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What do you feel energy as?


Organized Chaos
Aug 1, 2024
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Just a general question, what do you personally feel/experience energy as? A warmth, a tingling or even a “ZZZ” sensation, in your best words how would you describe the way you personally feel it? If you care to bring it up where and when did you first notice being able to feel it when others had no clue what you were talking about or did they? How would you describe it to someone who never has experienced the sensation?
The point of this discussion is to see if there is any cross over between the way a person “feels” or “experiences” the sensation of energy and what their main purpose for pursuing magick was. Or if there is any correlation in experiences. 🤷‍♂️

Discuss anything you want relating to your experiences with energy or how it may have affected the way you view/approached magick as a whole or any correlations you think it may have to your specific practice. Where do you feel it in your body more than other places? Do LHP and RHP people have the same experience in regards to where they experience it more or less?

** What are your experiences in
What were your expectations going into it if you did so knowingly and did they differ?

Let’s find out
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Aug 27, 2024
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I can give you some examples what happens when I'm doing my energy work.
Early days when I started with the religious and energy, mantra work. I remember feeling tingling or heat in hands and the forehead. Then the sensations got stronger, more tingling.

At some point something exploded open. Tingling turned into waves, more waves, then even more waves.
Something exploded even more open. Some time went by, waves turned into something more blazing, buzzing. Like a stream, river, something that touches your mind. As if while doing the ritual work, you have a stream of water flowing through your mind.

During the experimentations, energy work, not sure exactly when but I learned to distinguish the energies. I feel that I can "taste" them with my mind, I guess it's the third eye giving this effect...?

Tingling, heat, waves, hot or cold sensations, on the forehead, top of head, sides of head. A stream of water like effect. Followed by ecstastic states of bliss, mental highs, effects similar or stronger than what drugs give.

Other energies, cemetery. I wish I could find the words how to describe this one. The effects make me feel numb, high, serene but in a weird way. I honestly dont know with what to compare it. There were some times when I felt the taste of soil for days after going there, that was quite unpleasant and slightly annoying, fortunately it only happened a few times. The energy though, one of a kind ... hmm, rough, deep, extremely strong, with a weird flavor, "taste".

I also feel something strange when I use the tarot cards, another one I just can't find words for. A strange "taste" of specific energy that I feel through my mind.

You mentioned the main purpose. I wanted to experience special states of mind, unlock power, abilities, psychic skills, something strong and powerful. This gave me the motivation to start energy work, study of magic. Craving for knowledge, understanding, finding the purpose of everything.

Over the years I taught some people how to open the senses to get the same stuff going. They all described the same sensations, a champagne bottle exploding, senses unlocked further, another explosion like effect in the third eye & mind, waves, river or ocean of energy, with specific tastes, feelings of high, states of bliss.


Organized Chaos
Aug 1, 2024
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I can give you some examples what happens when I'm doing my energy work.
Early days when I started with the religious and energy, mantra work. I remember feeling tingling or heat in hands and the forehead. Then the sensations got stronger, more tingling.

At some point something exploded open. Tingling turned into waves, more waves, then even more waves.
Something exploded even more open. Some time went by, waves turned into something more blazing, buzzing. Like a stream, river, something that touches your mind. As if while doing the ritual work, you have a stream of water flowing through your mind.

During the experimentations, energy work, not sure exactly when but I learned to distinguish the energies. I feel that I can "taste" them with my mind, I guess it's the third eye giving this effect...?

Tingling, heat, waves, hot or cold sensations, on the forehead, top of head, sides of head. A stream of water like effect. Followed by ecstastic states of bliss, mental highs, effects similar or stronger than what drugs give.

Other energies, cemetery. I wish I could find the words how to describe this one. The effects make me feel numb, high, serene but in a weird way. I honestly dont know with what to compare it. There were some times when I felt the taste of soil for days after going there, that was quite unpleasant and slightly annoying, fortunately it only happened a few times. The energy though, one of a kind ... hmm, rough, deep, extremely strong, with a weird flavor, "taste".

