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[Help] Which is the strongest love spell that could be done to permanently tie a man to one.... using your own menstrual blood (like those of Pomba Gira.

Someone's asking for help!


Jan 17, 2023
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As a gipsy for several millenia, my elders prohibited me from ever casting a spell in a man i thought i loved. I kept my word but in this life, i like to use it as a means of punishment. I have so much in my mind right now that i just cant think straight. And i would like one of my fellow magicians to lend me a hand in such a difficult time in my life. I promise i will elaborate on the particulars of my situation so everytbody get a clear picture of why im considering this. I know it's done with menstrual blood you give your partner to drink and there is Pomba Gira and Afroditis as well. If you know and can give clear instructions and elaborate on your experience, i'd really appreaciate it. Thanks in advance. (I hope im on the right section!!! If not, please forgive me. Im going through a terrible crisis...truly!!!


Jan 17, 2023
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Thanks for the advice. But believe me I KNOW!!! That's why it is so fitting to the offense.


Staff member
Jul 3, 2023
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i like to use it as a means of punishment.
Whose? You want to tie somebody you hate permanently to you? You're setting yourself up for stalking or worse. Do you plan on creating your personal hell, with you two as the sole inmates?
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As to the method, you already seem to have a pretty clear idea what you are going to do. I'd say you're just venting and creating drama, you don't really need our advice, or you'd done your occult research yourself, knowing full well that nobody here is going to give you any practical pointers.
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Mar 21, 2024
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As a gipsy for several millenia, my elders prohibited me from ever casting a spell in a man i thought i loved. I kept my word but in this life, i like to use it as a means of punishment. I have so much in my mind right now that i just cant think straight. And i would like one of my fellow magicians to lend me a hand in such a difficult time in my life. I promise i will elaborate on the particulars of my situation so everytbody get a clear picture of why im considering this. I know it's done with menstrual blood you give your partner to drink and there is Pomba Gira and Afroditis as well. If you know and can give clear instructions and elaborate on your experience, i'd really appreaciate it. Thanks in advance. (I hope im on the right section!!! If not, please forgive me. Im going through a terrible crisis...truly!!!
What are you trying to do with tying someone you hate to you?

It is both useless and also dangerous. I made the mistake of tying several individuals that I hated to my aura and space and it got from some arguments to absorbing their negative energy which almost drove me insane.

Long story short, I won't recommend you use a love spell to tie someone who "deserves justice". Put distance, detach spiritually and physically from that person and move on, life is full of choices after all.

I suggest you focus more, in my opinion, on the Air and Fire elements to control your kind of impulsive nature. Fire, in bad aspects makes you hot headed and air, just like Water in some cases, and even worse, can bring a lot of illusions if it is in a bad aspect / imbalance. Try to balance the volume of air and fire elements, while also focusing on Earth and stabilization of water for a calmer judgement.

Hope I was of help
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Pombajira is the name of an Afro-Brazilian spirit evoked by practitioners of Umbanda and Quimbanda in Brazil. She is the consort of Exu, who is the messenger of the Orixas in Candomblé. Known by many names, or avatars, Pombajira is often associated with the number seven, crossroads, graveyards, spirit possession, and witchcraft.

Due to this association, I don't know if it is wise enough to evoke such entity. I mean, sure, she resides over love, feminity, desire and fire, but, if I were you, I would not evoke it and try my best not to get in cahoots with such an entity.

Pombagira are human spirits that are in a degree next to Exu and act mainly in the heart and in the mind of those who are in a way to allow it to be imprisoned in their own torments. Pombagira isn’t consort of Exu, she is another group of human spirit that suffered its fall, redeemed and works in the darkness of light in the pursuit of its evolution in the aid of the human beings incarnate.

So, I don't think it will help at all if you would invoke / evoke Pombagira. More like, it will bring more problems, in my opinion.

While Exu represents male sexuality, fertility and strength, Pombajira personifies female sexuality, beauty and desire. She is depicted as a beautiful woman who is insatiable. Pombajira is venerated with great respect and care because of her reputation for possessing great wrath. She is often invoked by those who seek aid in matters of the heart and love.

Pombajira is noted for her connection with both transgender women and effeminate male worshippers and is reputed to possess both. Some representations of Pombajira display the characteristics of being promiscuous, talkative and vulgar. However she has many avatars, and will be more or less inclined towards that behavior depending on how she manifests herself.

Again.... I wouldn't suggest invoking or getting in contact with this entity 😑
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Pomba Gira

Exua (Pronounced: Eh-shooah or Esh-wah)

Pomba Gira evokes powerful reactions:

• Some considerer her a whore, slut, prostitute, or devil-woman.

• For others she is a goddess of love, sex, success, and abundance.

Pomba Gira is the scarlet woman, the sacred harlot, and the lady of crossroads and street lights. An Afro-Brazilian spirit, Pomba Gira derives from the intersection of Iberian, Gitano, and Central African roots. Pomba Gira is the crossroad where these traditions meet. She is a goddess of power, eroticism, death, and vengeance. She has dominion over sex for pleasure and power, not procreation. (That said, she can bestow fertility when and if she desires.) Pomba Gira is an oracular spirit who can reveal the past and future, but she can be a brutally plain-spoken truth-teller. Don’t ask her for information unless you are ready to hear unvarnished truths.

