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What are the limits to Magick and Energy Manipulation.


Aug 19, 2024
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I have been poking around this forum for a couple days I am rather new hello everyone, but I have been studying the occult for about a month now and I have been gathering the curiosity.

Is there any possible way I am able to for instance use my energy or vital force imbue it or increase it and able to throw it out to someone, not as aero kinesics but think of the sense of a curse but one that can take a physical root in the mind to appear as a physical effect in a almost instant manner or within a time span of that now ?

I have began to circulate the energy within my hands when I meditate increasing the heat and blood flow through them and creating a ball of energy. If I wanted to transport this energy would It be if I were to perform telepathy and send the energy to my target through energy waves through a clean connection of emotion ? Or would it be more like visualization from visualization of the target appearing to be hotter to make the illusion real.


Oct 29, 2023
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well at least you're honest which puts you a step ahead.

Technically speaking, there are no limits to Magick. Anything is possible.

Usually we as the operators are the ones who provide the limits, so the proper answer is: There are no limits to magick, but there are to Humans.
magick it self is a verb- not a switch, your limit might be creating or throwing balls of energy
mine might be moving an object 1cm to the right.

But Another ninja might be able to shoot bullets of energy
and the other to lift and move the impossible girth and weight of yo momma across the street.

In this instance, the vessel is more important.
Training yourself up to be able to work with larger and higher quality
energies/mana/fuel in order to produce further effects.

You got a lot of reading ahead of you, i suggest checking for existing threads there's plenty of good (and bad!) info to find
that i would have loved to have ran into when i was starting out.


Jul 2, 2022
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Is there any possible way I am able to for instance use my energy or vital force imbue it or increase it and able to throw it out to someone, not as aero kinesics but think of the sense of a curse but one that can take a physical root in the mind to appear as a physical effect in a almost instant manner or within a time span of that now ?
Yes. But it will take training. Perhaps years of it.

Or would it be more like visualization from visualization of the target appearing to be hotter to make the illusion real.
Yeah this sounds like how I would do it. You could also visualise tendrils coming off of you and then you could transfer the malicious intent.


Staff member
Sep 27, 2021
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If I "send" something out I visualize a (little orb) because I want it to leave me along with it's load.
If I want to "take" something I visualize a tendril, to be a sort of pipeline that brings the energy, and that I can withdraw back to me.


Organized Chaos
Aug 1, 2024
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I have been poking around this forum for a couple days I am rather new hello everyone, but I have been studying the occult for about a month now and I have been gathering the curiosity.

Is there any possible way I am able to for instance use my energy or vital force imbue it or increase it and able to throw it out to someone, not as aero kinesics but think of the sense of a curse but one that can take a physical root in the mind to appear as a physical effect in a almost instant manner or within a time span of that now ?

I have began to circulate the energy within my hands when I meditate increasing the heat and blood flow through them and creating a ball of energy. If I wanted to transport this energy would It be if I were to perform telepathy and send the energy to my target through energy waves through a clean connection of emotion ? Or would it be more like visualization from visualization of the target appearing to be hotter to make the illusion real.
You may find this answer a bit unsatisfactory because I’m not going to make any grand claims.
You can skip ahead to the “usages” part I highlighted if you find this part tedious) I’d focus not only the energy in your hands but all of your chakras and use that to draw upon more energy, it can be draining, but grounding and bringing energy up through your soles can help with the build up, (or you can push negative energy out through your soles and bring positive energy in before helping to heal.) Or for instance, some places that you can really feel energy exit is the wrist area, your hands and especially your fingertips, you can learn to control the “flow” of energy, it can be a flow like if you want to feel energy on one side and shift it to the other, sure it can be done instantaneous but imo if feels like the energy is distorted and dispersed, where if you can get it to flow from one side or another nothing feels lost, same if you charge up during chakra meditation and use that energy to form a ball with your hands, letting the energy you have build up and flow out of your wrists palms and fingertips, places the energy naturally can focus it, helps it feels stronger more dense rather than forcing a ball with your hands but using more of rounded rotated movements as you let the energy flow out of you.

As for usages…
yes slight telekinesis can be performed by some, although I have yet to see any practical use for it other than to show off (I see it like skin toughening, not much point in doing it because the effort doesn’t repeatedly stack, it needs to be practiced on nearly an everyday basis and sometimes it’s minimal results with no real use) there are rumors of a sect of monks that can lift large weighted objects but only through chanting, surrounding the object on 2 or 3 sides and having their chant echo a certain way as the focus their energy. (This is a rumor though) However I have yet to see a legitimate “no touch knockout” or anything of that sort. But it’s completely feasible to use your own energy, magnetic/aura field to send out energy to cause someone harm, especially if you think of it as kind of a reverse reiki or an acupuncture gone wrong, it messes with a persons natural shielding to disease or other health functions, you can make them feel lethargic or seemingly have “bad luck” (this is sometimes done with just the “evil eye” with a strong enough intent and projection of your own energy with the intent to do harm, including ways like you are trying to describe)
Reverse is also true, you can use your own energy to help heal and help relieve dis-ease in someone.
However, imo these are kind of just wastes of energy. Except for the healing. There are real life examples of people using chi energy that goes unnoticed quite often but are quite impressive, Also it’s normally not thought of in this way but people use chi energy every day it’s just seen as less “mystical”.
the extent it can be focused and used is on the practitioner, surprisingly quick results are pretty easy to come by, but can also be fleeting if a person fails to meditate and practice, Although nothing compares to years- decades of practice. Eventually you won’t need to send energy to do harm, you’ll have a natural guarding to anyone who wishes you bad intentions with the right meditation and lifestyle. (This doesn’t mean you need to be a health freak, just keeping an eye out for any unnatural hormonal shifts as this can cause disruption in your magnetic field/aura field)


