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[Help] Ways to attract or call animals to a place

Someone's asking for help!


Jan 11, 2023
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Greetings to all. I am writing here because I have spent some time thinking about how to perform magic/spell to attract animals, specifically birds, to a specific area or physical place. Natural magic is not my strong suit, since I am more attracted to chaos magick, and I have the feeling that this issue may be more in the style of Shamanic, Wicca, Celtic magic or something like that... I do not wish to perform a trap for them or hunt them, of course. What happens is that due to the high temperatures, water is scarce as a resource around where I live, and I have prepared feeders and waterers for them... The problem is that a couple of years ago many birds came here, which I love it, but lately they are scarce, and I would like to provide them with a small oasis of plants, water and food... What do you think? I am not one to pray to any god, but rather to believe in the potential of the human mind and heart to modify reality... In fact, I hate all those powerful entities and spirits before whom one humiliates oneself and makes sacrifices that exalt their egos... But that is another, more personal issue... I don't mean to offend anyone, I'm sorry if that's how it happened. I'm just looking for help or guidance and I am willing to listen to any proposal/theory, whether I like it more or less... Thank you for your help.


Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power
Staff member
Apr 12, 2021
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Now, you will have to do your own research as I don't know much about animals occult or otherwise - but to me, this seems like a perfect use case for servitors and effigies.

Perhaps you can also combine it with non-occult practices for enticing animals such as concocting something that would have a smell that attracts the animals in question, or even those little devices that make bird call sounds etc.


Aug 17, 2023
Reaction score
Greetings to all. I am writing here because I have spent some time thinking about how to perform magic/spell to attract animals, specifically birds, to a specific area or physical place. Natural magic is not my strong suit, since I am more attracted to chaos magick, and I have the feeling that this issue may be more in the style of Shamanic, Wicca, Celtic magic or something like that... I do not wish to perform a trap for them or hunt them, of course. What happens is that due to the high temperatures, water is scarce as a resource around where I live, and I have prepared feeders and waterers for them... The problem is that a couple of years ago many birds came here, which I love it, but lately they are scarce, and I would like to provide them with a small oasis of plants, water and food... What do you think? I am not one to pray to any god, but rather to believe in the potential of the human mind and heart to modify reality... In fact, I hate all those powerful entities and spirits before whom one humiliates oneself and makes sacrifices that exalt their egos... But that is another, more personal issue... I don't mean to offend anyone, I'm sorry if that's how it happened. I'm just looking for help or guidance and I am willing to listen to any proposal/theory, whether I like it more or less... Thank you for your help.
Which animals? A non-magick lure for deer is called just that, "Buck lure." It's made from doe deer in heat and attracts bucks. Hunters use it to cover human scent. (A bit underhanded says I.) You can buy it online or in sporting goods stores in some states. Just put a few drops on trees fringing the area your feeders are. Repeat if it rains.

I guess one could stretch a point here and call the above "magick" because it uses, as it were, a potion.


Oct 29, 2023
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How you gonna quote the man and still ask what animals kek
bro wants birds.

im looking forward to see how practitioners he mentioned tackle this, should be a perfectly achievable if not low effort request
but im expecting nothing as usual.

otherwise i share Skull's approach but that would be chaos.

c'mon druids, show us something :ROFLMAO:


Jan 11, 2023
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Now, you will have to do your own research as I don't know much about animals occult or otherwise - but to me, this seems like a perfect use case for servitors and effigies.

Perhaps you can also combine it with non-occult practices for enticing animals such as concocting something that would have a smell that attracts the animals in question, or even those little devices that make bird call sounds etc.
Thanks for your suggestions.
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Which animals? A non-magick lure for deer is called just that, "Buck lure." It's made from doe deer in heat and attracts bucks. Hunters use it to cover human scent. (A bit underhanded says I.) You can buy it online or in sporting goods stores in some states. Just put a few drops on trees fringing the area your feeders are. Repeat if it rains.

