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Why I have lot of about school or prison?


Apr 26, 2022
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I have often dreams where I go to school. Even I'm aware that I've finished school much years ago (in the dream).
What it mean?

Except that I have ofen dreams where I'm in the jail. Just be in the jail. A couple months ago I had a dream where I was arrested without reason.
What that mean?


May 7, 2022
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I have often dreams where I go to school. Even I'm aware that I've finished school much years ago (in the dream).
What it mean?

Except that I have ofen dreams where I'm in the jail. Just be in the jail. A couple months ago I had a dream where I was arrested without reason.
What that mean?
I think that, while it is possible to interpret one's dream, without knowing much about the individual and their past and current situation, it is hard to be precise with what the dream could mean.

As dreams are very subjective.
EDIT: Maybe the school one means that you still have much to learn or that you seek to learn something, while the prison one might be about you feeling stuck in one place or without escape.

Just my own two cents.
Sep 9, 2021
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Dreamscape is a word used to describe the base area where the dream takes place, normally a place you're familiar with. Sometimes it is a place you've never been. Sometimes you are adrenalized in your dream, rendering no dreamscape. The mind is truly bizarre.
Sep 9, 2021
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It is usually symbolic of something. Something typically not completed or something unsatisfactory as the base for the dreamscape.


Aug 31, 2021
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There are inner plane schools, but the dream memory is often translated into physical plane school images.

Humans exist on parallel timelines and some dreams are data/learning transfer from the parallel processing of the human spirit

Who can develop tests for such propositions?

Bo Hanson

Apr 29, 2023
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I have often dreams where I go to school. Even I'm aware that I've finished school much years ago (in the dream).
What it mean?

Except that I have ofen dreams where I'm in the jail. Just be in the jail. A couple months ago I had a dream where I was arrested without reason.
What that mean?
Well... dreams of being back to school have different meanings depending on what situations you are involved in the dream. On the other hand, dreaming of being in jail is a very unpleasant dream and has different meanings according to the books interpreting dreams. Bellow, I wrote some of the meanings from my collection of literature about dream interpretation. I don't know but I hope it will help.

A. If you left school years ago, these dreams say that you carry some unresolved problems from your childhood. This dream can also point to some life lessons that you’ve yet to master. According to Millers Guild, a dream about school is, “a clear sign that you need to move forward in life, seize every opportunity to learn new things, and become qualified for new things, all of which will help you to mature and grow as a whole person.”

Dreams of being back at school generally symbolize learning. They’re especially common to experience if you’re learning something new in your waking life, whether it’s a language, skill, or settling into a new job. They’re also common if you’re studying for an exam. Research by Sorbonne University in Paris found that over 60% of the medical students who took part,
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For many people, their time at school was one full of anxiety. As such, this dream can reflect current fears in real life. As a result, you may
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or you’ve failed exams in school. It’s also quite common to dream of being late for school. Such dreams may also reveal you have
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– fears of being incompetent with often unwarranted anxiety about your abilities.

B. Dreaming that you are locked up in jail or that you are being held captive in a dream is a spiritual message that suggests you are holding back your soul and spirituality in some way, whether it be because of limiting beliefs you have or some other factor. One of the most prevalent dream symbols is being locked up in some kind of detention facility. The scenario can be interpreted to represent any person, event, or circumstance that acts as a barrier to your development. Any scenario that depicts a prison suggests that you have been restrained in some way, preventing you from realizing your full potential. It may symbolize that you are unable to progress with your life, profession, relationship, or anything else for that matter, the way that you would like to since certain circumstances and turns of events have prevented you from doing so.

The spiritual meaning of this dram has a spiritual message that suggests you are holding back your soul and spirituality in some way, whether it be because of limiting beliefs you have or some other factor. On the other hand, this could be an indication that you are unwilling or even denying to take responsibility for your own life, actions, and the results of those actions.

The spiritual meaning could be trying to tell you to be more vigilant about your surroundings. Certain people do not wish you well. In point of fact, you have to be conscious of the fact that certain members of your inner circle have ill intentions toward you. Further you need to be on the lookout at all times, especially when it comes to issues that concern your romantic and professional lives. Sometimes can symbolize that someone may be trying to influence your partner’s feelings negatively toward you. The person may be trying to manipulate your partner by telling lies about you and spinning a web of deceit.

On the other hand, if you have a dream involving jail, you should consider whether or not you have been entrusted with a secret by another person. If nobody else has, someone will come to you relatively soon and tell you one of their deepest, darkest secrets. You are going to have to pay attention to him or her regardless of whether or not you want to. In addition, the dream suggests that you would find the information to be distressing and difficult to assimilate. However, there would be no other out for you other than to continue the chain and take it to your grave with you.


Aug 31, 2021
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There are inner plane schools, but the dream memory is often translated into physical plane school images.

Humans exist on parallel timelines and some dreams are data/learning transfer from the parallel processing of the human spirit

Who can develop tests for such propositions?

It seems that no one has learned how to develop tests.

Art Thurian

Feb 10, 2024
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I have often dreams where I go to school. Even I'm aware that I've finished school much years ago (in the dream).
What it mean?

Except that I have ofen dreams where I'm in the jail. Just be in the jail. A couple months ago I had a dream where I was arrested without reason.
What that mean?
I believe your dreams are telling you that you have something to learn.