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Why don't people protest for the pursuit of biological immortality, free cryonics, and the acceleration of medical research?


Jan 3, 2025
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Wrong section.
Why don't people protest for the pursuit of biological immortality, free cryonics, and the acceleration of medical research, even though it would lead to people no longer dying?

Sometimes people are convinced that nothing can be changed and that science is useless. They believe that the idea of science finding solutions is akin to religion or esotericism. In the book Harry Potter, Immortality, and the Conspiracy of Psychiatrists, there is an example where people persuade psychiatrists to share such opinions (without revealing their profession or the purpose of their statements) with those who disagree with them. I’d like to hear your thoughts on the reasons behind such a situation. Perhaps someone knows an explanation as to why there are still no rallies for immortality?
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Staff member
Feb 18, 2023
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Discussions only on the appropriate section: Book Discussion and Reviews
Also, this thread may not be allowed there since the book in question seems to not be occult in nature, nor it's subjects of discussion.
Consider yourself warned verbally.


Staff member
Jul 3, 2023
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Discussions only on the appropriate section: Book Discussion and Reviews
Also, this thread may not be allowed there since the book in question seems to not be occult in nature, nor it's subjects of discussion.
Consider yourself warned verbally.
Warned and moved to Controversy. The 'book' was apparently written to illustrate the point the member wishes to make; it was not an occult book, not even Harry Potter fanfic.


Aug 17, 2023
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Why don't people protest for the pursuit of biological immortality, free cryonics, and the acceleration of medical research, even though it would lead to people no longer dying?

Sometimes people are convinced that nothing can be changed and that science is useless. They believe that the idea of science finding solutions is akin to religion or esotericism. In the book Harry Potter, Immortality, and the Conspiracy of Psychiatrists, there is an example where people persuade psychiatrists to share such opinions (without revealing their profession or the purpose of their statements) with those who disagree with them. I’d like to hear your thoughts on the reasons behind such a situation. Perhaps someone knows an explanation as to why there are still no rallies for immortality?
How many people can you think of whose endless existence would be a real benefit to either others or themselves? I think that a lot of folks subliminally sense this: we're most of us not worthy of immortality. I bet it's hell, trying to end a party you attend. "Who could possibly get tired of me?"

Besides, if one practices the right magick, he stands a chance of remanifestation as something other and better than this self he put on for a season. But he has to die to do that? There's an old movie, The Wind and the Lion. Sean Connery's character Raisuli has been trying to overthrow the King of Morocco and, in the end fails. His sidekick is whinging to him, "Raisuli, we have lost everything...everything." The Raisuli answers, "My friend, are you so impoverished that you cannot bear even that?" Then after a pause both start laughing. (fade to dark) Moral: the only folks who deserve immortality are those not desperate to live forever.


Jan 23, 2024
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Why don't people protest for the pursuit of biological immortality, free cryonics, and the acceleration of medical research, even though it would lead to people no longer dying?
Effective protesting usually means getting hurt. Nobody is going to volunteer to be gassed and beaten so the Rothschild family can live for eons while us plebes suffer and die.

In New York City, a black fetus has a higher chance of being aborted than born, and those tissues go toward researching regenerative medicines so expensive you aren't allowed to know they exist.

As soon as 7.5 billion people realize a few dozen people are getting longevity or some similar benefit derived from the bodies of their sacrificed children, people would be protesting the existence of the drugs rather than their lack of development.


Aug 17, 2023
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Effective protesting usually means getting hurt. Nobody is going to volunteer to be gassed and beaten so the Rothschild family can live for eons while us plebes suffer and die.

In New York City, a black fetus has a higher chance of being aborted than born, and those tissues go toward researching regenerative medicines so expensive you aren't allowed to know they exist.

As soon as 7.5 billion people realize a few dozen people are getting longevity or some similar benefit derived from the bodies of their sacrificed children, people would be protesting the existence of the drugs rather than their lack of development.
Pretty well said, so long as one adds the caveat that both the 7.5 billion (8.2 according to what I just googled) and the "few dozen" are insupportable burdens for the planet, though for slightly different reasons.