I guess one could stretch a point here and call the above "magick" because it uses, as it were, a potion.
Thanks for answering. Yes, I know there are duck, turkey, deer decoys, etc., but that's not what I'm looking for... There is no generic bird decoy to get them all to where you called them. Maybe I didn't make myself understood. Sorry, if so. I'm looking for a way to "summon" these birds (for example) so they know they are welcome and come in a more "spiritual" way or something... I know it may sound crazy, but I have heard stories in the old towns of my land...
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How you gonna quote the man and still ask what animals kek
bro wants birds.

im looking forward to see how practitioners he mentioned tackle this, should be a perfectly achievable if not low effort request
but im expecting nothing as usual.

otherwise i share Skull's approach but that would be chaos.

c'mon druids, show us something :ROFLMAO:
Thanks for answer... Really i am waiting for the druids' opinion... ;-)


Aug 17, 2023
Reaction score
How you gonna quote the man and still ask what animals kek
bro wants birds.

im looking forward to see how practitioners he mentioned tackle this, should be a perfectly achievable if not low effort request
but im expecting nothing as usual.

otherwise i share Skull's approach but that would be chaos.

c'mon druids, show us something :ROFLMAO:
Sorry but that puzzled me a little. Usually folks call birds birds and animals are what walks on land. Anyhow, I'll leave it to the Druids.


Jan 17, 2023
Reaction score
How you gonna quote the man and still ask what animals kek
bro wants birds.

im looking forward to see how practitioners he mentioned tackle this, should be a perfectly achievable if not low effort request
but im expecting nothing as usual.

otherwise i share Skull's approach but that would be chaos.

c'mon druids, show us something :ROFLMAO:
I think that is very sweet of you to want to provide a much needed comfort for these beautiful creatures. We have taken so much away frrom them...and still continue to do.😢 I live in THE big city and i got sparrows, starlings and pigeons coming to my window ledge to eat out of my hand... i wish i could post a picture of me on my kitchen here... its such a sight to behold!!! :LOL: But i will side with SkullTraill with the bird boxes calls... that will be your number one attractor that's far reaching... now, your number one make them stay and keep it coming attractor is: FOOD!!! Once they learn there's food and water and safety for them somewhere, they will always come to that location for generations cause they always bring their offspring wherever they know they have food and water. Peanuts is your best friend for just about anything: squirrels, pigeons, bluejays, sparrows, crows, you name it, they all love peanuts. Another less conventional method is actually very simple... sit on a quiet place you can be alone and undisturbed, clear your mind. Breathe for a few minutes and begin a visualization of the area you are targeting for the birds. Feel in your heart what safety feels like. Now try to impregnate the whole area in your field of vision with that feeling. Do the same with the feelings of love and comfort. Now see the birds coming. See them eating, drinking, playing with each other. Transmit the feeling of ease and joy to them and feel their response which is usually a thankful feeling. Keep at it for as long as is comfortable. Then see them depart. Open your eyes and repeat daily till your wish comes true. Do this alongside the bird box calls and the food and you'll see.... Visualization that includes FEELINGS are very powerful. It shouldn't be long before you see them come. I wish you the very best. Hopes this helps!!☺️


Oct 29, 2023
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Sorry but that puzzled me a little. Usually folks call birds birds and animals are what walks on land. Anyhow, I'll leave it to the Druids.
lmao don't take shots. He said birds twice you didn't read it. :ROFLMAO:

Djnenas, i assume you wanted to tag OP on that reply not me, it's fine. (i don't like birds and they don't like me either)
everytime i think of them i think of cuckoos and how they are dropped into other species nests then push out all the other eggs and chicks
makes me sick. Burn them all.


Jan 17, 2023
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Oh I forgot to clarify...instead of bird call boxes, use YouTube videos of natural habitats that include bird calls as well. Wild birds do recognize the difference between wild, natural bird calls and bird call boxes. Again, I wish the very best for your endeavor... for you and for those little creatures that I know are gonna be so happy and fortunate to find a human that cares🤗



Apr 10, 2023
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What happens is that due to the high temperatures, water is scarce as a resource around where I live, and I have prepared feeders and waterers for them... The problem is that a couple of years ago many birds came here, which I love it, but lately they are scarce, and I would like to provide them with a small oasis of plants, water and food...

