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Whait is the Eteric Plane


Aug 26, 2024
Reaction score
I've done only a few astral projections and I have been harassed by astral entities since the first time, and I haven't return to the astral plane by will since then, plus the astral parasites that feasted on me for doing magick with no precautions. I recently foud out about the Eteric Plane, from a joke a read about two fishes haven a conversation about water and that they lived in water and don't have a clue about what water was.

At some point a had some energetic projections and some other strange things that happen when I joined a Rosacrucian order, I started having remote vision, telepathic capacities, strong visualization, and some visions of the eteric plane.

So please, if you will, can we talk about the eteric plane and how to interact with it?