Pomba Gira’s origins are mysterious. She is not worshipped in African traditions, only in Brazil. (It is possible that devotees did not survive elsewhere.(See Also:Ochossi.) Pomba Gira is sometimes translated as “whirling dove,” which is not inappropriate as many Pomba Giras love to dance, but the name really derives from the Kikongo Mpamba Nzila or “crossroad.”

Sometimes when people refer to Pomba Gira they really mean Maria Padilha (or vice versa). The names are frequently used interchangeably but there are many Pomba Giras. These may be multiple paths of one goddess or Pomba Gira may name an entire category of spirits. (See Also:
Ezili; Mami Waters; Simbi.)

Maria Padilha may be the Queen Pomba Gira. It’s possible that at least some of the other Pomba Giras are vestiges of the Fairy court of beautiful female spirits who serve as the entourage for Spain’s Maria de Padilla. They may have accompanied their queen on her sea voyage to Brazil. As she transformed into Maria Padilha, so they too transformed into Pomba Giras. (See Also:
Padilha, Maria; Padilla, Maria de.)

The names Pomba Gira and Exua are also sometimes used interchangeably. As Exua, Pomba Gira is identified as the wife of Exu, the Brazilian path of Eshu Elegbara.

Depending on her path, Pomba Gira may be hot and passionate or cold and calculating. Some paths of Pomba Gira are associated with vampires. In addition to Maria Padilha, paths of Pomba Gira include:

• Maria Mulambo

• Maria Quiteria

• Pomba Gira Seven Crossroads

• Pomba Gira Queen of the Crossroads

• Pomba Gira of the Souls

• Pomba Gira Tsigana (Gypsy)

• Pomba Gira Queen of Calunga (Queen of the Sea)

• Pomba Gira Bonita

• Sulamita

Pomba Gira is an ally of women. She bestows fertility but is also invoked to cause a miscarriage when pregnancy is inconvenient or disastrous.

Women, crossdressers, sex workers, transvestites

Manifestation depends on which Pomba Gira appears or is invoked. Most dress in red (if they’re dressed at all). Pomba Gira sometimes manifests as a drag queen.

Again this depends upon the path, but she may be depicted as a red she-devil complete with pitchfork, horns, and cloven hoof or as a beautiful, scantily clad woman.



Pomba Gira haunts crossroads, street corners, and nightclubs. Some paths of Pomba Gira display fondness for seashores and cemeteries, too.

Perfume, cosmetics, roses, alcoholic beverages, tobacco products
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So, based on reading this, I don't think it would be a good idea to summon Pomba Gira
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Nov 19, 2023
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Is the state of crisis you describe an emotional crisis relating to this person? That's how it sounds, though I could be wrong. In any case, I would think you would want to be in a good, clear headed, mental and emotional place before casting such a spell. The spell you are talking about will create an enormous shift in your future, and and be very hard to undo. Not something to do without very careful consideration.

I don't know a thing about your family magick, but I'm sure it's up to the task. If you are absolutely certain you want to do this, I'd suggest a lot of divination beforehand, and a failsafe built into the spell itself to break it if things go badly or you ever change your mind.

Also, you mention elders prohibitions, and keeping your word. These are enormously significant. Breaking them could be catastrophic. Again, I don't know exactly how your family's magick works, but you certainly have magickal ancestors, and they will certainly be very aware of your elders prohibitions. These prohibitions and vows might be the most important factor in the whole situation.
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Even though you are wanting to do the spell for revenge, not love exactly, your elders and ancestors might not see it as different.
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Jan 17, 2023
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Whose? You want to tie somebody you hate permanently to you? You're setting yourself up for stalking or worse. Do you plan on creating your personal hell, with you two as the sole inmates?
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As to the method, you already seem to have a pretty clear idea what you are going to do. I'd say you're just venting and creating drama, you don't really need our advice, or you'd done your occult research yourself, knowing full well that nobody here is going to give you any practical pointers.
That's why i mentioned that right now i am in fact going through a MAJOR crisis that doesn't allow me to think clearly. And since i hold my Wizard Forum peers in VERY high steem, i figured i ask for some advice or some help clearing my head. Sorry if i ruffled any feathers, it wasn't my intention honestly. But it's the truth. Even though i haven't met anyone here face to face, i do sincerely feel that connection very real. I did a ritual like that ages ago and it worked. It was punishment cause i left where he couldn't find me. And i intend to do the same to this one. The offense against me and my children, i won' forget. My children could have had a father figure hadn't this guy meddled into my life with all his fake promises, made me waste 9 years of my life. I cared for this man, i removed a horrible entity that his ex sent for his life in cohoots with his own biological daughter that he didnt raise. I helped him rebuild his life and health from the ground up, and now he thinks he's gonna shit on me??? I don't think so. My girls are now too big for a father figure. This guy is not the type that can raise someone else's children (it takes a REAL man to do that). My girls were 4 and 1 and half years old back then. Now its too late. Sorry i vented. my problem here. Wont happen again. Thank you for anybody that replied. I sincerely appreciate it.


