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Jul 13, 2024
Reaction score
Hallo! (Dutch for hello)

I've been lurking here and there on this forum for something over a month now. So I think it's about time that I write my introductory text… here goes:

I'm a 40-something from the Netherlands and on this forum, I go by the name Yeparth. I chose the nickname Yeparth because it's an anagram of my World of Warcraft main character, who happens to be a warlock. In real life, I don't summon demons or hellfire though. Why? you might ask. Because a part of me is afraid of demons and karma, another part of me isn't convinced they are real, and yet another part of me doesn't want to ask anything of entities of that magnitude for my tiny desires. This also applies to Angelic beings or deities of any kind. I know all of that is very contradicting. Although I'm certain about a lot of things concerning the occult (because they happened), I'm also a notorious disbeliever. I could never put my faith in something I read from a book, but did not experience myself. The occult has been a factor in my life for as long as I can remember, but I'm still searching for answers. I've never called myself a wizard or witch, because I don't know if I fit that box. This is why I like to be a part of this forum: sometimes I get answers, usually only more questions. I have plenty of opinions, but I'd rather hear yours.

Some facts about me: I'm a mother, my husband's soulmate, a scientist, a nerd, a punkrockmetal-fan, very social, honest and direct, and creative when I can find the time.