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Yahweh: Pantheism to Monolatry to Monotheism


May 21, 2024
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Did Yahweh truly create the universe and omnipotent and stuff? If so, why did he unveil himself as a storm deity first? If not, How has nobody look past his illusion?

Robert Ramsay

Oct 1, 2023
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Since I believe that there are "no gods save those we make ourselves", I'm afraid I can't give you any answers; the questions don't mean anything to me.


Nov 4, 2023
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Did Yahweh truly create the universe and omnipotent and stuff?
If so, why did he unveil himself as a storm deity first?
He began as just another Levantine variation on the Zeus archetype which rose to primacy and, eventually, became the henotheistic tribal totem of the Hebrews. As the Hebrews interacted with the more sophisticated theologies of the Persians and Greeks, Yahweh took on increasing degrees of abstraction. He moved from tribal deity to "Master of the Universe", from a personal, localised force to impersonal cosmic principle, from god to God.
If not, How has nobody look past his illusion?
Billions have. Even among the majority of his worshippers in the West, the degree to which he has been palatable has been the degree to which he's been Westernised. Much of this has involved consciously avoiding the Old Testament (or at least the morally dubious parts) which outlines his character. In large parts of the Christian world, people have been classified as worshipping and praying to Yahweh but the Old Testament hasn't informed this connection as much the idea of an Eckhartian-type principle behind nature and life. This was especially the case before the majority were literate. Minority groups within kindred traditions have, since the first century, variously regarded Yahweh as a lesser god or evil incarnate.

Many others stand outside of the Hebrew influenced paradigms entirely.


Jun 8, 2021
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Did Yahweh truly create the universe and omnipotent and stuff? If so, why did he unveil himself as a storm deity first? If not, How has nobody look past his illusion?
I compare Yahweh to Alllah, none-existen. I swear, if Yahweh was God, I would of make him look like shit. I would not even bother to meet him. Fuck Yahweh


Mar 21, 2024
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I compare Yahweh to Alllah, none-existen. I swear, if Yahweh was God, I would of make him look like shit. I would not even bother to meet him. Fuck Yahweh
Lol, just because you are a bit of atheist (I think... please tell me if you aren't), that doesn't mean you have to say F insert name of the Entity that is worshipped by the Jews and various Christians in the West.

Yahweh is the more dragon / wrath of God avatar which, according to some sources on theology, came after the War in Heaven were Lucifer took a third of the Angelic host which are now Demons.

Yahweh, after having spent some time on Earth, decided to retreat in a cave, a mysterious departure which is not documented even to this day.

The Jesus that appears in photos, online pictures etc is more human but with metaphysical abilities since he was born from Virgin Mary by the virtue of the Dove (the Holy Spirit) and by the help of choosing from the Tree of Life and parts of Elohim (not the Gods from Pantheons, but the Holy Dust of Eden from which Adam and Eve, the protoparents were created from).

Like in this picture here:


And thus, Elohim created Adam, the Man of Men

The same Elohim that you see here created Jesus Christ after Archangel Gabriel chose with the other Angels, by the Will of God, the fruits from the Tree of Life, one known to us is the one of mortality, in counter-virtue with the ones of immortality and Son in the Holy Trinity


Aug 17, 2023
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Lol, just because you are a bit of atheist (I think... please tell me if you aren't), that doesn't mean you have to say F insert name of the Entity that is worshipped by the Jews and various Christians in the West.

Yahweh is the more dragon / wrath of God avatar which, according to some sources on theology, came after the War in Heaven were Lucifer took a third of the Angelic host which are now Demons.

Yahweh, after having spent some time on Earth, decided to retreat in a cave, a mysterious departure which is not documented even to this day.

The Jesus that appears in photos, online pictures etc is more human but with metaphysical abilities since he was born from Virgin Mary by the virtue of the Dove (the Holy Spirit) and by the help of choosing from the Tree of Life and parts of Elohim (not the Gods from Pantheons, but the Holy Dust of Eden from which Adam and Eve, the protoparents were created from).

