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What are some basic spiritual practices meant to train disipline?

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Apr 30, 2024
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I need more disipline and maturity. What are some basic practices I can incorporate into my daily routine to build both disipline and maturity?

I'm looking for some practices meant to help me develop these skills that I lack, they could be simple or complex but it's better if they use limited materials.
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I'm also looking for ways to get rid of impulsive behavior or reactivity, particularly reacting without thinking. I ask that they be basic and require limited skills.
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Feb 8, 2022
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I would say meditation where you go into a flow-state and just ARE. When you go out from just being then you return it calmly to that state again and concentrate on upkeeping it.

Trataka is also another which gives discipline.


Apr 30, 2024
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I would say meditation where you go into a flow-state and just ARE. When you go out from just being then you return it calmly to that state again and concentrate on upkeeping it.

Trataka is also another which gives discipline.
I'm trying to avoid getting seriously into Magick or some of the more esoteric practices until I build disipline. I try to meditate for 30 minutes a day. Thank you.

How long would you recommend meditating in a Western society daily?
Sep 9, 2021
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Don't take thing keyboard cowboys type personally.

Experiment with the LBRP. Banish fire for impulsivity, banish water for reactivity, banish air for intrusive thoughts. If all fails, banish earth and invoke spirit.

Another trick is invoking and banishing elements via triangles (elemental glyphs), they can be found in "The Essential Golden Dawn" by the Ciceros.

In A "Garden of Pomegranates : Skrying the Tree of Life" by Cicero and Regardie, the Hebrew letters are used in pathworkings to test entities, but can be used to help control tue mind amd senses.

Try different schools of Magick, but quit the LHP workings. Demons are popular, but will break you down to build you up and generally fuck up your life in material matters. Stay away from the Qlippoth. The RHP can also fuck up your life, mind and senses to test you and build you up. Just like boot camp drill instructors.

You don't have to quit Magick, but you do have to control your senses and train your mind.


Apr 30, 2024
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Don't take thing keyboard cowboys type personally.

Experiment with the LBRP. Banish fire for impulsivity, banish water for reactivity, banish air for intrusive thoughts. If all fails, banish earth and invoke spirit.

Another trick is invoking and banishing elements via triangles (elemental glyphs), they can be found in "The Essential Golden Dawn" by the Ciceros.

In A "Garden of Pomegranates : Skrying the Tree of Life" by Cicero and Regardie, the Hebrew letters are used in pathworkings to test entities, but can be used to help control tue mind amd senses.

Try different schools of Magick, but quit the LHP workings. Demons are popular, but will break you down to build you up and generally fuck up your life in material matters. Stay away from the Qlippoth. The RHP can also fuck up your life, mind and senses to test you and build you up. Just like boot camp drill instructors.

You don't have to quit Magick, but you do have to control your senses and train your mind.
I've been having success with the LBRP, my therapist commented on the abrupt change I made with dealing with my trauma when I was just stuck before. It's been working so I'm going to keep with it.

I may bring it down from 2x a day to 1x a day.


Apr 30, 2024
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I would say meditation where you go into a flow-state and just ARE. When you go out from just being then you return it calmly to that state again and concentrate on upkeeping it.

Trataka is also another which gives discipline.
I just looked up on Trataka, It seems simple enough to meditate on a flame. What are some other objects you can direct your focus on?
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The issue with Trataka is primarily because it violates the lease to have a candle and I need a good reference since I am moving soon.
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Aug 31, 2021
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What are some basic practices I can incorporate into my daily routine

When I was young it was common to teach:

  • early to bed, early to rise
  • count to 10 before speaking
  • only associate with good people
  • spend less than you earn
  • keep your surroundings clean and tidy (as below so above)

If you want to do spiritual stuff: increase the light radiating from your heart. Do that by visualization and intent
Sep 9, 2021
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Stay away from sigils for the time being.

