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What is better for communicating with spirits: a Ouija board or an alphabetical circle with a needle


Jan 12, 2025
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Good time, everyone. 🙃 Happy to be here. I am still a newbie , but I want to know if those of you who are practicing spiritualism, do you use a Ouija board? I use a drawn circle with the alphabet and numbers, in the center of which I put a needle on a thread and communicate with the spirits, but the Ouija board with a pointer I do not work, a couple of times the pointer barely moved, and it took me a lot of strength.Is it even worth it to keep using the Ouija board? I work alone.

The God-King

The Mystical Rebel
Apr 20, 2021
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Good time, everyone. 🙃 Happy to be here. I am still a newbie , but I want to know if those of you who are practicing spiritualism, do you use a Ouija board? I use a drawn circle with the alphabet and numbers, in the center of which I put a needle on a thread and communicate with the spirits, but the Ouija board with a pointer I do not work, a couple of times the pointer barely moved, and it took me a lot of strength.Is it even worth it to keep using the Ouija board? I work alone.

I personally don't and TBH I don't know any legitimate occultist that uses an ouija board in any serious way. They may use it to make content or experiment with it every now and then but most occultists are aware that there are far more effective and efficient methods to contact spirits. The ouija board is the equivalent of writing a letter vs getting on facetime or even sending a voice message. It's T9 texting vs swipe texting. Both work, but one is much more time consuming and that's both for sending and receiving messages.


Jun 8, 2021
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You know what you can do? Use yourself as a Pendulum. For example: just ask Yes or No questions. Ask your Soul to reveal to you what you need to know. And, your Soul will respond with a sense of Energy, or through images. If you feel the Energy, that means Yes, but if you feel nothing. That means no. I know because I do it all the time. But meditate first. You can do it lying down or in a comfortable chair. I hope it works for you. If nothing happens. Don't get discouraged. Practice and be consistent. Best wishes!