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What happend to the Internet?


Aug 26, 2024
Reaction score

As you may notice it is now a commune thing to find nothing on the Internet, in fact there is no Internet anymore, it is a network of 4 companies that are propriety of the Government of the USA. Google, Facebook, Youtube and some other little fishes that parasite the planet.

I notice since 2016 when the influencer job took out the blogs and personal sites and start to sell products and services, and so we are now only surfing a web that it is made out of 80% cheap porn and fake content generated by AI and some e-services like free email(wonder why it is free) "free" video-chat apps and some streaming platforms.

When you search on the Internet, and the only way is by going to Google and Bing, you only find paid search results and commercial articles on commercial sites that sell or promote something, I used to surf the net for hours going from site to site and forum to forum, and it was fun. I made a lots a fiends on the Internet and I had a relationship for a long time. But now there is nothing, only empty content and publicity, lots of it, the SE don't return nothing relevant and the are acting like they are dumb and they promote what they want, and what it is harmful to there organization, is automatically beaned from SE.

Y had various YouTube channels that are discriminated by them, if a video stands up and is relevant and has good quality they filter it out and don't show it in the search results or the recommendation, I know that for sure because you can't find my YouTube channel, only if you know the link you can see it.

So if you try and create a social network or create some type of platform to promote content that it is not commercial or mainstream, you will probabely end in jail and own a lots of money to internet companys and some goverments that take you to court for not respecting the laws the invented for themself, but not aply to them, only you. But if you are Google, you can only pay 1,5% profit taxes in Ireland and you are free to work on the entire world and have almost 90% of the mobile devices of the humanity in your proprety, because, I hope you already know that your smartphone is not yours, it is owned by the manufacture company and Google, after to years of using the phone, the only thing you can do with it, is used as a weight, or just look at it and admire a pice o useles technology.

The point here is that someone started the AI fraude that they imposed on us by force, that steals ideas and learns how to do tasks that humans did and perpetuate itself with our money and information, did you know that Alexa was trained by indians and pakistanis that worked for 2 buks an hour? The same thing happend with ChatGPT, traind by people how think that they are in front of some sort of superior inteligence when in reality ChatGPT has the inteligence of a 2 year old, only prompts results by folowing instruction and automatizations, and all the datebase info it uses is stealed from creators, writers, artist and scientis. But what do you have acces to, that of course is free to use, they don't charge you, it is free... right.

I will continue, but please tell me what You think about this.

Thanx and best wishes for everyone!


Jul 9, 2024
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Corporatism at its finest.
Marketing and how data is shared has ruined our means of communication.


Aug 3, 2024
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AI us a fraud as far as any claim of "intelligence". There are recent experiments in biochemistry that have drawn the attention of mainstream scientists, and the findings reveal consciousness as a quantum-level event, meaning electrical circuits are not going to cut it no matter how fancy or intricate. You have to start with atomic level architecture and then use wave-forms that are practically alive themselves to even think of claiming any potential for sentience.

Anyway, AI as a creative assist in communicating is a glorified browser that compiles information into images and words. Great for ironing out the kings and polishing, but a mess if given too much leeway. My question is, what did anyone think was going to happen when corporations offer anything for free?

We get addicted to the perks and then complain when the mask falls and the price we have to pay comes calling. So what can we do? I always figured, that if esoteric arts cannot be applied to contemporary social issues, they lack the art aspect. This is where magic is the means of expressing maturity (enlightenment might be going too far) to creatively assess the situation from a deeper level and deal with it accordingly.

Unfortunately, extended details would only be censored. But the esoteric is already "not credible", and hence harmless. All those people out there who generate chaos of beliefs and practices, they keep the witch hunts from happening. If practitioners were all sages, they would be hunted down as threats, as history tells us is often the case.

I see the developments as a process, and one where a certain current of positive outcome (for humanity and the Earth) is supported by both the unseen and those humans who are unknown by the media, but might otherwise be a focus of controversy.


Jun 30, 2021
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it seems writing truth online is more dangerous then living life. i remember a song by bjork where robots come alive. and a movie where robots take over aka i robot. when you see zelenskyy buying robot weaponry and youtube has vids with selfshooting robots and saudi arabia having female bots, etc. one might wonder where we put a border in evolution. is it wise to have nano bots heal us? is it wise to have a machine deciding what is good veggies, by learning what is perfect to sell?

people dont want to think such scary things so they go gamble and watch pron, go deaf and are thankful they still have a job.


Aug 17, 2023
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The EU has been selectively arresting folks from outside who violate their thousand online shibboleths and strictures. They put Musk in the crosshairs last week. It's like Evola said about the Amis' freedom nigh a century ago: "One is free to scrupulously remain inside certain surprisingly narrow limits." It's like a basketball game where you can run with the ball, tackle, punch, spit...everything except ask whether we should be playing basketball at all. More eloquent types than myself speak of the West as emerging anarcho-tyranny. Prey on the neighbors; never question the system that countenances the arrangement itself.


