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[Tutorial] Updated Holy Water/Cleansing

Informative post.
“Holy” Water / Extra cleansing

Used distilled water

Add a pinch of Himalayan pink salt

Ingredients and Process

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Add Lavender (you can use too little just don’t use too much. About the top of one lavender flower is perfect)

Add A few leaves of Sage (about 2 leaves) or a teaspoon of dried sage


A small drop of olive oil.

Or… You can use eucalyptus oil (either works the eucalyptus just has a nice aroma but it also has alcohol so this will come in later)

Bring water to a simmer in a round pot.

Turn on heat and bring to a simmer while playing 528 pure tone Music and make sure your thoughts are positive, especially as the water begins to simmer.

You are programming the water for its usage. Think positive good thoughts it may seem silly - but think to it, “it smells amazing” “the water looks so clean” ect…

Turn off the heat and add a quarter teaspoon of cayenne pepper and a quarter teaspoon of more pink salt.

Stir clockwise and speak to it, saying the same thoughts you were thinking before.

Filter it in a strainer, then Bottle it when it’s nice and cool (smaller bottles the better that way you don’t need to keep opening the one bottle) you can add one or one half crushed lavender leaf to each bottle if you choose to. store near a positive energy place in the home, near a window or near an alter to your patron deity. (If your patron deity likes alcohol and you use eucalyptus oil, you may not want to police it there)

Let sit for atleast 24hrs before use and continue to keep any thoughts about the water positive.

This water is good for putting drops at the corners of the inside of your house, corner of windows. Sprinkling while burning sage Ect.

A more advanced way if your good as feeling energy flow through your wrist or fingers place it on top of the water, think and speak positive affirmations to it before using.


So.. why does this method work?

Sage is for blessings, cleansing and provides spiritual protection along other things.

Pink Himalayan Salt remineralizes the water and using distilled water leaves out any toxic metals.

Lavender can help get in a relaxed trance state, reduce anxiety and ease any dis-ease.

Instead of 528hz pure tone you can play 432hz or play classical music remastered at 432hz.

(Water having “emotion” Work shown by Dr Masaru Emoto)

Items dissolved in water containing the memory of the items dissolved was first proposed by Jacques Benveniste

Eucalyptus oil is preferred over olive oil but if you don’t have it don’t let it discourage you, extra virgin olive oil works as well, eucalyptus just gives it a little aroma that helps for your own health and it’s safe for pets as well.