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[Help] Workings With Saturnian

Someone's asking for help!


Aug 17, 2023
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I have enjoyed some modest success working with planetary squares. But I have been warned off attempting any workings with Saturn. The source claims that, even with efforts to properly direct Saturn's influence, mishaps are highly likely. Does anyone have any experience with this, either confirmatory or not?

One doubt I have is with the source itself. The group (whom I have only dealt with online) strikes me as an O9A-inspired nexion that decided to become permanent. That is, the leadership seemed to have grown comfortable and, if I may, slightly saturnine. A group that, deeply discontent with post-modernity, counsels "Our gods are at work in this world and we have already won." Whether this affects their workings with Saturn's forces, I cannot say. Still I wonder.

In any event, any input by folks who have worked with the squares and Saturn is welcome.
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I meant to entitle this "Working With Saturnian Squares," but a whole word fell into the li'l gynningap between brain synapses and entered the Void. If I get any more Alzhammered, I'll wind up POTUS, I will.
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May 31, 2024
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I do have no experience with O9A ,but Saturn is Saturn..What is the reward-risk ratio? to my (little) experience everything has a form of"be warned Oh you who .." .If it something i think is benifficial i would take the risk.I would also cover my bases by working with the things that could go wrong and then attempt the Saturn thing.


Labore et Constantia
Jul 10, 2022
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The source claims that, even with efforts to properly direct Saturn's influence, mishaps are highly likely.
Generally when I read such warnings, I consider it a poison pill. Whether it is based on a group consensus experience or not, someone is trying to put an idea in someone else's head to propitiate a perspective, for whatever reason. Such warnings also tend to be vague and not backed up by any meaningful anecdotes - which could be questioned anyway. Still, they can add spice to one's efforts through subtle expectation.

One doubt I have is with the source itself.
Always wise, IMO. As Kraig pointed out, "There are no experts in occultism". Instead, what we really have are "authorities".
I think the best one can do is match one's inner impressions up with the data and try to maintain a degree of receptivity without projecting potential consequences.

A group that, deeply discontent with post-modernity, counsels "Our gods are at work in this world and we have already won."
From the perspective of Saturn working through Capricorn, based on what I know, the old Goat would neigh skeptically, " 'Kay bro. How's that work exactly? I mean, are you sure? Please don't tell me your a fucking Saggy!"

My most recent work was just a contemplation trying to apply an approach I had learned from Abulafia. I analyzed the sigils and was left with a prolonged and not unpleasant psychic state of "dark and determined clarity" that seemed coupled with a sort of mellow indifference. I won't describe Zazel's appearance other than the spirit's form agreed with visions I had of Saturnian angels, though not identical, this being of a different order. The Intelligence Agiel gave me a sudden stark vision of a desolate ocean - and I at once concluded this was contingent on Saturn's current position in Pisces. As the state of "clarity" faded, I was left with some mild trepidation and a headache.


Aug 17, 2023
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@stalkinghyena: thanks much. Your answer has the specificity the "warnings" lacked.
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I do have no experience with O9A ,but Saturn is Saturn..What is the reward-risk ratio? to my (little) experience everything has a form of"be warned Oh you who .." .If it something i think is benifficial i would take the risk.I would also cover my bases by working with the things that could go wrong and then attempt the Saturn thing.
Yes---the fact that five Russian roulette players tell me the game is safe should not conduce to overconfidence.


May 31, 2024
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@stalkinghyena: thanks much. Your answer has the specificity the "warnings" lacked.
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Yes---the fact that five Russian roulette players tell me the game is safe should not conduce to overconfidence.
Touché..although without the five players we would not know that there is a game.


Sep 1, 2023
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I have enjoyed some modest success working with planetary squares. But I have been warned off attempting any workings with Saturn. The source claims that, even with efforts to properly direct Saturn's influence, mishaps are highly likely. Does anyone have any experience with this, either confirmatory or not?

One doubt I have is with the source itself. The group (whom I have only dealt with online) strikes me as an O9A-inspired nexion that decided to become permanent. That is, the leadership seemed to have grown comfortable and, if I may, slightly saturnine. A group that, deeply discontent with post-modernity, counsels "Our gods are at work in this world and we have already won." Whether this affects their workings with Saturn's forces, I cannot say. Still I wonder.

