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What do I see above Sweden?


Dec 2, 2022
Reaction score
I have problems with meaning of words but they become more clear lately.
I noticed I have experienced things but never used certain terms.
I sometimes experience some during by day just some trance state.
And see things vivid. But I do nothing for it and it happens not often. If it happens it is relaxing.

I wonder if others see the same things in a vision as I do.
Like I see things in a vision but they repeat as if they are real.
I look things up on the internet I know nothing about and find they do exist and be amazed about it and so I start a bit believe in the things I see when I seem to travel through and passes things happened in history.

Some things seem to be important.

I travel most of the times above Sweden en Scotland.
But in accation also near Ireland and Welsh.
There for I believe those places are important.
I fly also far above England or above England. Once I strangely look over a kind of clip or mountain and saw America Or the United states. I always end up there see visions neer the airplane of New York.

Then I think , how can that be. I am in England. In the UK.
Then it seems often to be in a kind of war planes or times.

I see things happened to Germans also.

Some got stuck in time because Sweden knew the trick and magic to do it and they are still there up and until today.

I see German soldiers fallen into a trap also.

Or how they give misinformation about what happened during war so we know never the truth about certain things.

I saw the time of Henry the fourth.

And the connections near castles.

I saw soldiers from many countries. Like French and US and Canada and India.

They fight about rights.

But the mane thing I wanted to point at was actually what I sometimes see above Sweden and Scotland and if somebody knows something about it. Number one. I always feel all over a sudden fear. Shaky and nervous then feel sorry for the people live there. Something is shaking and big and giant and tall and looks like ghosts and is above Sweden over the sea and looks demonic and nobody believes the people there.
I feel sad writing it. But I have never been there. I do not know if what I feel is real.
There seem to be a mysterious thing sometimes going over sea near or above Sweden.

Has anybody ever heard about it. I see a bit similar above Scotland but less clear and I want to know if this is true. And I like some comfirmation.
Sep 9, 2021
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My Dad and I were talking about the country of the United States we grew up in. Perhaps it is age, but we dont recognize the same country anymore. We almost had an argument this morning about illegal aliens and immigration standards. I love him nonetheless, he can argue with the best of them.
There is with every civilization, a rise and fall. We concur we are in the decline. Thus evil is allowed to reign for a season. Then no more.