Like in this picture here:


And thus, Elohim created Adam, the Man of Men

The same Elohim that you see here created Jesus Christ after Archangel Gabriel chose with the other Angels, by the Will of God, the fruits from the Tree of Life, one known to us is the one of mortality, in counter-virtue with the ones of immortality and Son in the Holy Trinity
"No man is truly an atheist if he takes the time to pause and curse God." "A jilted lover does not, on those grounds alone, have 'a vocation' for celibacy. So too atheists who rail at God."---Ernest DeSchoening.


Mar 21, 2024
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"No man is truly an atheist if he takes the time to pause and curse God." "A jilted lover does not, on those grounds alone, have 'a vocation' for celibacy. So too atheists who rail at God."---Ernest DeSchoening.
That is wise. Thanks


Jun 8, 2021
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Lol, just because you are a bit of atheist (I think... please tell me if you aren't), that doesn't mean you have to say F insert name of the Entity that is worshipped by the Jews and various Christians in the West.

Yahweh is the more dragon / wrath of God avatar which, according to some sources on theology, came after the War in Heaven were Lucifer took a third of the Angelic host which are now Demons.

Yahweh, after having spent some time on Earth, decided to retreat in a cave, a mysterious departure which is not documented even to this day.

The Jesus that appears in photos, online pictures etc is more human but with metaphysical abilities since he was born from Virgin Mary by the virtue of the Dove (the Holy Spirit) and by the help of choosing from the Tree of Life and parts of Elohim (not the Gods from Pantheons, but the Holy Dust of Eden from which Adam and Eve, the protoparents were created from).

Like in this picture here:


And thus, Elohim created Adam, the Man of Men

The same Elohim that you see here created Jesus Christ after Archangel Gabriel chose with the other Angels, by the Will of God, the fruits from the Tree of Life, one known to us is the one of mortality, in counter-virtue with the ones of immortality and Son in the Holy Trinity
I respect your input, and I am not an Atheist. Th God, The Source, The Universe, The All, is the God I serve. You have to realize that The Source, has no names. So He/She can use Yahweh or Allah as well. But based on my experiences with the Divine, when I call to Him/Her. He/She responds as God, or Source or The Universe. He does not use neither Allah nor Yahweh's names. I'm not saying that you are wrong. I'm just sharing what I gathered from God The Source.


Aug 17, 2023
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Actually this raises an interesting question: is it
I respect your input, and I am not an Atheist. Th God, The Source, The Universe, The All, is the God I serve. You have to realize that The Source, has no names. So He/She can use Yahweh or Allah as well. But based on my experiences with the Divine, when I call to Him/Her. He/She responds as God, or Source or The Universe. He does not use neither Allah nor Yahweh's names. I'm not saying that you are wrong. I'm just sharing what I gathered from God The Source.
Actually this raises an interesting question: is it bad manners to use a name for God that God godself does not use? The Bhagavad Gita would say no. You take the opposite view. And you are in good company. If memory serves, Carl Jung said one ought not properly to call Abraxis "Abraxis."

Me, I'd say using a name aligns one with a tradition about a deity. Whether that tradition itself be properly aligned to the deity is quite another question, as you seem to imply. The history of YHWH is a history, I aver, of small deviations by what grew into a band of increasingly grosser deviates.


Jun 8, 2021
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Actually this raises an interesting question: is it

Actually this raises an interesting question: is it bad manners to use a name for God that God godself does not use? The Bhagavad Gita would say no. You take the opposite view. And you are in good company. If memory serves, Carl Jung said one ought not properly to call Abraxis "Abraxis."

Me, I'd say using a name aligns one with a tradition about a deity. Whether that tradition itself be properly aligned to the deity is quite another question, as you seem to imply. The history of YHWH is a history, I aver, of small deviations by what grew into a band of increasingly grosser deviates.
The reason why I attack Yahweh so much. It's because Yahweh. Did not care about humanity. He was using us for his own advantage. "Worship me, or feel my wrath." What the fuck? And, the God that I know ain't nothing like that. I know that in the past, I bumped heads with God because I did not understand what He/She was doing to me. But, now I know it was for me to become and be a greater version of myself.