Did you take a break from putting out water and food? I find that birds will consistently return year after year to a place where I keep the feeders filled, but if I slack off they dwindle and it takes a long time for them to notice when I resume. The first time I put out a feeder it took a full month before I saw a single bird approach.

I've read also that birds also like to see flowers around, but not so many that a predator might hide among them.


Jan 11, 2023
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Did you take a break from putting out water and food? I find that birds will consistently return year after year to a place where I keep the feeders filled, but if I slack off they dwindle and it takes a long time for them to notice when I resume. The first time I put out a feeder it took a full month before I saw a single bird approach.

I've read also that birds also like to see flowers around, but not so many that a predator might hide among them.
Yes, I prepared an entire attic terrace for them with plants, water and food... A few years ago, they used to come quite a bit, but during a heat wave they stopped coming. I imagine that they would die or something happened to them, and they couldn't pass the location on to their offspring... I'm still working on it and a small species comes from time to time, although I'm still interested in building an island of good vibes, rest and food for them. Obviously I know that with time, and without the need for magic, you can reach this goal, but what I intend to do is build something more related to Nature and its little souls... Thanks for answering me.
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I think that is very sweet of you to want to provide a much needed comfort for these beautiful creatures. We have taken so much away frrom them...and still continue to do.😢 I live in THE big city and i got sparrows, starlings and pigeons coming to my window ledge to eat out of my hand... i wish i could post a picture of me on my kitchen here... its such a sight to behold!!! :LOL: But i will side with SkullTraill with the bird boxes calls... that will be your number one attractor that's far reaching... now, your number one make them stay and keep it coming attractor is: FOOD!!! Once they learn there's food and water and safety for them somewhere, they will always come to that location for generations cause they always bring their offspring wherever they know they have food and water. Peanuts is your best friend for just about anything: squirrels, pigeons, bluejays, sparrows, crows, you name it, they all love peanuts. Another less conventional method is actually very simple... sit on a quiet place you can be alone and undisturbed, clear your mind. Breathe for a few minutes and begin a visualization of the area you are targeting for the birds. Feel in your heart what safety feels like. Now try to impregnate the whole area in your field of vision with that feeling. Do the same with the feelings of love and comfort. Now see the birds coming. See them eating, drinking, playing with each other. Transmit the feeling of ease and joy to them and feel their response which is usually a thankful feeling. Keep at it for as long as is comfortable. Then see them depart. Open your eyes and repeat daily till your wish comes true. Do this alongside the bird box calls and the food and you'll see.... Visualization that includes FEELINGS are very powerful. It shouldn't be long before you see them come. I wish you the very best. Hopes this helps!!☺️
Thank you for answering me, you are very kind. It is nice answers like you have done. I will tell you why I am interested in this request I have made. Since I was very young I have had great respect for Nature. I always liked wandering through the valleys and mountains getting to know places and the people of the small villages. I remember meeting an old man in one of those villages who reconstructed broken bones and relieved fevers and pains with his hands. This old man also called the birds with a short whistle and they flocked around him. They were not species accustomed to humans, nor to him feeding them... They simply watched him and he greeted them... Magpies, goldfinches, greenfinches, robins, sparrows of various species, among others that could be found near where he was. And no, it's not a story. There are still people with that gift to whom sick people continue to go, despite the various institutional religions... And with these memories inside me, I wondered if it would be possible to establish a kind of magnetic relationship with birds. A connection that some have from birth and that I believe could be established with magical work... It is a type of experiment that I have been thinking about for some time.
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Oct 29, 2023
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Start with a banish. Rend the veil. Invoke angel of air. Make a circle using whatever you find there. Make a small simple shrine towards an entity
that is linked to birds. Air pentagram. Feathers, Avian bones, talons.
I don't know what they are called, but i have it on good authority it's a good boon to place those .... the center piece hangs and holds
a couple of smaller hollow wooden "tubes" that click and clang when the wind blows them, usually people put them above doors
- regardless, air oriented stuff should be pleasing. place shit like that.
I would try to use whistling as a component, create a melody to perform inside of the circle after all the other things.
(do this first by creating a magick intent, make a little 3-4 step melody out of it, or take a mantra/enn/whatever from an air entity)

