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Collection Various PGM-related scholarly papers

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Jul 3, 2023
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Christian H. Bull - Monkey Business_ Magical Vowels and Cosmic Levels in the Discourse on the Eighth and the Ninth
David Frankfurter - Curses, Blessings, and Ritual Authority_ Egyptian Magic in Comparative Perspective
David Frankfurter - Demon Invocations in the Coptic Magical Spells
David Frankfurter - The Threat of Headless Beings_ Constructing the Demonic in Christian Egypt (double-page scan)
E.R. Dodds - Theurgy and Its Relationship to Neoplatonism (1947)
Eleni Pachoumi - The religious-philosophical concept of personal daimon and the magico-theurgic ritual of systasis in the Greek magical papyri
Eleni Pachoumi - The Greek Magical Papyri Diversity and Unity (thesis)
Eleni Pachoumi - Divine Epiphanies of Paredroi in the Greek Magical Papyri
Eleni Pachoumi - The Concepts of the Divine in the Greek Magical Papyri (book)
Eleni Pachoumi - The Erotic and Separation Spells of the Magical Papyri and Defixiones
Gideon Bohak - Greek, Coptic, and Jewish Magic in the Cairo Ginzah
Jacco Dieleman - The Greco Egyptian Magical Papyri
João Pedro Feliciano - The Agathos Daimon in Greco-Egyptian Religion
Korshi Dosoo - Rituals of Apparition in the Theban Magical Library (thesis)
Papyri Graecae Magicae_texts (<= selection of rituals for practical use)
S.J. Tambiah - The Magical Power of Words (1968)

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