RE: What is your preferred method for achieving a trance/altered state?
SUBTOPIC: Practical Attempts
et al,
(OPENING) (To insure we are on the same sheet of music.)
Altered State of Consciousness: Altered state of consciousness refers to any number of states that allow a person to “dissociate from the normal waking state,” and which are “sometimes induced deliberately by means of meditation, drugs or hypnosis” Some knowledgeable believe that an altered state of consciousness is a central component to such phenomena like extrasensory perception (ESP).
Trance: Trance refers to “an altered state of consciousness" induced I a set of controlled conditions .” It is associated with external figures isubjecct under te influence of trance medium (AKA:
mediumship). Conditions sometimes induce a state similar to hypnosis and channels to a supernature plane of entities.
𓅂 The six principal ways to achieve an Altered State besides unexplained accidents and trauma are:
Hallucinations: Such appearances that differ from events that are induced by separate psychological and physiological effects.
Hypnosis: The most effective hypnotherapeutic is when the patient becomes the most significant person in the experiments, as opposed to the hypnotherapist and the particular technique being in play. It should be the case that the therapist adopts a planning consultation before the patient is put under the state of hypnotic suggestion in which the manner (creating a state of openness and receptivity) of the suggestions are approached and introduced. No suggestion should be poised as a command.
Meditation: This should be the first choice.
Psychedelics; Not Recommended • In my opinion is very dangerous.
The Mind-Expanding Drugs : Not Recommended
Relaxation: A very good approach if the SUBJECT can be in a place where the it is conduciv
Most Respectfully,
(1) Copyright © 2022 by Courtney M. Block Published by Rowman & Littlefield An imprint of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc. 4501 Forbes Boulevard, Suite 200, Lanham, Maryland 20706
2) Berger and Berger, The Encyclopedia,
THERAPEUTIC APPROACHES TO ALTERED STATES Copyright © 1981 Ernest L. Rossi 740 Broadway, NY NY 10003