incorporate chaos into it by adding sigils, as there should be plenty of entities to pick from i don't think a servitor of your own is needed.
Invoke the element of air in you then release it into the space using Bardon-breathing

last but not least remember that the meat reality doesn't matter that much, maybe at this point in time it's simply not a good spot for them
yet if the "other side" is to be attractive for such spirits than the physical ones will surely follow it's just a matter of time.

Finally, i should say that if you simply want to do that for small reasons you should not involve magick into it. If air/birds hold a more meaningful or important place for you then it's a different story.

That's all i got.


Jan 11, 2023
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Start with a banish. Rend the veil. Invoke angel of air. Make a circle using whatever you find there. Make a small simple shrine towards an entity
that is linked to birds. Air pentagram. Feathers, Avian bones, talons.
I don't know what they are called, but i have it on good authority it's a good boon to place those .... the center piece hangs and holds
a couple of smaller hollow wooden "tubes" that click and clang when the wind blows them, usually people put them above doors
- regardless, air oriented stuff should be pleasing. place shit like that.
I would try to use whistling as a component, create a melody to perform inside of the circle after all the other things.
(do this first by creating a magick intent, make a little 3-4 step melody out of it, or take a mantra/enn/whatever from an air entity)

incorporate chaos into it by adding sigils, as there should be plenty of entities to pick from i don't think a servitor of your own is needed.
Invoke the element of air in you then release it into the space using Bardon-breathing

last but not least remember that the meat reality doesn't matter that much, maybe at this point in time it's simply not a good spot for them
yet if the "other side" is to be attractive for such spirits than the physical ones will surely follow it's just a matter of time.

Finally, i should say that if you simply want to do that for small reasons you should not involve magick into it. If air/birds hold a more meaningful or important place for you then it's a different story.

That's all i got.
Thank you very much for answering. I'll try to research these practices and see what happens if I do it right...


Jul 22, 2024
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Wait why would you want to attract government spies? (I jest). In my experience consistently pushing out your good intentions and working diligently to maintain that safe space works very well, animals are very sensitive to those kind of things, and seem to be drawn to areas with humans who are.. in tune with the earth? Gotta be a word for that. Care for the earth and it will care for you, even if it's just the joy of seeing birds


Jan 11, 2023
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Wait why would you want to attract government spies? (I jest). In my experience consistently pushing out your good intentions and working diligently to maintain that safe space works very well, animals are very sensitive to those kind of things, and seem to be drawn to areas with humans who are.. in tune with the earth? Gotta be a word for that. Care for the earth and it will care for you, even if it's just the joy of seeing birds
Thank you for your reply. As for what you say, yes, I think that we need to establish a kind of "connection" with Nature and create a sanctuary of good vibrations for the birds, so that they can feel safe, rest and feed. And I think that the work is up to oneself and the environment where this "sanctuary" is established.
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This supposed relationship, according to folklore and tradition, between "black magic" and insects and some animals is very curious... Beyond superstitions and the definition that each one has about what "black magic" is, I find it interesting to delve deeper into the relationship of these little souls, companions of the planet, who share the journey with us...
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Robert Ramsay

Oct 1, 2023
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Again, I wish the very best for your endeavor... for you and for those little creatures that I know are gonna be so happy and fortunate to find a human that cares🤗

As it says in Glen David Gold's book "Carter Beats the Devil" - "If you want to know what someone thinks of people, just look at the way they treat animals"


