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What is your favorite method of making sigils?


Jun 13, 2024
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I have found a bunch of methods to make sigils but the one I use the most by far is the Word Method that was written in Liber Null.
Mar 4, 2023
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I used to make sigils pretty regularly but haven’t made one in quite a few years now. My favorite was the word method as well but after I eliminated the duplicate letters I would switch the remaining letters out for runes and then use those to make the sigil.

*Unrelated side note - I would actually use a very similar method to use a written pact with an entity to make a bind rune for use in rituals with that entity. Worked really well. (Not completely sure where this method came from tbh.)



Sep 1, 2023
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Same, word method. I use Phoenician [proto-Hebrew] characters (but English words) because it's easier to make pretty shapes

However i do often incorporate other symbols if they're relevant (eg planetary glyphs)

I saw an idea that I really like, that I'm going to try next month hopefully

It's based on the and principle as the Gordon White, "you don't destroy the sigil, but you don't focus on it either, make it part of the background so you see it regularly without even really noticing you've seen it"

You take a single sheet of paper, and that's the piece of paper you draw all your sigils on, layering them over each other (probably in different colours), so they're all there, and you see them every time you make a new sigil but increasingly hard to separate out the details from each other, like archaeological strata.

You could use one paper per shoal, or one for literally all your sigils, but my plan is to use just two sheets of paper: one for everything involving growth and drawing things to me, and a different one for anything that I'm wanting to reduce or push away
Mar 4, 2023
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Same, word method. I use Phoenician [proto-Hebrew] characters (but English words) because it's easier to make pretty shapes

However i do often incorporate other symbols if they're relevant (eg planetary glyphs)

I saw an idea that I really like, that I'm going to try next month hopefully

It's based on the and principle as the Gordon White, "you don't destroy the sigil, but you don't focus on it either, make it part of the background so you see it regularly without even really noticing you've seen it"

You take a single sheet of paper, and that's the piece of paper you draw all your sigils on, layering them over each other (probably in different colours), so they're all there, and you see them every time you make a new sigil but increasingly hard to separate out the details from each other, like archaeological strata.

You could use one paper per shoal, or one for literally all your sigils, but my plan is to use just two sheets of paper: one for everything involving growth and drawing things to me, and a different one for anything that I'm wanting to reduce or push away
I’ve never tried this method exactly, and tbh I’m not a GW fan but he does have a few good suggestions out there you just have to dredge thru all the rest of it unfortunately. But I have consecrated different books for different types of magic and then within that book I created sigils, planetary pentacles, runes, long form
sigils, etc… so it does run together and blur the individual workings together into a more cohesive whole. Worked well for me. If you don’t mind report back I’d like to hear your findings.



Nov 20, 2023
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For designing the sigil itself, I tend to prefer a pictographic method - I combine & simplify images using a kind of automatic drawing until I have a sigil I like the look of.
For naming sigils, I tend to prefer a word/letter based construction method, and simplify from there, continuing until I have a name that I feel matches the image.
I do use other methods as well - particularly various forms of inspired trance-work - I find being able to use multiple-methods helps circumvent 'writer's block' when my preferred methods aren't working.