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Book – PDF William Buhlman - Adventures Beyond the Body: How to Experience Out-of-Body Travel

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Jul 3, 2023
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Explore new worlds . . .

If you ever wondered what might lie beyond the reality we experience every day, if you've ever thrilled to accounts of out-of-body travel and longer to go alone for the ride, this fascinating, practical guide is for you. America's leading expert on out-of-body travel tells the riveting story of his travels to other realms and offers easy-to-use techniques to guide you on your journey of a lifetime'and beyond.

Travel into parallel realities . . .

William Buhlman has trained out-of-body travelers in his workshop for more than a decade, teaching people how to project their consciousness outside the limits of their physical bodies and to explore dimensions and worlds beyond everyday life. Now he vividly recounts how own adventures in the parallel universe described in the new-physics theories of Stephen Hawkins, Paul Davies, and Fred Alan Wolf and presents his step-by-step guide to astral travel'including exercises, tips, techniques, and answers to your every question about out-of-body experiences.

And discover surprising truths about reality, past lives, the soul, and life after death.

Astral travel, Buhlman reveals, not only can expand your conscious'it can help verify the existence of the soul, teach you about past lives, and enhance your daily life. Find out in this compelling handbook for everyone who wants to venture beyond the body and take the ultimate trip.

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