Try making and hanging 8x11 size elemental glyphs. For each day:
Monday - Luna - East - Air
Tuesday - Mars - South - Fire
Wednesday - Mercury - West - Water
Thursday - Jupiter - West - Water
Friday - Venus - South - Fire
Saturday - Saturn -North - Earth
Sunday - Sol - Above - Spirit


Tarot Majors.


Apr 30, 2024
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When I was young it was common to teach:

  • early to bed, early to rise
  • count to 10 before speaking
  • only associate with good people
  • spend less than you earn
  • keep your surroundings clean and tidy
  • as below so above.....

If you want to do spiritual stuff: increase the light radiating from your heart. Do that by visualization and intent
Been trying to do early to bed, early to rise, I didn't sleep last night since I've been doing shadow work and it has been causing increased restlessness when trying to fall asleep and I kept on having one of those hypnogogic hallunications when falling asleep of my body vibrating violently and I just gave up in sleeping so there are days where I haven't quite followed it.

These are good advices.
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When I was young it was common to teach:

  • early to bed, early to rise
  • count to 10 before speaking
  • only associate with good people
  • spend less than you earn
  • keep your surroundings clean and tidy (as below so above)

If you want to do spiritual stuff: increase the light radiating from your heart. Do that by visualization and intent
Keeping my space clean is something I do need to work on. I'm not sure if it's going to be perfect due to issues with attention which are neurologic (I do have a caregiver to help pick up), but these are things that can be improved, even with deficits and they shouldn't serve as an excuse. Especially since my attention is selective and something can be in front of me and I won't see it. Meditation which I'm about to leave the thread and do will hopefully help work on my attention.
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Stay away from sigils for the time being.

Try making and hanging 8x11 size elemental glyphs. For each day:
Monday - Luna - East - Air
Tuesday - Mars - South - Fire
Wednesday - Mercury - West - Water
Thursday - Jupiter - West - Water
Friday - Venus - South - Fire
Saturday - Saturn -North - Earth
Sunday - Sol - Above - Spirit


Tarot Majors.
Last question, do where you know where I can find information about invoking elements instead of the traditional LBRP. I could probably find them myself, but most sources just have traditional LBRP. It helps if I have visualizations on where to start.
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Apr 14, 2024
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Even more basic, is the practice Alistair Crowley describes in Yoga as Asana, and is the first practice in the Liber MMM chapter, in Liber Null and PsychoNaut, as well as other places.

The idea is deceptively simple, but definitely not easy.
1) Position yourself in a posture that you can maintain for a long time.
2) Decide on a length of time to do the exercise for, maybe start with 5 minutes, and increase from there.
3) The exercise is to sit (assuming you chose a seated posture), in RELAXED SILENT STILLNESS for the duration. No talking, no excess tension, no adjusting posture, no wiggling, no facial expressions, no sounds, Swallowing is Ok as long its not obsessive or weird. Of course breathe naturally, but this is not about breathing, so don't do any special breathing thing, including focusing on it. The focus is to remain in present time. Do this with both eyes closed, for some sessions and eyes open for others. Decide in advance if this is eyes open or closed, then it stays that way until the end of the time. IF this time it's eyes open, blinking is Ok, as long as it's normal, minimal blinking every 10 to 30 or so seconds.
4) If you make a slight violation of these rules reset the timer and start over. At some point, probably less than 15 minutes this will become insanely hard. You will want to justify moving. Be smart, if there is a real world need to move, like you have to take a shit, do so, and restart. The goal is to be able to sit there perfectly still, relaxed, and quiet for 4 hours. This will take some time weeks and months to work up to. It is very hard. You may not be able to fully do it on your own. Most people can't. This is not meditation, it is being present.

If you have a cold, it will be very difficult.

Don't beat yourself up when you have to restart, just restart. It might take 100 hours to be able to consistently do 10 minutes well. It's time well spent.

Eat, drink water, sleep between sessions, and take good care of yourself in every way. Do not neglect any area that of life such as school, work, etc to do this. Things like tv, internet, other time wastes should be put aside so that you can find time to do this, if you choose to take the challenge.

