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I'm curious about something...


Mar 7, 2024
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So, I don't know if this has been asked before or not, but I was wondering... How do you find your guardian demon? Apparently, it can be done, but I don't know how to do it. Or find out how. Can anyone tell me how someone can discover their guardian demon?


Aug 17, 2023
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Why do you think you need one? There's another website out there that goes into it a bit. Suffice it to say, it's a bit like finding a girlfriend. If you're actively looking, you may be working at cross purposes with yourself. Get into magickal practice and acquire allies as they crop up.


Mar 7, 2024
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Why do you think you need one? There's another website out there that goes into it a bit. Suffice it to say, it's a bit like finding a girlfriend. If you're actively looking, you may be working at cross purposes with yourself. Get into magickal practice and acquire allies as they crop up.
I don't need one, at least not right now. I was asking for future purposes, in case I needed one. But thanks for telling me a little bit about it, it helps. Also, never knew it was like finding a girlfriend, although it makes sense. I guess you would want to pick the right one.


Staff member
Jul 3, 2023
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Demonolators talk about finding their patron/matron (see the DemonolatryPractices reddit for more information) from among a set variety of classical demons, e.g. the 72 demons of the Goetia. If you mean 'personal daim(i)on', this is basically the equivalent of the Holy Guardian Angel, a unique spirit that gets assigned to you at birth and which many aspiring magicians attempt to contact. If, on the other hand, you literally mean 'personal demon' being the Left Hand Path equivalent of the Holy Guardian Angel... that's a novel concept, one I've never encountered before. I guess in this context it wouldn't really make a practical difference, you are trying to build a lifelong relationship with a spirit, no matter what you call it.

Although I respect the books of S. Connolly, I don't have a very high opinion of demonolators because they seem all too ready to abrogate their independence in favour of uncritically serving and worshipping entities that may not have their best interests at heart. A guardian spirit, however, is supposed to watch over you unconditionally, no worshipping or offering required, a concept that is way 'healthier', IMHO.


Aug 17, 2023
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Demonolators talk about finding their patron/matron (see the DemonolatryPractices reddit for more information) from among a set variety of classical demons, e.g. the 72 demons of the Goetia. If you mean 'personal daim(i)on', this is basically the equivalent of the Holy Guardian Angel, a unique spirit that gets assigned to you at birth and which many aspiring magicians attempt to contact. If, on the other hand, you literally mean 'personal demon' being the Left Hand Path equivalent of the Holy Guardian Angel... that's a novel concept, one I've never encountered before. I guess in this context it wouldn't really make a practical difference, you are trying to build a lifelong relationship with a spirit, no matter what you call it.

Although I respect the books of S. Connolly, I don't have a very high opinion of demonolators because they seem all too ready to abrogate their independence in favour of uncritically serving and worshipping entities that may not have their best interests at heart. A guardian spirit, however, is supposed to watch over you unconditionally, no worshipping or offering required, a concept that is way 'healthier', IMHO.
Anybody or anything that likes me "unconditionally" is pretty fekked up. That's the definition of "codependence."

Actually does anyone who works with demons use the word "demonolator"? The term seems pretty loaded. I mean, I think Vince Lombardi was a good football coach, but I'm scarcely guilty of Vinceolotry the way some sports fans are.


Sep 1, 2023
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How do you find your guardian demon?
Do you mean demon, or daimon? (I know you said demon, but the guardian / personal daimon is very very well attested and there's a lot of info out there about it - so if that's what you were after, it'd be easier to answer 😁)


Staff member
Jul 3, 2023
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Anybody or anything that likes me "unconditionally" is pretty fekked up. That's the definition of "codependence."

Actually does anyone who works with demons use the word "demonolator"? The term seems pretty loaded. I mean, I think Vince Lombardi was a good football coach, but I'm scarcely guilty of Vinceolotry the way some sports fans are.
Demonolators are a distinct cult, almost single-handedly started by S. Connolly. It's not just working with demons for a specific purpose, more like worshipping demons in general because they are so noble and awesome and whatnot. More than one observer has noted that demonolatry is like religion, I just know that I personally don't want to have any truck with it, period.