I also feel something strange when I use the tarot cards, another one I just can't find words for. A strange "taste" of specific energy that I feel through my mind.

You mentioned the main purpose. I wanted to experience special states of mind, unlock power, abilities, psychic skills, something strong and powerful. This gave me the motivation to start energy work, study of magic. Craving for knowledge, understanding, finding the purpose of everything.

Over the years I taught some people how to open the senses to get the same stuff going. They all described the same sensations, a champagne bottle exploding, senses unlocked further, another explosion like effect in the third eye & mind, waves, river or ocean of energy, with specific tastes, feelings of high, states of bliss.
Thanks for your experiences! I always thought of the “wave” feeling as more of a manipulation aspect. I was really thrown aback upon reading Anton Mesmer referred to it as a “magnetic fluid” he even at one point used magnets but later took them out of his practice (disclaimer: I haven’t read his book but the claim of him using solid magnets for at least a brief period to help heal “misbehaving magnetic fluid” seems to be known)


Staff member
Jul 3, 2023
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Thanks for your experiences! I always thought of the “wave” feeling as more of a manipulation aspect. I was really thrown aback upon reading Anton Mesmer referred to it as a “magnetic fluid” he even at one point used magnets but later took them out of his practice (disclaimer: I haven’t read his book but the claim of him using solid magnets for at least a brief period to help heal “misbehaving magnetic fluid” seems to be known)
Here is an update to magnets & supernaturnal experienes I came across only yesterday:
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, esp. the "the Device that incorporates solenoids placed over the temporal lobe", so magnets seem to have their uses in magic after all.

I only ever feel energy as warmth in the body areas or 'channels" I concentrate on, not in specific locations or people. Cemetaries, even old ones, for example, don't feel spooky to me, I'd have to make an effort to deceive myself and imagine the shades of dead people lingering there. Sometimes when going for a walk, I pass two ancient trees that have grown together at their bases long ago and wonder whether I'm supposed to feel something special about them, they look so bizarre... others probably would sense two dryads locked in a passionate embrace and whatnot but I'm somewhat paranoid to start obsessing over something I don't genuinely feel, so I'm holding out for spontaneous, unmistakable sensations that could only be interpreted as supernatural energies and not be explained by autosuggestion.


Sep 10, 2024
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Similar to
Just a general question, what do you personally feel/experience energy as?
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When things are going right, something similar to runners high. Or the point on a long hike that you start to feel like you could go on forever.

When things are going wrong, it's like a prolonged fight or flight response. A feeling akin to greening out.


Organized Chaos
Aug 1, 2024
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Here is an update to magnets & supernaturnal experienes I came across only yesterday:
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, esp. the "the Device that incorporates solenoids placed over the temporal lobe", so magnets seem to have their uses in magic after all.

I only ever feel energy as warmth in the body areas or 'channels" I concentrate on, not in specific locations or people. Cemetaries, even old ones, for example, don't feel spooky to me, I'd have to make an effort to deceive myself and imagine the shades of dead people lingering there. Sometimes when going for a walk, I pass two ancient trees that have grown together at their bases long ago and wonder whether I'm supposed to feel something special about them, they look so bizarre... others probably would sense two dryads locked in a passionate embrace and whatnot but I'm somewhat paranoid to start obsessing over something I don't genuinely feel, so I'm holding out for spontaneous, unmistakable sensations that could only be interpreted as supernatural energies and not be explained by autosuggestion.

I thought I read somewhere they used those helmets on astronauts to see if leaving earths magnetic field would effect them in any way and they got that transcendental feeling but it may have just been lore. That is interesting though thanks for the link 👍 I couldn’t find any reference to them or even know the device had a name in my previous post so I didn’t even mention it.

Thanks for the info! That is the most reasonable way to go about it. Being a chaos magician you often have to force a belief and the distinction between truth and reality can actually get blurred in your own mind, sometimes in a severe and consequential way if you don’t pull back quick enough, so I 100% respect that. I never did that with energy and have been cautious in that respect as well. Luckily I never really had to force it.

