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Write-up of successful Archangel Michael invocation


Sep 1, 2023
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using Trithemius' Drawing Spirits into Crystals. Michael as archangel of the sun.
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I am fully aware that extensive details of conversations with spirits are pretty boring to anyone but the evoker themself, but it's here if you want to read it.

I followed Trithemius to the letter, despite not being Christian/Jewish at all, except I used copious amounts of incense smoke instead of a crystal. Paper table of practice, for the wand I drew the characters in gold on masking tape and taped that to the black end of my wand of double power.

While I did sense Michael's presence and see wisps of a jawline and shoulders in the smoke, after that, I had a complete lack of response to any of my questions and saw nothing in the smoke. I wallowed in self-pity for about half an hour and began to doubt the exist of magic or spirits.

Eventually I "gave up" and lay down in the circle and closed my eyes and visualised Michael in a spontaneously created environment in my mind ( a palace of glass), repeated one of my questions... and then started getting answers. Me speaking out loud and the answers arriving as verbalised thoughts. (The image faded, it was just verbal).

Answers are paraphrased and summarised in my own words. Of course I don’t claim these answers are universally true or necessarily even locally true. I will say that quite a few of the things here are not ways I have seen things before. (I don’t believe in life after death, for eg, I think our soul is recycled throughout the environment the way the nutrients of our body will be.) So I don't think it was just my own beliefs being reflected back at me.

Why do I struggle to perceive spirits?
“Because you focus so much on reaching out and drawing them towards you. You need to focus inwards, on drawing out the part of yourself that you share with the spirit (in this case, the solar part of you) so that you become easier for (in this case, solar) spirits to speak to.” [I have a theory this variant on the MP would be a good approach to try
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Are the Archangels hierarchical? Eg with the sun being the centre?
“No. Hierarchy is is needed when people disagree – it’s a way of settling differences of opinion on the best course of action. The higher-ranked person’s decision stands. Archangels never disagree, so there is no use for hierarchy.” [this is not a way I’ve thought about hierarchy before!]

“We each have discrete, separate areas and methods of operation that interweave but don't overlap. We don’t necessarily have much knowledge over each other’s areas. Because we have perfect trust in each other, we don’t need to know why the other made a decision, we simply accept it.”

What about between the planetary Intelligences and Spirits, is that hierarchical?
“Sort of, but not the way you’re thinking. Again, there is perfect trust and no disagreement. However, they DO overlap in their sphere of operations, so it is hierarchical in a sense. The Intelligences have significantly broader awareness and context than the Spirits. They can see the bigger picture in terms of how to execute a plan. Part of their contextual awareness includes the ability to understand what humans mean when they speak in incredibly messy & imprecise ways, as you do. If a human had complete knowledge of how angelic actions are carried out, and could speak with perfect precision, you could instruct a planetary Spirit directly. But you don’t and can’t, so you should ask the Intelligences.

If the planetary archangels have perfect trust and agreement, why do the planetary powers within myself feel like they are in conflict?
“Firstly, because the seven archangels are perfectly balanced, whereas you are an uneven blend of powers – as you are meant to be. You are also shaped by ‘the four elements, the dirt that you stand on and the sky that you breathe’ [direct quote] – as you are meant to be.”

“Secondly, humans are finite – you have to divide up your hours and your energy and focus, which means prioritising one thing over another. Angels do not have to make those compromises.

And the parts of you do not fully trust each other. My advice would be to give each part of you a clearly defined sphere of influence that they are allowed decision-making power over, and then trust them completely within that sphere.”

[me: I took this to mean, for eg, Mercury does not get to second-guess the workout plan developed by Mars, and when Mercury says a piece of writing is good, the Moon’s fears of publishing it do not get a look-in]

Does something that remembers being me persist after death?
“It will be the same as you, now, view your childhood self. You see that little girl as a separate person, someone who is not really you, but that you feel an enormous fondness and sympathy for. You have always thought this way of seeing her was dissociated or a trauma symptom, but this is actually a very angelic way of looking at things. You would do well to perceive your future self that way as well, as a distinct person that you care for deeply.”

