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  1. Shade

    What do you feel energy as?

    Just a general question, what do you personally feel/experience energy as? A warmth, a tingling or even a “ZZZ” sensation, in your best words how would you describe the way you personally feel it? If you care to bring it up where and when did you first notice being able to feel it when others...
  2. N

    Witchcraft and activism

    Sorry if this discussion is unwanted or out of many people interest in the craft, but how involved do you think magic should be with activism? like spells to protect the oppressed or showing deities support to them It does sound kinda of silly and maybe insensitive to some, but i think within...
  3. H

    Experiences with Invoking Angels

    Hey everyone, I recently invocation for Kamael according to the GoM book series, specifically I wanted to invoke the quality of genius and having rapid thoughts. I entered into a sort of trans-state upon doing so, and I repeated the ritual two times since I misremembered some details i.e where...
  4. IllusiveOwl

    Mistaking the Rope for a Snake (hot takes?)

    I have noticed that many Hindu religions and philosophy boil down to the same conclusion, with Buddhism being the more blunt explination of it. Jnana (Jannism) & Sat Yogas, the Upanishads, the Baghivad Gita, the Spiritual Teachings of Ramana Maharashi, most of the things Ram Dass rambles...
  5. S

    Discussion: Religion, Magic and Spirituality as search for ones life path

    So I was wondering since there are, so many religious practices in the world outside of the dominant judeo-christian and arabic designations, we have many native and "pagan" religions, similarly we have many traditions in magic Kabbala, Wicca, Chaos, the fun cermonial practices and simpler non...
  6. KjEno186

    Book Discussion Occult Exercises and Practices by Gareth Knight

    First, go grab a copy of the book here: https://wizardforums.com/threads/occult-exercises-and-practices-gareth-knight.1785/ Second, this is not a race. If you're in this discussion just to "get through with it" before a deadline and on to the next shiny thing that catches your eye, then feel...