Jan 17, 2023
Reaction score
Yes, I prepared an entire attic terrace for them with plants, water and food... A few years ago, they used to come quite a bit, but during a heat wave they stopped coming. I imagine that they would die or something happened to them, and they couldn't pass the location on to their offspring... I'm still working on it and a small species comes from time to time, although I'm still interested in building an island of good vibes, rest and food for them. Obviously I know that with time, and without the need for magic, you can reach this goal, but what I intend to do is build something more related to Nature and its little souls... Thanks for answering me.
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Thank you for answering me, you are very kind. It is nice answers like you have done. I will tell you why I am interested in this request I have made. Since I was very young I have had great respect for Nature. I always liked wandering through the valleys and mountains getting to know places and the people of the small villages. I remember meeting an old man in one of those villages who reconstructed broken bones and relieved fevers and pains with his hands. This old man also called the birds with a short whistle and they flocked around him. They were not species accustomed to humans, nor to him feeding them... They simply watched him and he greeted them... Magpies, goldfinches, greenfinches, robins, sparrows of various species, among others that could be found near where he was. And no, it's not a story. There are still people with that gift to whom sick people continue to go, despite the various institutional religions... And with these memories inside me, I wondered if it would be possible to establish a kind of magnetic relationship with birds. A connection that some have from birth and that I believe could be established with magical work... It is a type of experiment that I have been thinking about for some time.
I believe that's possible. Animals (especially in the wild) do know how to sense/see energy. Since they don't talk, all they do (for the most part) is OBSERVE. Like they say: Watch and learn. When they see you they get an energy picture of you of sorts, and they know whether to steer clear, observe some more or approach. It'll be a while before they approach you though. Patience is your best ally in this. In Nature everything happens in its right moment... with time. I noticed that whenever I'm upset/angry... the pigeons at my ledge fly away from my hand suddenly. The same hand that has fed most of them since they were babies, nurtured them back to health when they were sick... I experimented with this and the result is always the same. We aren't aware of what's on our minds 100% of the times... that counts too when you're in their surroundings. When we reconnect the dots of our best life, it always leads back to Nature... Mother Earth. I hope this nuggets of my experience help get you closer to what you want. Many blessings for you and your endeavor ☺️


Jan 11, 2023
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I believe that's possible. Animals (especially in the wild) do know how to sense/see energy. Since they don't talk, all they do (for the most part) is OBSERVE. Like they say: Watch and learn. When they see you they get an energy picture of you of sorts, and they know whether to steer clear, observe some more or approach. It'll be a while before they approach you though. Patience is your best ally in this. In Nature everything happens in its right moment... with time. I noticed that whenever I'm upset/angry... the pigeons at my ledge fly away from my hand suddenly. The same hand that has fed most of them since they were babies, nurtured them back to health when they were sick... I experimented with this and the result is always the same. We aren't aware of what's on our minds 100% of the times... that counts too when you're in their surroundings. When we reconnect the dots of our best life, it always leads back to Nature... Mother Earth. I hope this nuggets of my experience help get you closer to what you want. Many blessings for you and your endeavor ☺️
Thank you very much for your words and your interest in this issue.
Aug 14, 2024
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There's many way to think about it.

I know a guy who had results by calling a "Queen of Ants" to reduce the amount of ants in its place.

I would take time to get to know the kind of animal you want to attract (reading, finding where it leaves, what it eat...)

When you know enough, you may call the "King of That Species" and discuss to It about bringing that kind of animal.

You can connect to the wind and as you breath you imagine the wind bringing that particular species.

For this kind of magick, a more shamanic approach seems more suitable than any high magick one.


Jan 11, 2023
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There's many way to think about it.

I know a guy who had results by calling a "Queen of Ants" to reduce the amount of ants in its place.

I would take time to get to know the kind of animal you want to attract (reading, finding where it leaves, what it eat...)

When you know enough, you may call the "King of That Species" and discuss to It about bringing that kind of animal.

You can connect to the wind and as you breath you imagine the wind bringing that particular species.

For this kind of magick, a more shamanic approach seems more suitable than any high magick one.
Thanks for your reply. I understand what you are saying and I can share your point of view. I will try to see how that approach works... Thanks again.