Staff member
Sep 27, 2021
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@8Lou1 and @Xenophon these posts barely habe anything to do with the topic.
Please continue your conversation in Lou's Crypto thread for example.

To return to dead internet:
I use Adblocker browser and really can't figure out why someone wouldn't. These people with their expensive phones, clicking every cookie popup and wondering why their internet is so slow and ads follow them from device to device.


Aug 26, 2024
Reaction score
Corporatism at its finest.
Marketing and how data is shared has ruined our means of communication.
I don't think it is the fault of the corporations, I think we can blame the persons that decide for fast rewording pleasure in the form of short video, that was what destroy the Internet. When people begun earning big bucks by posting commercial videos and start acting like they are some sort of experts when in reality the only thing they know is to make a script and "kiss" a camera, and that is a problem too, cheap video cameras becaose every one can be an influencer and tell you what to think and what to buy.

The persons that don't have a clue about what should be a real role model and don't have a decent education or a minimum level of general cultural knowledge and grow up in a society with no real values or ethical and moral rules, have determine the trajectory of the Internet. If you are a robot sheep and you have now other objectives beside getting rich and have pleasure in your live, the people start to fake it, so they can sell, and the point here is that this behavior, of the internautes, generated the phenomenon of the influencers and the problem is that the Internet today is a playground, or a marketplace for Influencers, to fool people and get their money, attention, energy, and life...

Still, the Internet we can access for free is only 5% of the "iceberg" that the internet is in total, the visible part of the Internet it is only accessed by SE and you have to use browsers that are full of malware, adware, and spyware, plus the ones that mine crypto, without telling you that they are doing it. So that 5% of the Internet became a commercial and user driven space ruled by 4 corporations that use AI that we trained for free without knowing when using there free chat apps and video chat and expensive operating systems and other rootkit like pieces of software that you pay for.

Than there is the part of the occult organizations and secret service, being that propriety of a government or private capital. There made this apps to maintain control over the masses and get information, because the information is what the want, to know what you do, what you think and what you want to do, so they can stop you from engaging in protests or try to take them our of business, because that is it, a business, and we are all numbers in a spreadsheet and their social score programs.
Post automatically merged:

AI us a fraud as far as any claim of "intelligence". There are recent experiments in biochemistry that have drawn the attention of mainstream scientists, and the findings reveal consciousness as a quantum-level event, meaning electrical circuits are not going to cut it no matter how fancy or intricate. You have to start with atomic level architecture and then use wave-forms that are practically alive themselves to even think of claiming any potential for sentience.

Anyway, AI as a creative assist in communicating is a glorified browser that compiles information into images and words. Great for ironing out the kings and polishing, but a mess if given too much leeway. My question is, what did anyone think was going to happen when corporations offer anything for free?

We get addicted to the perks and then complain when the mask falls and the price we have to pay comes calling. So what can we do? I always figured, that if esoteric arts cannot be applied to contemporary social issues, they lack the art aspect. This is where magic is the means of expressing maturity (enlightenment might be going too far) to creatively assess the situation from a deeper level and deal with it accordingly.

Unfortunately, extended details would only be censored. But the esoteric is already "not credible", and hence harmless. All those people out there who generate chaos of beliefs and practices, they keep the witch hunts from happening. If practitioners were all sages, they would be hunted down as threats, as history tells us is often the case.

I see the developments as a process, and one where a certain current of positive outcome (for humanity and the Earth) is supported by both the unseen and those humans who are unknown by the media, but might otherwise be a focus of controversy.
AI started after WWII and they cut it down like they did with the electric car so they can have more territory under control, because that was what happens with the oil industry, they discovered a new form of enslaving humanity and consume it's energy. The fraud of the AI industry is what happen now, in the '50 they had the same technology they let us use today "for free" with big results, at the beginning it was government founded but then corporation took over and like every thin they touch and prostitute turn out bad for us.

I work in a design and IT firm, and in this sector it is a problem to not use AI, first of all the PC's have to be hi end machines with a powerful graphic car, so you can train the AI model, strange how graphic card manufacturers found this source of money, first crypto now AI... it is awkward
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Jun 4, 2023
Reaction score
This is such an interesting topic.

As you may notice it is now a commune thing to find nothing on the Internet, in fact there is no Internet anymore, it is a network of 4 companies that are propriety of the Government of the USA. Google, Facebook, Youtube and some other little fishes that parasite the planet.

The internet is increasingly centralized, which can be attributed to the natural cycle of competition and consumer preferences. As a product or service gains popularity and outperforms its competitors, it becomes the norm. Users generally prioritize functionality and convenience over the specific service provider. However, we as geeks, we may have a deeper interest in the implications of this centralization. From a business standpoint, the driving force behind big tech is typically profit-oriented.