Apr 19, 2021
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I have advise for you, putting aside any ethics.
Putting aside any kind of magical backlash effect or undesired consequence of getting your wish,
you probably should at least not do any major operation involving spirits when your head it not clear.
The occult can be a major pain in the ass. Better to be well rested, to deal with occult crisis on top of your crisis.


Jan 17, 2023
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I have advise for you, putting aside any ethics.
Putting aside any kind of magical backlash effect or undesired consequence of getting your wish,
you probably should at least not do any major operation involving spirits when your head it not clear.
The occult can be a major pain in the ass. Better to be well rested, to deal with occult crisis on top of your crisis.
Absolutely!!!!! Hence i haven't done anything...not yet.
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Whose? You want to tie somebody you hate permanently to you? You're setting yourself up for stalking or worse. Do you plan on creating your personal hell, with you two as the sole inmates?
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As to the method, you already seem to have a pretty clear idea what you are going to do. I'd say you're just venting and creating drama, you don't really need our advice, or you'd done your occult research yourself, knowing full well that nobody here is going to give you any practical pointers.
With all due respect, i do believe that the members here (that includes YOU) ALWAYS have given valuable input to me, to newbies,....there is a reason i created a profile here and have remained active (relatively) for as long as i have. I dont know everything, neither does anybody else. I am always open for opinions, suggestions, etc... that is where true wisdom sometimes chooses to hide. Thanks for your reply


Apr 19, 2021
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Although I personally have no qualms with some kind of revenge, potential petiness aside, I would still not wish just some kinds of the occult on anyone. I am moreover not a woman, or even a normal person, and not entirely clear on your particular relations.

Promises are foolishness in any case. I could promise to help someone move on saturday, provided something doesn't come up.
My father married again late in his life. They broke up before he died, but I still have some margin of contact with my "step mother".

Although I am not a Christian, my advice is OMNIA VANITAS.
It would be a parable, but I am not sure I any longer possess an opposing perspective.
I consider it pleasing.


Staff member
Sep 27, 2021
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Let's stop moralizing and either give a spell or don't reply. @Djnenas : there might be something in the PGM that is suitable for your question. The Myrrh spell on page 67 for example (PGM IV 1496 - 1595) or the binding love spell from the same book that was posted on here.


Aug 17, 2023
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Let's stop moralizing and either give a spell or don't reply. @Djnenas : there might be something in the PGM that is suitable for your question. The Myrrh spell on page 67 for example (PGM IV 1496 - 1595) or the binding love spell from the same book that was posted on here.
What moralizing? I see practical concerns being raised. "Don't walk in a mine field, Timmy!" is scarcely pulpit pounding.


Staff member
Sep 27, 2021
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What moralizing? I see practical concerns being raised. "Don't walk in a mine field, Timmy!" is scarcely pulpit pounding.
She didn't ask for practical concerns though, how well meaning it might have been. As is clear..


Feb 28, 2024
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I know it's done with menstrual blood you give your partner to drink and there is Pomba Gira and Afroditis as well. If you know and can give clear instructions and elaborate on your experience, i'd really appreaciate it. Thanks in advance. (I hope im on the right section!!! If not, please forgive me. Im going through a terrible crisis...truly!!!
I'm first going to concern:
If you are in such a bad time, why on earth would you want to make it worse? Because love binding will do that to your life. It will make it worse. I honestly believe that, if you want to punish the dude, try straightforward destruction magic. Love spells are for love, not rage. That's it, lol.

Now the practical (negative) advice. I wouldn't advice anyone to try to manifest any Pomba Gira outside of a temple that already has a lot of experience with that force. Also, it has to be a very legit temple because if it's not, it could backfire horribly. These entities are usually 'incorporated' by the medium, as in a voluntary possession. They usually pass through specific initiations in Kimbanda or other African/African-Brazilian mystic traditions. These entities don't take respect and responsibility lightly. And they are really good collectors, believe me.
So, I don't think it will help at all if you would invoke / evoke Pombagira. More like, it will bring more problems, in my opinion.
Aeternus has summarized it pretty well. They could really screw you.

Now the actual (positive) advice. You said you're a gypsy. Try divination before anything, you must know your terrain. Tarot cards or even contacting your ancestors. Then, you could try Hoodoo love spells before you advance to an actual love binding. There are tons of material on the internet, search for something remotely trustworthy. I recommend the book "Hoodoo for War and Peace". Maybe take a cautious step first to see if it works properly. In my experience, Hoodoo spells works well with independent witches and warlocks who takes matters to their own hands (instead of contacting an entity directly, with a will of their own). It's fairly practical and the backfire you take is the one you produce, instead of coming with the rage of a thousand pissed off entities.


Apr 19, 2021
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"That's why i mentioned that right now i am in fact going through a MAJOR crisis that doesn't allow me to think clearly. And since i hold my Wizard Forum peers in VERY high steem, i figured i ask for some advice or some help clearing my head."
She asked for some generic advice and to try to clear her head

I suppose I could go dig up a spell, that she didn't come back suggests my generic advice may have done the trick