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  1. coffee221

    Book – PDF Liber Infernos Invernar - Baron and Baronessa Araignee

    View: https://i.imgur.com/ePfueqX_d.jpeg?maxwidth=520&shape=thumb&fidelity=high ''Our first written work available to the public, Liber Infernos Invernar was directly inspired and guided by lord Belial and is by far one of the darkest grimoires in existence. This book was written during...
  2. B

    Open Request Mantvs: Grimoire of the third god of creation by Alexander L.M.

    Mantvs: Grimoire of the third god of creation by Alexander L.M. Mantvs explores ways to deepen your understanding and connection with Belial through some of his cultural masks. Made from a decade of intense practices in witchcraft, it offers the basics of magical arts in many disciplines such...
  3. M

    Book Discussion The Black Book of Bel-El-Hul - Baron and Baronessa Araignee

    Good evening everyone, Has anyone had experience with this book? I’m considering purchasing it, but would appreciate any feedback before making a decision. Thank you in advance!
  4. mike01

    The four angel of sacred prostitution

    I know the four angels of sacred prostitution in Zoharistic Kabbalah Agrat bat Mahlat, Lilith, Naamah, and Eisheth but I was wondering what would be the male equivalent to them? I'm looking to make a glamour talisman but I wanted masculine energies not feminine.

    Book – PDF Nox Umbra, by Michael W. Ford

    Introduction from the book itself: NOX UMBRA is a grimoire. Presented here in the pages of this tome are the hints from which one may come into the "knowledge of the circle". The culture specifications are undoubtedly varied, from Egyptian to Ancient Persian to European, however this is...
  6. Wahkah

    Declined Request The Wealth Magick Spellbook by E.A. Koetting & Conner Kendall

    Request: The Wealth Magick Spellbook by E.A. Koetting & Conner Kendall I plan on buying a physical copy soon but would like the pdf if someone has access to it. I know it’s available thru BALG on their website and on Etsy.
  7. Faaram

    How to Awaken my Kundalini?

    Whats steps/actions can I take to awaken my kundalini? There's no guru nearby. I am open to the idea of brute forcing it if necessary, I can deal with it. For background, I'm practing Telekinesis, being able to move a psi wheel that is far from me, in the same room. I'm practicing the KB, LBRP...
  8. KjEno186

    Book Report Uncle Setnakt's Essential Guide to the Left Hand Path by Don Webb

    Uncle Setnakt's Essential Guide to the Left Hand Path by Don Webb Having recently finished reading this book, I decided to write a summary of it which is open to discussion. Having followed discussions in this forum for over a year, I believe that there is confusion regarding what it means to...
  9. William66

    [Help] Where can i buy a brass vessel?

    As the title says. I found one perfect but the only problem is that they only ship within Canada and i live in Sweden, can someone recommend a brass vessel with cork/lock to close it like the solomonic system? Damn that one i found was perfect, looks exactly like people use but....they only ship...