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Voices at night?


Jun 1, 2023
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This phenomena has happened before.

Fortunately, it's not so much the clicks bangs and pops anymore, and the poltergeist phenomena has settled down, that was obviously from repressed negative emotions. There is a lot of trauma to work through. Reminds me of that movie 'Carrie', though I never saw all of it.

One may call my name.

One may be a screamer.

The most recent keeps patiently saying, hello? over and over like you would using a bad communication line waiting to find if you have been heard. This sounds and feels psychic in nature and not evil. I have heard of not answering to spirits that say 'hello' though.

I am being awakened by CPTSD sleep disturbance, it seems to happen between states.

I have an exercise to cut off negative contacts, but it is not working for this, so i am not sure what it is.

Considering I wear earplugs to sleep, I also sometimes hear what sounds like a loud discussion through the walls at some distance. There is nothing there and this the last house on the end...

I think that one might be linked to a somatic condition, due to events in the past.
might be over rationalizing the spiritual :LOL:

What is it that would want my attention and say hello?
Mar 4, 2023
Reaction score
Could be anything really, this stuff is numerous and diverse. Or it could be all in your head.

-You can ignore it. Apparently that’s what the previous owner of the house we moved into a couple days ago has done.

-You can sorta acknowledge it but just choose to live with it. Apparently that’s what the family of an elderly local minister who lived in the house quite awhile ago choose to do.

-You can confront/banish/cleanse/etc.

-You can answer it and see what happens.

-You can turn detective and use divination or more mundane methods and try to learn more. But this path will just lead you to one of the other paths above.

Do some searches on this site, I’m sure similar discussions have been had over and over again.