I notice since 2016 when the influencer job took out the blogs and personal sites and start to sell products and services, and so we are now only surfing a web that it is made out of 80% cheap porn and fake content generated by AI and some e-services like free email(wonder why it is free) "free" video-chat apps and some streaming platforms.

There is something for everyone. Many individuals tend to gravitate toward content that is easily digestible, often engaging their instinctual brains. While some may label this trend as negative, I prefer to view it as a reflection of human nature rather than a moral failing.
Now if you're coming from certain politics you might argue that this trend could lead to societal corruption and should be addressed, which is understandable however is out of our control.

When you search on the Internet, and the only way is by going to Google and Bing, you only find paid search results and commercial articles on commercial sites that sell or promote something, I used to surf the net for hours going from site to site and forum to forum, and it was fun. I made a lots a fiends on the Internet and I had a relationship for a long time. But now there is nothing, only empty content and publicity, lots of it, the SE don't return nothing relevant and the are acting like they are dumb and they promote what they want, and what it is harmful to there organization, is automatically beaned from SE.

In my humble opinion, and I do not really mean any offense, but the internet has not changed at all. You have. These places you talk of? Still exist, and hey, you already found your way to this forum. AI is likely to replace search engines, and I do not really mind it as search engines have been useless for 6-7 years now if not more. Results are all the same. It is common to add "Reddit" to the search inquiry now for obvious reasons.
Search results are too, driven by profit. In Google's latest data leak it became obvious that certain results are prioritized to be page 1 (whilst disregarding the real results)
I find GPT4 more helpful nowadays to obtain introductions on topics on I don't want to research or just investigating out of curiousity.
Furthermore, it is a common misconception to call these models "AI" when they simply should be called Large Language Models. These are of no intelligence by any means.
AGI is over hyped as well. To theorize that consciousnesses could be "created" when we cannot agree on how to define the term is hilarious. Regardless this is out of topic.
Try Wiby, Yandex, Searx as alternatives, and never depend on 1 service provider.

Y had various YouTube channels that are discriminated by them, if a video stands up and is relevant and has good quality they filter it out and don't show it in the search results or the recommendation, I know that for sure because you can't find my YouTube channel, only if you know the link you can see it.

YouTube is mainly a platform for advertisers that serves consumers to keep its business going. Google is an advertisement company. If your content isn't friendly for advertisement, then I've got bad news for you. Do remember the snowballing effect as well.
For reference, Microsoft is a software company. Apple is a hardware company.
It is important to remember what each of these companies are originally.
My goal here isn't actually to tell you there's no conspiracy, not at all. The truth is somewhere mixed with a conspiracy for sure. It was indeed intended that certain types of content be promoted, others not.
I do dislike the conspiracy mindset myself, but whats even worse than it is the anti-conspiracy mindset.

So if you try and create a social network or create some type of platform to promote content that it is not commercial or mainstream, you will probabely end in jail and own a lots of money to internet companys and some goverments that take you to court for not respecting the laws the invented for themself, but not aply to them, only you. But if you are Google, you can only pay 1,5% profit taxes in Ireland and you are free to work on the entire world and have almost 90% of the mobile devices of the humanity in your proprety, because, I hope you already know that your smartphone is not yours, it is owned by the manufacture company and Google, after to years of using the phone, the only thing you can do with it, is used as a weight, or just look at it and admire a pice o useles technology.
In a world driven by profit, sure. I hope you're not surprised or unhappy of that fact.
I would also follow-up with another question to myself; would I have behaved differently in case I was in a position of power? It is quite common when in the position of weakness to think of the faultiness of those abusing their power (which makes sense) But did we learn the lesson ourselves?
I don't want to go into the hardware level spyware implemented into certain modern technology, but yes its very invasive to user privacy.
But then, people are happy despite all this. :)
This mindset would just alienate you from society and make your life worse.
Chill and enjoy it while you still can. Its only one life.


Jul 9, 2024
Reaction score
I don't think it is the fault of the corporations, I think we can blame the persons that decide for fast rewording pleasure in the form of short video, that was what destroy the Internet. When people begun earning big bucks by posting commercial videos and start acting like they are some sort of experts when in reality the only thing they know is to make a script and "kiss" a camera, and that is a problem too, cheap video cameras becaose every one can be an influencer and tell you what to think and what to buy.
Content of cheap advertisement and uneducated miscreant aside, I can understand. The greatest factor I see is how our information is being monitored, followed and shared world-wide via cookies, packets, trackers and bots creating triggers from the moment you open up your laptop or your phone and instantly every ad you paused on the night before now has sent every ad to whatever or wherever you go to give you more ads. Every person here has a file online, whether you know it or not, and it has been sold to virtually every company out there for your data.

When my brother finishes his Doctorate paper, I will link it. He has been collecting data for about the last two years on what information is being shared at those moments of logging on your PC/Laptop or just opening your phone, and the amount is enough to make you want to never connect because it is more personal than you could ever imagine.

This is why I have to say it is Corporatism at its finest.