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What we do to ourselves is licensing otherwordly entities to exploit the collective subconsiousness.


Jul 4, 2024
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One day when i was resting along side the shores of iquitos whilst sipping on a soda the scene of the cop with the shades and Tony Montana flashed inside my minds eye and catapulted me into a chain of thoughts pertaining to morality and the lack thereof and how some individuals perceptions ( for those who feel it) of superiority in relation to others is programmed into us to unknowingly serve the superiority of another force that isnt even an official member of the human race

Here it goes..

The ethical and moral principles that Tony failed to bring to consious threshold for introspection and reflection ended up being his inevitable downfall.

They took the form externally in the shape of the police man who represented Tonys karma cathing up to him...thats why he was seen as approaching Tony from behind. The police man wore shades and didnt utter a word. The shades and the silent demeanor was deliberately highlighted to represent both Tonys blindness for moral and ethical reflections, aswell as Tonys inability to integrate them as a part of his personality respectively

Tony wanted to be a top dog in a world full of corruption,greed and lies, he was only ever willing to extend his courtesy and loyalty towards those who were willing to bow down at his feet. He thought he was clever and special , in his own delusional mind he thought he saw the world in his own image when it was really this world that presented Tony with its own image - the image of what this cesspit of a world that the majority of the collective subconsiousness has helped to create.

When people like Tony wants to dominate and rule , they create both an energy of domination and an energy of projected submissiveness into the bowels of the earth becuse you cannot give the one without the other - atleast not whilst being mentally and spiritually stuck in a dualistic waveform/atomic particle simulation from a scientific point of view or sin/ karma from a religious point of view - the earth responds with creating more of that energy - perhaps a bigger top dog from a dimension unseen and from a different group soul complex strifes and depends upon the Tonys of this world for there own predatory survival in this world .

To pharaphrase Matthew Delooze below... (Have in mind that im only interpreting Matthew Deloozes content from my own perspective below so i might have some parts wrongs)

In order for an otherwordly entity to legally and spiritually effect the official inhabitants of this world in a specific certain way they must first program the official entities of this world to effect themselves in that same specific way. They program the majority of mankind to be a miniature versions of themselves in this world so it can entitle them to be a larger predator version of themselves in this world without violating the majority of mankind s free will.

Because any other soul group cannot do to the majority of the collective subconsiousness what the majority of the collective subconsiousness doesnt do to themselves first.

Or to put in another way for sake of unmistaken comprehension on the readers part.

Any other collective memory and soul complex group can only do to the majority of the collective subconsiousness what the majority of the collective subconsiousness does to ITSELF FIRST.

Does the above help some of you to understand why we farm cattle as a food source ?

What the official inhabitants of this planet does on it , allows the visitors to participate in the same behaviour.

When we slaughter what we perceive as being a lesser lifeforce for their sustenance allows the force that has programmed humanity to perceive it as superior to do the same to the humans race which they perceive to be inferior.

What we do to to ourselves can be exploited in the manner that others can endulge in exploiting us as we the official members of the human race exploit the events on this planet.

The saying you are what you eat is very relevant here , but not figuratively in terms of healthy vs unhealthy but as a literal quote e.g you are what you eat

A food source!

Please dont fall into the allure of Tonys trap becuse you will only help to enslave yourself and you"ll also help to contribute to enslaving earth . The Tonys of this world has been set up to take the fall and the karma associated with the fall , the creators of the Tonys of this world has programmed the majority of humans to view the otherworldly forces as gods without karma - so the majority of the humans literary empower them with a get out of jail free card.

Theres no point in competing in a rat race when its rigged so humanity comes second.

Learn to put your emotions into really wanting to be free. Empower yourself by doing self prayer and ask for truth everyday if you do that im sure that in the end that it will lead humanity to break free from the schakles that engulfs most of its prisoners
at the present.

Pharaphrasing end//

This post couldnt have been written without the content and inspiration derived by Matthew Delooze


Jul 4, 2024
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That which you cant see actually determines what you can see

- Many P Hall

Veriyfing matrix data by observing matrix data to draw any conclusions about the reality that is beyond the matrix you can percieve is akin to putting a spell of self hypnosis upon yourself.

