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Who are all these Gods associated with Mercury?


Jun 26, 2023
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This could be true of any planet, I assume.
I know that they say Ganesha, Thoth, Mercury, Hermes, Raphael, Eloheem Sabaoth, and Ophiel are associated with Mercury. (other lesser known creatures too, Taphtartharath, Tiriel. but the proceeding names are the big ones that people know)

Are these all kind of the same entity but doing different things, under different names, at different times?

Most of us are someone's sibling, someone's child, someone's spouse, someone's employee or boss, someone's friend, someone's parent. but we are still the same person. different people just have different claims and expectations of us. So we are different to each of the people but still the same person.

Is it like that, same entity but different functions/expectations.

When I call on Hermes I do not hear anything. But things move, like I have an image of a Caduceus that I focus on and it really does some movement, (compared to what you get when you fire off a sigil) (my sigils shift and go in and out of focus), but this Hermes caduceus really f..ing moves. but I don't hear anything, nor do I dream anything about him, so I can't tell. I ask him but he says nothing or at least I hear nothing.

Could I call on Hermes, thats the name I chant when all this movement is happening, to do something more like Thoth might do, Can I ask him to heal like I would Raphael.

I have never spoken with or made contact with a spirit where this happened. I don't want to offend this spirit.
This is the only time I have been completely sure that something was listening on the other end of my spell/invocation.
I have had successes with spells but this is way beyond some kind of synchronicity.

Why does it matter, you might ask. For about a year I make this kind of water on the hour of Mercury either on Sunday or Wednesday, its for health. And in the mornings I call on Eloheem Sabaoth, Raphael, Tiriel, Taphtartharath and all the Bene Eloheem to bring out the best healing potential of my medicine across all 4 worlds. (sounds like a lot but it only takes a minute in the morning).

I don't want to conflate them.

Honestly, I don't what I am worried about. I just don't want to mess anything up. I don't want Hermes to stop talking to me, this is the strongest contact by far, that I have ever had.
What do you think I ought to do?

Thank you for considering this lengthy question.