If you wish read Yoga, Liber Null, etc. for some background. This trains your magical will.



Mar 2, 2024
Reaction score
I need more disipline and maturity. What are some basic practices I can incorporate into my daily routine to build both disipline and maturity?

I'm looking for some practices meant to help me develop these skills that I lack, they could be simple or complex but it's better if they use limited materials.
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I'm also looking for ways to get rid of impulsive behavior or reactivity, particularly reacting without thinking. I ask that they be basic and require limited skills.
Good ol' stillness meditation
Afterwards Pythagorean Meditation which is basically rewiring your brain, bringing it to the present moment and aligned with your desired reality.

Pythagorean Meditation is something that I urge everyone to do.


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Jr. Sentinel
Apr 9, 2022
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The idea is deceptively simple
There's nothing to buy, say, or do? It is the antithesis of everything our culture tells us is worthwhile. How can it possibly be useful? Thus the beginner tries it a few times and then decides they'd rather go watch some TV, play a silly game on their phone, or make posts about changing themselves on a forum. (When one talks about what they intend to do, they let all the energy go and never actually do what they say.)

Swallowing is Ok as long its not obsessive or weird.
If I meditate too soon after eating, this is sometimes a problem. If I meditate when too hungry, it is a problem. It's best to meditate on a quiet stomach.


Apr 30, 2024
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When one talks about what they intend to do, they let all the energy go and never actually do what they say.
I want to thank you for this comment, silence is something I am practicing.

I was planning on making a post getting defensive and trying to justify how I am trying and was seeking but it wouldn't do anything. You gave good advice and I needed to take it in.

I know and this is something I will say. I can't be furiously grasping in the dark anymore seeking any explanation that I need to take the steps to find myself. It lead nowhere.

I did read my post before posting, I deleted a lot. I waited a few minutes. Realized I needed to thank you.
Sep 9, 2021
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Check out the Christian material in the book shares, I think there are the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. I uploaded it once, so it should be there. Mother Theresa likewise had spiritual exercises.

Paint the tree of life on a piece of poster board and hang at eye level. Meditate and gaze on it.

Draw and paint the Enochian watchtower tablets and hang each respective watchtower in the four cardinal directions. Gaze upon and meditate on each tablet.


Apr 30, 2024
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Check out the Christian material in the book shares, I think there are the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. I uploaded it once, so it should be there. Mother Theresa likewise had spiritual exercises.

Paint the tree of life on a piece of poster board and hang at eye level. Meditate and gaze on it.

Draw and paint the Enochian watchtower tablets and hang each respective watchtower in the four cardinal directions. Gaze upon and meditate on each tablet.
I will, but right now I have a few too many suggestions. I have to prioritize and set a few aside to avoid getting overwhelmed. A few of these are probably going to be set on the backburner for the moment.

I'm going to come back to this thread but I need to be able to practice the suggestions I already have.
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I decided to post this here instead of making a new thread. @SkullTraill I don't want it to be considered off topic. I'm trying to seek advice on building discipline, decided it would be more courteous not to make a new thread.

I'm having issues with the shadow work journal I'm trying to work on. I think it's important to work on, but things I'm trying to practice conflict with a lot of overly flowery ideas of psychology which include forgiveness, acceptance, and self-love which I'm trying to drop and focus more on self-criticism, taking accountability and building discipline which includes judgement of the self.

In the case where the philosophy of trauma work seems to conflict with what you need, and what you are trying to develop is it okay to practice things from one philosophy and leave them at the door when it's time, or would people recommend dropping conflicting philosophies completely?

I'm trying to drop a lot of the flowery non-judgement philosophies of psychology, should I keep on trying to work with this philosophy and then practice dropping it when it's time taking what I need at the noment I need it, or drop it completely, taking what I need out of it? It may be good practice to practice separating it when I don't need it, but it may also be practice not focusing on a philosophy that won't serve you and you have to then drop.
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