In any event, any input by folks who have worked with the squares and Saturn is welcome.
Post automatically merged:

I meant to entitle this "Working With Saturnian Squares," but a whole word fell into the li'l gynningap between brain synapses and entered the Void. If I get any more Alzhammered, I'll wind up POTUS, I will.
I had a natal chart "analysis for magicians" done by Austin Coppock (wrote 36 Faces, does the astrology for Sphere + Sundry)

He warned me, personally, away from that kind of work with Saturn, because Saturn is afflicted in my chat.

That suggests to me that if your Saturn is not afflicted, then he would say it is fine for you

(If you're curious, he recommended planetary charity as the safest approach for working with afflicted planets)
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May 31, 2024
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I had a natal chart "analysis for magicians" done by Austin Coppock (wrote 36 Faces, does the astrology for Sphere + Sundry)

He warned me, personally, away from that kind of work with Saturn, because Saturn is afflicted in my chat.

That suggests to me that if your Saturn is not afflicted, then he would say it is fine for you

(If you're curious, he recommended planetary charity as the safest approach for working with afflicted planets)
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Also Vedic Astrology has a lot of remedies for afflicted planets, with Planetary Yantras being the "laziest" aproach to fix astrological inbalances.


Aug 17, 2023
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Touché..although without the five players we would not know that there is a game.
Sort of like the blind men and the cobra. Blind men 1-5: "It seemeth to me a cobra is much like a rubber hose." Number 6: "Aaaarghhh!"


Labore et Constantia
Jul 10, 2022
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Your answer has the specificity the "warnings" lacked.
One I thought of recently is that if one were to inscribe the square and sigils on lead, it's probably good idea to wear PPE such as gloves during the process.

@pixel_fortune I do agree with Coppock's advice, and I think I heard him discuss this in Chris Brennan's podcasts, where most of my exposure to his thought is from.
I think, whether afflicted or not, the placement of Saturn at the time of working, as well as this relation to the birth chart is something worth taking note of, at the very least.

As to "charity", I think ritual placation makes sense, especially when and if tensions arise. With my own Saturn I go the mode of analysis - but the irony is that I realized this is Saturn working at solving issues of Saturn, the Zodiacal placement being a mode of expression at best, interference at worse (another reflection of Saturn).

If I were to have, say, Saturn in Aries in a "bad" house (6, 8, 12) with Mars and the South Node and lots of squares and oppositions, I would handle the Kamea like nitroglycerin, if I could find the patience to handle them at all. There's probably another irony there, but I don't want to search that out here.

In the case of the Kameas, according to Griffin (modern GD) these should be treated as demonic, though are separate category from the Qlipoth. How he arrived at that conclusion seems idiosyncratic in relation to other areas I have studied. I would consider them as just celestial powers myself, but the real object is typically talismanic.


Aug 17, 2023
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One I thought of recently is that if one were to inscribe the square and sigils on lead, it's probably good idea to wear PPE such as gloves during the process.

@pixel_fortune I do agree with Coppock's advice, and I think I heard him discuss this in Chris Brennan's podcasts, where most of my exposure to his thought is from.
I think, whether afflicted or not, the placement of Saturn at the time of working, as well as this relation to the birth chart is something worth taking note of, at the very least.

As to "charity", I think ritual placation makes sense, especially when and if tensions arise. With my own Saturn I go the mode of analysis - but the irony is that I realized this is Saturn working at solving issues of Saturn, the Zodiacal placement being a mode of expression at best, interference at worse (another reflection of Saturn).

If I were to have, say, Saturn in Aries in a "bad" house (6, 8, 12) with Mars and the South Node and lots of squares and oppositions, I would handle the Kamea like nitroglycerin, if I could find the patience to handle them at all. There's probably another irony there, but I don't want to search that out here.

In the case of the Kameas, according to Griffin (modern GD) these should be treated as demonic, though are separate category from the Qlipoth. How he arrived at that conclusion seems idiosyncratic in relation to other areas I have studied. I would consider them as just celestial powers myself, but the real object is typically talismanic.
A couple hours handling lead won't be dangerous. ("When I wuz young, I played with lead all the time an' lookit me now?")

Your post, however, gives me a lot more to work with. So, gracias.