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book study

  1. Faaram

    Book Discussion Which books on the Amduat to choose?

    From "The Egyptian Amduat", "The Sungod's Journey" and "Amduat the Great Awakening" which to choose? And what does each of these books have that the other lacks? PS: I'm confused on wether this would be book discussion or book recommendation. But, since I want to dicuss the diference between...
  2. Saturna

    Book Discussion The Cult of The Black Cube

    Greetings audience. I read The Cult of The Black Cube, by Arthur Moros a while ago. If any of you have read it, what stood our most to you? Also, if any of you would like to read it, the link is provided below. Perhaps we could start a book study? The Cult of The Black Cube