And supernatural beings are supposed to be capable of supernatural feats so loving me unconditionally while avoiding co-dependency should be feasible. ;)


Aug 17, 2023
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Demonolators are a distinct cult, almost single-handedly started by S. Connolly. It's not just working with demons for a specific purpose, more like worshipping demons in general because they are so noble and awesome and whatnot. More than one observer has noted that demonolatry is like religion, I just know that I personally don't want to have any truck with it, period.
Oh, I stand corrected. I just assumed anyone cozying up to demons fit the bill. As such, yeah. I tend to go along with you in the "give it a pass" spirit.


Mar 7, 2024
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Do you mean demon, or daimon? (I know you said demon, but the guardian / personal daimon is very very well attested and there's a lot of info out there about it - so if that's what you were after, it'd be easier to answer 😁)
Oh, sorry 😅 I meant daimon. I hope this will be easier to answer now.


Sep 1, 2023
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Oh, sorry 😅 I meant daimon. I hope this will be easier to answer now.
Yes! So there's a lot of answers to this

I am currently doing the Helios Unbound operation, which aims to awaken you to your daimon. (He calls it a higher genius, but it's the same thing. You can search WF for more of my notes on it but here's the intro and process outline). This is based on Greco-Egyptian magic from the PGM

The Abramelin operation is another way (here it's called the HGA / Holy Guardian Angel).
This book gives a bunch of variant ways of approaching Abramelin

This book has another approach. The first section is a history of the Daimon in a few different cultures. The second section is the very intense way that Frater Acher achieved it. The third section is his recommended method, which is much less intense. So you could just read the third section

All of the processes shared require any 6 months of focused work, although it's absolutely possible to have a job at the same time, it doesn't require complete retreat except for a few days at the end
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Alistair Crowley's Liber Samekh is another method. It's the Headless Rite aka Bornless Rite, but like the others, it's not something you do once - you'd do it daily for months.

A very very good place to start, especially if you're not in a position to commit to 6 months of daily rituals, is the Protocols in this book, which the can ease into slowly. I've been integrating them into Helios Unbound - I think they're very powerful and underrated. I think reading this book would help explain the mindset behind all the other approaches too. Protocol 1 is very similar to Alan Chapman's chaos magic method. Honestly I should have listed this book first

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Alistair Crowley's Liber Samekh is another method. It's the Headless Rite aka Bornless Rite, but like the others, it's not something you do once - you'd do it daily for months.
** It's MAINLY the Headless Rite, alongside prayer and some other stuff
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Nov 4, 2023
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So, I don't know if this has been asked before or not, but I was wondering... How do you find your guardian demon? Apparently, it can be done, but I don't know how to do it. Or find out how. Can anyone tell me how someone can discover their guardian demon?
If this is a demonolatry thing then my only advice would be to understand that this is conventional religion under an edgy guise. The demonolater is doing precisely the same thing as the Catholic who calls on saints or the Buddhist who calls on bodhisattvas, except that their (IMO more beautiful) aesthetics are logically matched with their theology in a way that turning to Belphegor for love and understanding isn't.

If you mean your Daemon then, while you're alive at least, it is unbreakably attached to you. In a sense it is you in potential, your Future Self rushing to meet you through the medium of the present. In order to get your head into the "present", into a space where it can meet the Daemon, there are infinite ways and you'll need to discover an approach which is perfectly tailored for you. A pious person might find that prayer brings them to a receptive place, others meditation, elaborate rituals or simply listening to music (or a combination of all of these). It's a question of understanding what works for you by paying attention to what gives you a sense of connection. You may want to try different approaches.

Once you've found a method, you then need to pay close attention to any subtle impressions which occur in your "day to day" consciousness. As you start to notice desires (this could be attraction to a set of teachings or even an image or painting) or abilities, it's important to link these with the Daemon so that they become a means of contact between you and not a distraction. Eventually everything in your life will become a "conversation" between you and It. After that no teachings are necessary because It will tell you what to do and you'll be so attuned to Its voice that you will understand Its instructions immediately.