Aug 17, 2023
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The reason why I attack Yahweh so much. It's because Yahweh. Did not care about humanity. He was using us for his own advantage. "Worship me, or feel my wrath." What the fuck? And, the God that I know ain't nothing like that. I know that in the past, I bumped heads with God because I did not understand what He/She was doing to me. But, now I know it was for me to become and be a greater version of myself.
Sounds good.

Of old, there were "heretical" Christian sects like the Montanists who identified YHWH with the Devil hisself, a notion dusted off in our own times by Nimrod de Rosario. His "Elements of Hyperborean Wisdom" explicitly identifies YHWH with Satan and puts both among the enemies of Lucifer. His mild innovation here is to lump the Nazarenes with YHWH. (Where they belong.)


Mar 21, 2024
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I respect your input, and I am not an Atheist. Th God, The Source, The Universe, The All, is the God I serve. You have to realize that The Source, has no names. So He/She can use Yahweh or Allah as well. But based on my experiences with the Divine, when I call to Him/Her. He/She responds as God, or Source or The Universe. He does not use neither Allah nor Yahweh's names. I'm not saying that you are wrong. I'm just sharing what I gathered from God The Source.
Thanks for clarification. I will now know how to address when I am talking to you.

I see that you are a follower of Kyballion. Nice work 👏


Aug 17, 2023
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For me Yahweh (the desert storm war god) was later repurposed and used his name as to refer to the source of all creation.
Yes, it does seem as if a number of separate functions were being confounded. Monotheism hath ever displayed a spurious elegance. Numerical simplicity makes for a psychologically messy conception of the Deity. A "loving God" who calls blessed those "who dash the little ones against the stones."


Jun 8, 2021
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Thanks for clarification. I will now know how to address when I am talking to you.

I see that you are a follower of Kyballion. Nice work 👏
And also, by my experiences, I can verify that God has so many forms. I can see so many appearances. Yet, is the same Source.


Jun 29, 2024
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Did Yahweh truly create the universe and omnipotent and stuff? If so, why did he unveil himself as a storm deity first? If not, How has nobody look past his illusion?
"Woe to the fool and the wicked who believe Torah is a story of worldly events" Rabbi Simeon bar Yochia

He was actually a Kenite Volcano God first as YHVH was the build up and explosion of dynamic energy in the ancient Canaanite system. But As Above, So Below. YHVH is the creation force of the big bang.

It's important to remember Parades when studying Abrahamic mythology.
Peshat = Plain Meaning
Remez = Hint, Allusion
Derush = Analogy, metaphors
Sod = Secrets of Kabbalah

Parades also corresponds to the 4 worlds of Assiya, Beria, Yetzirah, and Atzilut. Which also corresponds to the Tetragrammaton. As well as the 4 elements and 4 Tarot suites.

YHVH itself only goes up to the 3rd world as even in Orthodox Jewish Mysticism God is acknowledged as Ain Sof (Without limitation) and is formless and unknowable.

Judaism is an evolving Religion and when you realize us Jews are descendants of the Canaanites not their enemies. You can see our conscious evolution from Canaanite Paganism to Monolatry to Monotheism. The Hebrew Prophets were basically Canaanites that experienced Cosmic Consciousness and saw the Oneness of Creation. They realized the mistake of worshipping the different currents of creation as separate deities.

The foundation of the Abrahamic Religions is Astro-theology. And since we are star dust wrapped in flesh these stories are also a codex to Cosmic Consciousness.

Cornelius Aggripa broke it down in a nondogmatic way. God, Super Celestial, Celestial, and Elementals in his "3 Books of Occult Philosophy". The reason why Paganism is obsolete is because they were worshipping the literal stars. The stars are the Lords of Karma we want to free ourselves from. Because the physical isn't literally God but a mental projection in the mind of God.

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