle magic alone.

Phil Hine I really want to read as well.

The God-King

The Mystical Rebel
Apr 20, 2021
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Ive not seen any of the ones listed for Mysticism, so will definitely go seek them out.

The Mysticism books I recommended aren't really practical. It's foundational/theoretical. There may be a few rites or meditations but overall they're foundational.
Sep 9, 2021
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Right on, thank you! I have a saucer setup for Ancestors where Ive deposited certain things - weed, one hitter, lighter, gold, coins, honey, candles, etc with a pillar candle, and a family crest magnet used for a focal meditation point.

Id like to get real furniture or wall single shelf plaques to nail together, and setup on each a particular altar, five to six minimum - four directional quarters for magic and mystic rites, an ancestral altar, and a Dei altar.

Will read through your recommendations! Thanks!!

By the way, not trying to showboat the thread, others, feel free to contribute your ideas. :) Your grade can remain anonymous, as well as your current projects and aims.


Aug 29, 2021
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What does your daily practice consist of, and what would you recommend to students of Magic or Mysticism?
What authors should they be reading on the daily schedule?
How much time should be spent in meditation, and what type of meditation?
What area of magic do you throw yourself into, and how do you find the passion to do so?
Best authors to read to get a student up to your speed?
Other advice?

I get up, pray to God, speak to my Matron Santa Muerte after, i Do this throughout the day As well.

For Ceremonial Magic or at least an understanding of why it works Dion Fortune, for Kabbalah Rabbi Ariel Bar Tzadok and Dion Fortune.

my prayer is focused meditation, one should have intent and focus when one prays.

kabbalah, I enjoy studying about the afterlife, angelic beings, etc

again Dion Fortune

be realistic and set realistic goals


Apr 28, 2021
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What does your daily practice consist of, and what would you recommend to students of Magic or Mysticism?
What authors should they be reading on the daily schedule?
How much time should be spent in meditation, and what type of meditation?
What area of magic do you throw yourself into, and how do you find the passion to do so?
Best authors to read to get a student up to your speed?
Other advice?

I am asking this for ALL students, not myself, as I am currently engaged in work with a teacher, and all other personal magic projects were put on hold, at least for the time being. My desire and point behind the question is for the newbies to get up to speed in a safe and structured manner.
Wake up, pray to Christian God, focus and hone on feelings of gratitude and being present and appreciation

for mysticism I like Lectio Divina, and inward meditation based on the method of the Interior Castle by St Teresa of Avila

as far as Magick goes, I do a body of protection ritual which is just an archangel invocation, and any sort of banishing whenever I feel it’s necessary.