"How can anything be true if you are not true"
- Matthew delooze

You dont even know who you are or where you came from yet you like to play a game of pretend and lecture others by having them endorse the matrix under the false preconception that your leading them to gnosis

The elites in academics such as science , philosophy and religion where always members of secret societies and they only served as a conduit that downloaded information about the matrix in order to enlighten" humanity about the matrix. They could never tell you anything about what lies beyond the matrix becuse they never really knew themselves they only knew how to act as a channel of servitude to the forces that run this world .

These illuminated ones knew that nature have a veil that conceils "divinity" that the gross has trapped the subtle . They know that divinity was entrapped under the confines of gross matter and that the subtle could be freed from its imprisoning ramifications and limitations trough alchemichal rites

Little did they know that when the creators of the matrix first designed the matrix they structured it in accordance to a blueprint that has many layers - the serpent knew that many people would break free from the uttermost layer of the matrix that is represented trough science,politics, classical philosophy and exoteric views of spirituality and religion so they created a matrix that consists of many layers - so they could both hijack the intent and will of those who desire to break free aswell as fool them into thinking that they have found truth so they end up stagnant and compliant in their falsely percieved notion of thinking that they belong to an enlightened click that is in "the know"

These people got trapped by the second layer of the scam which is unification with deity but is not them actually assimilating god but rather the force that likes to play pretender god that assimilates them- a distinction that is not without a difference and which hides different motives...

1. Allowing the creators of the matrix to occupy the vessel of an official member of the human race complex trough a humans free will -- thus it allows them entrance in humans world without breaking restrictions pertaining to laws of free will. This in part explains the passage concerning " let us make man in our image"

2. Because of "Gods" assimilation of the human trough a symbolic death of the human - the human had chosen to relinquish his existence and made his body empty so the gods could occupy it as vessel - thus shall anyone want to exchange energy with the human it wont go to the human ( becuse he has chosen to erase his identity which is now overwritten by the force that claims him and whom from thereafter and on steals all the energy that would otherwise go the human. This in part is an explanation to the passage in the Bible concerning " let us make man in our image after our likeness

3. The serpent knows that it doesnt deserve worship and respect from humans so instead of showing themselves in their true chosen cosmic image they present themselves trough the middlemans they initiated in the image of man . This was explained by Matthew Delooze trough diffrent wording note: i think That this also explains in part the passage of the Bible concerning " let us make man our image"

4. By having "gods "walking in mans shoes They learn to understand and accumulate data about the human race which they then can employ to fix any integral anamoly that hinders it from any efficient and long lasting control of humanity this also explains in part the the passage in the Bible concerning let us make man in our image

These people like to spread the light like the cancer it has become in an automated reflexive impulse at any chance they get - not because they want to but becuse they have been programmed to.

You can be told that your divinity and let the slick multidimensional hypnosis techniques

Lead you into the experiences of the serpent map of what they have crafted their universe to be - know thyself gnosis they call it in the mysteries- but they should really call it submission that leads to clining of the serpents map of creation. A fake universe which the intiate gets to experience as a whole in the culmination climax of his initiation - therefore being fooled to think that he has experienced the allknowing and allbeing state when in reality he only experienced the universe that was created in the likeness of the mental images of the reptilians - far far removed from the the real all knowing and allbeing state.

As i said earlier in my own quote that not many understood

Theres two ways to arrive to the same conclusion one in ignorance and the other trough knowing.

Alot of hippies and airy fairy warriors of light that spread the true notion that we are all one and love but sadely trough their own ignorance to understand and experience love and truth in its full capacity they spread that very same notion of oneness and love with the tainted ignorance inherit in them - thus they spread disease in the world thinking they are doing the opposite - they lead people to worship the sun and the serpent trough new age practices or trough esoteric forms of spirituality and religion and in so doing they are spreading the programming that berefts man of his own true powers and the real kny thyself which is that hes the real allknowing force .

In a interview Matthew Delooze said words to the effect of Mankind does not need to Excell to the truth , the truth is already in us and i believe if we really want to know the truth then we will go the truth on our own two feets, we only need to remember who we are .

Know thyself by having high priests instruct yourself into knowing thyself is not knowing thyself its only know what they want you to know trough multidimensional hypnosis.