“When you die, your life becomes a complete story. You will be outside of time. [Here I got a flash image of me putting a snowglobe back on a shelf of other snowglobes – that globe was the complete story of my current life, alongside my other lives past and future, all known equally to the Pixel-outside-of-time]. You will have her memories, but you will not really feel that you are her – it will feel like she is a separate person from your past, one among many, all of whom you care about deeply.”


(Much of this is not ideas I've had before, however “When someone dies, their life becomes a complete story" is something that my sister told me after her son died. That you view their actions in the frame of being part of a complete story, rather than a beginning. That small things, like them getting a drivers licence, become big, because they occupy a major plot point on the hero's journey. And that the whole shape of their life takes on a mythic quality.

Since you don't know my usual thinking style, you can't know which ideas are "normal" for me, so I wanted to be clear about what is and isn't. If you read my earlier posts about struggling with spontaneous imagination, you will see that this is all quite outside my normal mode

God it will be annoying if I turn out to be naturally really good at Christian magic


Practical Philosopher
Mar 25, 2022
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No. Hierarchy is is needed when people disagree – it’s a way of settling differences of opinion on the best course of action.

Who knew the angels are anarchist


Aug 17, 2023
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Who knew the angels are anarchist
Note, however, Michael's subtle precondition for this: angels never disagree. His anarchy is an adaptation to local populace and conditions. And these, as adverts remind us, may (and do) vary elsewhere and elsewhom.


Mar 3, 2022
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The specific instructions about the crystal size and gold plate likely contributed to the varying results. Were there any other factors that might have influenced the outcomes?


Sep 1, 2023
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Note, however, Michael's subtle precondition for this: angels never disagree. His anarchy is an adaptation to local populace and conditions. And these, as adverts remind us, may (and do) vary elsewhere and elsewhom.
Not a subtle precondition, it was his entire point.

(Posting it, I did wonder, "is this gonna make Xenophon mad?" But it was an answer about a very specific type of being in very specific circumstances and I didn't interpret it as a commentary on human hierarchy or even hierarchy among different classes of angels)
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Were there any other factors that might have influenced the outcomes?
I used a paper table of practice and for the end, i put masking tape with the lettering on my existing wand. The circle was rope, with the holy names on paper pinned to it at appropriate points

However i would say these were very good results, so maybe the words are what matters. I have actually ordered a crystal and an appropriate piece of wood to make a proper wand out of, so I'll report back if it makes a difference

Other potential factors:
- Because i was using bamboo charcoal (not self-lighting), there was a fair gap between lighting the charcoal and the invocation, which i spent in contemplative prayer

- I'm not Christian or Jewish and never have been

- i didn't do any preliminary purification in terms of fasting etc, just washing and the Asperge Me psalm before the rite

- I've been doing thrice-daily solar adorations for the past 8 months, so it's possible that would have made Michael easier to contact
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Aug 17, 2023
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Not a subtle precondition, it was his entire point.

(Posting it, I did wonder, "is this gonna make Xenophon mad?" But it was an answer about a very specific type of being in very specific circumstances and I didn't interpret it as a commentary on human hierarchy or even hierarchy among different classes of angels)
Post automatically merged:

I used a paper table of practice and for the end, i put masking tape with the lettering on my existing wand. The circle was rope, with the holy names on paper pinned to it at appropriate points

However i would say these were very good results, so maybe the words are what matters. I have actually ordered a crystal and an appropriate piece of wood to make a proper wand out of, so I'll report back if it makes a difference

Other potential factors:
- Because i was using bamboo charcoal (not self-lighting), there was a fair gap between lighting the charcoal and the invocation, which i spent in contemplative prayer

- I'm not Christian or Jewish and never have been

- i didn't do any preliminary purification in terms of fasting etc, just washing and the Asperge Me psalm before the rite

- I've been doing thrice-daily solar adorations for the past 8 months, so it's possible that would have made Michael easier to contact
There are those who think me incurably mad. But seriously, if it makes me all butt-sore and bleeding, that's my problem.

The upshot of my comment is that, pace Khoren, beings who always agree really aren't anarchist in the human sense. It were better to speak of inherently harmonized by their Creator. The tired old trope of God the Watchmaker here seems to fit the case exactly.