Aug 19, 2024
Reaction score
I have been poking around this forum for a couple days I am rather new hello everyone, but I have been studying the occult for about a month now and I have been gathering the curiosity.

Is there any possible way I am able to for instance use my energy or vital force imbue it or increase it and able to throw it out to someone, not as aero kinesics but think of the sense of a curse but one that can take a physical root in the mind to appear as a physical effect in a almost instant manner or within a time span of that now ?

I have began to circulate the energy within my hands when I meditate increasing the heat and blood flow through them and creating a ball of energy. If I wanted to transport this energy would It be if I were to perform telepathy and send the energy to my target through energy waves through a clean connection of emotion ? Or would it be more like visualization from visualization of the target appearing to be hotter to make the illusion real.
I appreciate all the feedback thank you truly.
Post automatically merged:

You may find this answer a bit unsatisfactory because I’m not going to make any grand claims.
You can skip ahead to the “usages” part I highlighted if you find this part tedious) I’d focus not only the energy in your hands but all of your chakras and use that to draw upon more energy, it can be draining, but grounding and bringing energy up through your soles can help with the build up, (or you can push negative energy out through your soles and bring positive energy in before helping to heal.) Or for instance, some places that you can really feel energy exit is the wrist area, your hands and especially your fingertips, you can learn to control the “flow” of energy, it can be a flow like if you want to feel energy on one side and shift it to the other, sure it can be done instantaneous but imo if feels like the energy is distorted and dispersed, where if you can get it to flow from one side or another nothing feels lost, same if you charge up during chakra meditation and use that energy to form a ball with your hands, letting the energy you have build up and flow out of your wrists palms and fingertips, places the energy naturally can focus it, helps it feels stronger more dense rather than forcing a ball with your hands but using more of rounded rotated movements as you let the energy flow out of you.

As for usages…
yes slight telekinesis can be performed by some, although I have yet to see any practical use for it other than to show off (I see it like skin toughening, not much point in doing it because the effort doesn’t repeatedly stack, it needs to be practiced on nearly an everyday basis and sometimes it’s minimal results with no real use) there are rumors of a sect of monks that can lift large weighted objects but only through chanting, surrounding the object on 2 or 3 sides and having their chant echo a certain way as the focus their energy. (This is a rumor though) However I have yet to see a legitimate “no touch knockout” or anything of that sort. But it’s completely feasible to use your own energy, magnetic/aura field to send out energy to cause someone harm, especially if you think of it as kind of a reverse reiki or an acupuncture gone wrong, it messes with a persons natural shielding to disease or other health functions, you can make them feel lethargic or seemingly have “bad luck” (this is sometimes done with just the “evil eye” with a strong enough intent and projection of your own energy with the intent to do harm, including ways like you are trying to describe)
Reverse is also true, you can use your own energy to help heal and help relieve dis-ease in someone.
However, imo these are kind of just wastes of energy. Except for the healing. There are real life examples of people using chi energy that goes unnoticed quite often but are quite impressive, Also it’s normally not thought of in this way but people use chi energy every day it’s just seen as less “mystical”.
the extent it can be focused and used is on the practitioner, surprisingly quick results are pretty easy to come by, but can also be fleeting if a person fails to meditate and practice, Although nothing compares to years- decades of practice. Eventually you won’t need to send energy to do harm, you’ll have a natural guarding to anyone who wishes you bad intentions with the right meditation and lifestyle. (This doesn’t mean you need to be a health freak, just keeping an eye out for any unnatural hormonal shifts as this can cause disruption in your magnetic field/aura field)
What would u consider this type of magick is it elemental or is it considered chaos magick ?
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Organized Chaos
Aug 1, 2024
Reaction score
What would u consider this type of magick is it elemental or is it considered chaos magick ?
For me it falls under Chaos Magick but that’s because of how I personally practice, but if you want to be technical, some aspects are elemental based, other aspects just deal with the metaphysical, or it’s mind based, its chakra based. If you’re asking where the energy comes from I’d say it’s in the tree’s the streams, the grass, the dirt, the plants and animals, it comes from the earth itself, and it comes from within, we train not only our bodies but discipline the mind when we meditate.