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May 14, 2023
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Hey there! I just found this forum and decided to join.

I got into Demonolatry in 2019. While I wouldn't necessarily identify as one now, I still follow a practice and work with demons.

I had a long battle with mental health issues and addictions, and this path really helped set me on the road to a better life. I just struggle with anxiety and depression, but to a much lesser extent. Addiction free as well.

I have not always been the best student of the occult because of my previously stated problems, but have been recently taking a serious approach to study and practice. I'd still call myself a newbie.

My main goal in studying magick is to connect with and express my authentic self. I want to have a better handle on my anxiety. I believe that I will get there with time and effort.

Anyway, I look forward to reading through the forum. Thanks.
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