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[Opinion] What is necessary in magick and what is extra?

Everyone's got one.
Aug 14, 2024
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From my research and experiences, i came up with the lists below :

Necessary to do magick:

Light trance/deep focus

Energy raising.

A clear picture of the intent

The feeling if it.

Created a pattern/rhythm.

Releasing it.

Not necessary but very useful :

One focal point. ( a sigil, a candle, a picture, a glass of water, incense...)

A mantra/incantation. (to help to create the pattern)

Role playing. (the fun part of it !!!! Seeing yourself as Aphrodite herself, a soldier.... It basically helps to shape the energy and believing in that you do)

Banishing. (before and after.... To deepen the focus and help releasing the energy)

Extra :

Casting a circle/sphere/sacred space. (it basically help to hold the energy but you can find other ways to do so.) ((unless you perform highlightly ritualised form of magick like Golden Dawn)

Tools. ( the help to direct/hold the energy but are not necessary to do it)

Elemental representations. ( they help to feel their presence but you can directly call them throw you)

Invocation/Evocation of spirits.

What do you think?


Oct 20, 2023
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What do you think?

There's only 1 rule, assuming rules exist:

"This above all. To thine own self be true."

Necessary to do magick:

Know your self. All the rest are crutches. Good, useful, helping crutches. But they're not needed.

Lacking knowledge of your self in all its forms, success will be, at best, inconsistent. Luck not technique.

Because almost everyone has some true knowledge of the self, almost everyone can be taught to successfully cast a spell, work a ritual, craft a talisman, etc. But they probably won't understand how it worked or why.

In this case the individual doesn't know that knowledge of self is needed, and the rest are "helpers". But if the "helpers" are chosen thoughtfully, then, the individual aspirant will end up working magic which is in harmony with their individual self. Preferences and inclinations are implicit "knowledge of the self".
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