The more I think about it the more sense it makes that Mesmer referred to energy as “magnetic”. As for feeling the energy of a place or thing outside myself I find that difficult as well. I’m interested in seeing if anyone eventually comments on that aspect of it because I’m definitely curious.


Staff member
Jul 3, 2023
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The more I think about it the more sense it makes that Mesmer referred to energy as “magnetic”. As for feeling the energy of a place or thing outside myself I find that difficult as well. I’m interested in seeing if anyone eventually comments on that aspect of it because I’m definitely curious.

It's also because of that NewAge crowd I used to associate with - often they'd say "This room has bad energy!" which mostly meant that they didn't like the interior decoration :D , so I'm careful with that. Castaneda talks in one of his books with his experience of finding a 'power spot' (in a small area of no importance, not like places of power), a spot where you sense an inexplicable feeling of warmth and well-being. I sometimes try this when looking for a place to sit down on a meadow or a beach, for example.


Organized Chaos
Aug 1, 2024
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Castaneda talks in one of his books with his experience of finding a 'power spot' (in a small area of no importance, not like places of power), a spot where you sense an inexplicable feeling of warmth and well-being. I sometimes try this when looking for a place to sit down on a meadow or a beach, for example.
Hmm 🤔 that’s interesting to know, so it might have some merit in that respect. I wonder if he was on a ley line. 🧐


On Probation
Sep 15, 2024
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Just a general question, what do you personally feel/experience energy as? A warmth, a tingling or even a “ZZZ” sensation, in your best words how would you describe the way you personally feel it? If you care to bring it up where and when did you first notice being able to feel it when others had no clue what you were talking about or did they? How would you describe it to someone who never has experienced the sensation?
The point of this discussion is to see if there is any cross over between the way a person “feels” or “experiences” the sensation of energy and what their main purpose for pursuing magick was. Or if there is any correlation in experiences. 🤷‍♂️

Discuss anything you want relating to your experiences with energy or how it may have affected the way you view/approached magick as a whole or any correlations you think it may have to your specific practice. Where do you feel it in your body more than other places? Do LHP and RHP people have the same experience in regards to where they experience it more or less?

** What are your experiences in
What were your expectations going into it if you did so knowingly and did they differ?

Let’s find out
v v v
IN my experinece dark energy can be hot. and light energy is cold.
Aug 14, 2024
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Cemetaries, even old ones, for example, don't feel spooky to me, I'd have to make an effort to deceive myself and imagine the shades of dead people lingering there.

Technically most cemeteries aren't haunted. They are places were nothing grow.

There's a lot of decay eating spirits in those places that make the """""haunting by shades of the dead"""""" not a one fit all case for such places.

People who see spirits in their most likely see the memories of the people who are there (or the decay eaters)

Their tomb may work as an altar/portal to call them when people go put flowers or when magician evoke them.... But i very doubt they stay permanently in the cemetery.

As for the trees and the dryads. I think they are a way to personify the tree. I'm not saying they aren't humanoid fae like creatures in the forest. But most of those creatures are just anthropomorphism to give shape to wild entities that may no have an appearance to start with ahha.


Apr 29, 2024
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Energy, to me, is experienced in mostly the head and heart. It doesn't feel like any of the standard five senses, it is similar to a moving pressure that acts like a flame, with my head being the wick. It constantly swirls and moves and can be directed with intention, but to the new and fearful, it can be as terrible as being on a raft in the middle of a stormy ocean.

It is less focus and more broad, clear, ego-less awareness that pairs best with controlling It. I have experienced several 'explosions' of Energy throughout my body of unparalleled bliss, like my whole being was as buoyant and hollow as a bubble full of light, and there was nothing but total freedom, control, and peace... though this has only happened when paired with mystical epiphanies that fade with time.

Energy has always been a secondary focus for me though, the spectre behind the sensations that directs and observes has always appeared to be the obvious key 🔑 🦉