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  1. I

    Can a beginner acquire a Khodam?

    just like the tittle says, can a beginner acquire a khodam? Ive been studying ilmu al khodam and different entities for some time now but nothing that I’ve read ever addresses the experience needed before invoking a khodam. If so, what is the experience i need to envoke one, and would me being a...
  2. N

    what is the next step after sigils?

    so i got the hang of sigils nd manifestation too nd they are working well! so now wht do i do next? like what spells nd such should i preform? dont have the ability to buy materials or preform rituals yet so keep tht in mind
  3. Shaman

    [Help] How many demons to work with and how many times should I invoke?

    I have finally gotten over my fear of invoking goetia demons and am much more comfortable with invoking them. I was previously only comfortable invoking and working with my succubus but I realize there's nothing to be afraid of. So I am ready to take this occult seriously and dedicate a lot of...
  4. G. Ephraim

    Grimorium Verum and Lemegaton in practice?

    Greetings, I am looking to elevate my armchair interest in Ceremonial Magic to actual practice and find myself at a bit of a fork in the road. At the moment, I am trying to pin down a sourcebook to work from as a novice. I have read through Jake Stratton Kent's edition of the Grimorium Verum...