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what is causing the funny tingly feeling in my torso when meditating?


Dec 22, 2024
Reaction score
Hi there!

Yesterday I was busy meditating again but ran into an issue I had not seen for a while, and secretly hoped was gone.
In essence, what happens is that, when I am deep in my session, sometimes I can feel a very particular tingly/tickling sensation arise.
I have no clue what is causing it, but each time I experience, I tend to be pretty deep in my session. I have heard some of you talking about different energies. Is this an expression of those different kinds of "energies"? Also, is it usual for getting seriously distracted by that tingly feeling and is there anything I can do against this?

Thanks for reading and have a great night


Sep 2, 2024
Reaction score
I can relate to what you are saying but I still haven't been able to understand why the tickling or goosebumps happen.Maybe it's an inner awakening or healing?


Aug 27, 2024
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When I began meditating I remember getting tickling-tingling sensations somewhere on the forehead and inside.
Then hands, and somewhere inside.
Then at some point it started happening on the top of the head, also the left side and the right side.

These effects happen in the chakras. You are getting activity in the energy centers, they are becoming more sensitive, opening, something is happening in them. Your meditations trigger effects in them, whatever you are doing.

At first it's about tickling and tingling, then more buzzing, and then there is a massive waterfall of energy going through them.
There can be hot or cold sensations. All kinds of interesting effects. The game gets even more interesting when the energies get you high. Like when you do something and experience blissful states, extremely good feelings, instant connection.

At some point you will get a champagne cork explosion. Energy builds and the bottle cap-cork blasts off. Congratulations, next level reached.

The downside. When this happens too fast, your sensitive will skyrocket but the receiver is not strong enough to handle it. This leads to weird overloads, pains and strange feelings.